
主题:【原创】改善中国学术成果评价体系---随机评审团评审法 -- 思想的行者

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家园 请问您的论据在哪里?

很多人在担任行政职务之后,科研工作就做的少了,自然就很少发学术文章。我很想知道您所说张很难在国外发文章的论据是什么?从他简历上看,目前至少还担任着Journal of Restructuring Finance 和Annals of Economics and Finance的编委职务。而我搜到的部分英文论文列表如下

Zhang Weiying, 1990, "Theoretical questions concerning macroeconomic balance and macroeconomic control" (with Song Guoqing), Chinese Economic Studies, Vol.23, No.3, 1990, USA.

Zhang Weiying, 1989, “On the Line of Thoughts in Price Reform Guided chiefly by the Notion of Letting Go’”, Chinese Economic Studies, Spring 1989, 22(3), pp.50-66, USA.

Zhang, Weiying, 1997, “Decision Rights, Residual Claim and Performance: A theory of How China’s State Enterprise Reform Worksote , China Economic Review. Vol.8 (no.1): 67-82, JAL Press.

Zhang, Weiying, 1998, “A principal-agent Theory of the Public Economy and Its Application to China”, Economics of Planning, Vol.31: 231-251.

Zhang, Weiying, 1998, “Cross-regional competition and Privatization in China”, MOST-MOCT: Economic Policy in transitional Economics.

Zhang, Weiying, 1998, “Optimal Assignment of Principalship in Teamsh” (with Shuhe Li), forthcoming, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Zhang, Weiying, 2000, “The Road to Capitalism: Competition and Institutional Change in China” (with Shaomin Li and Shuhe Li), Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 28 (No.2): 269-292.

Zhang, Weiying, 2000, “Why Entrepreneurs Are Liquidity-Constrained? ”, Annals of Economics and Finance, Forthcoming, Vol. 1 (No.1).

Zhang, Weiying, 2000, “China’s SOE Reform: A Corporate Governance Perspective”, the Current Politics and Economics of China, forthcoming.

Book and other journal articles:

Zhang Weiying, 1985,"On the Role of Prices", Social Science in China, No.4

Zhang Weiying, 1989,"A Note on Takeover and the Free-rider Problem", Newsletter of Chinese Economic Association in U.K., No.1

Zhang, Weiying, and Gang Yi, 1997, “China’s Gradual Reform: A Historical Perspective”, C. A. Tisdell and J. C. Chai (eds.), China’s Economic Growth and Transition, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Zhang, Weiying, 1997, “The Reform of State-Owned Enterprises: Whither to Go”, G J Wen and D Xu (eds.), The Reformability of China’s State Sector, World Scientific Press.

Zhang, Weiying, 1999, “Development in Chinese corporate finance and its implication for ownership reform”, Gordon de Brouwer and Wisarn Pupphavesa (eds.), Asia Pacific Financial Deregulation, Routlegde: London and New York, forthcoming. (The paper was first presented at 24th Pacific Trade and Development Conference (PAFTAD), Chian Mai, Thailand, 22-24, May, 1998.

Working Papers:

Zhang, Weiying, 2000, “Ownership Distortion, Lower-Level Technology, and Excessive Competition” (with Jie Ma), Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.

Zhang, Weiying, 2000, “Incentive Pay and Power Struggle inside the Firm” (with Li-an Zhou), Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.



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