
主题:衲子说因果 -- 衲子

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家园 佛教作为哲学思想有他可取的地方。


家园 也请先了解下歌德尔定理再说



家园 真正的科学态度是在具体未知问题上不要忙于下结论


家园 拜托,我什么时候否定了现有理论?



家园 嘿嘿...




而孤子所引的是一条关于公理体系的理论上的结论 (除非你能推翻Gödel定理)


孤子并没有否定现有理论, 只是指出其不完备.

恕小僧愚昧, 实在不明白兄台的回答与孤子的贴子有何相干.

家园 华兄请进


请举例说明. 虽然尚佛的朝代未能尽善(亦有兵燹, 如梁武帝), 但其人民总体上的安居乐业比中国历朝的平均水平还是要好出许多.

比如唐宋时中国国力强盛, 也正是佛法兴盛的年代.

印度至今还有种姓问题(婆罗门/印度教的遗产)的困扰, 正是由于其佛教衰亡了. 佛教讲究"平等, 慈悲(i.e.,博爱)", 这比当时社会的思想不知进步了多少. 当今的中国, "平等, 慈悲"这两条深入人心了吗?


愚以为, 佛教(就算不谈其修证的效验)对当今社会仍有极大的积极意义. 譬如, 如果人人明白佛理, 附佛外道将不再有欺骗性. 整体社会风气亦将大为好转--人民将更有爱心, 少有贪心, 少有作奸犯科, 社会成本将大大降低, 因此经济更能健康发展.


造庙与造小学并不矛盾, 就象发射神舟飞船与造小学不矛盾一样. 在优化一个系统时, 不应该先冻住其余 而只优化一个参数, 而应该所有参数一起优化(比如, 梯度下降法), 这样才更有效, 优化得更快.



宣统三年辛亥 七十二岁




家园 意识似可分离于肉体. 登在《柳叶刀》上的论文


[1] Pim van Lommel, et al, "Near Death Experience In Survivors of Cardiac Arrest: A Prospective Study in the Netherlands," THE LANCET &#8226; Vol 358 &#8226; December 15, 2001 , 2039-45. 3/6/02

[2] READER’S DIGEST, August, 2003, (pgs.122-128)


英文链接 for [2]



在2001年出版的英国医学杂志《柳叶刀》中,荷兰心脏专家Pim van Lommel 重新讲述了一个濒死现象的事例。一个44岁的心脏病患者,已处于临床死亡状态。救护车把他急速送到医院,医生用振荡器重新启动他的心脏。护士取走了他的假牙,以便使呼吸道管能插进他的喉咙。当病情稳定后,这个人被送到特护病房。




英国的Southampton 医院的研究者们在杂志《Resuscitation》中撰文称,11%的病人回忆大脑有无意识阶段。6%的从心脏病救活的人有“濒死经历”。Van Lommel 和英国学者的研究结果显示了意识可以独立于活动的大脑而存在。


1991年夏天,Pam Reynolds女士,一个家住亚特兰大的三个孩子的母亲,得了脑动脉血管堵塞,有生命危险。医生告诉她必须做手术。为使手术成功,需要停止她的大脑和心脏的功能。当Reynolds女士处于麻醉状态时,有各种仪器在监测她的脑干的功能,以及她的体温、心跳、呼吸和其它主要的生命参数。她的四肢被固定了,眼睛也被蒙上了。

当医生打开她头颅时,Reynolds 女士感觉她“跳出”自己了的躯体,在高于手术医生肩膀的一个位置观察手术的过程。她发现医生拿着一个像电动牙刷的东西。一个女性的声音在抱怨病人的血管太小。Reynolds 女士觉得他们在给她的腹股沟部位做手术。“那一定不对”,她想,“这可是脑颅手术”。

但即使Reynolds女士的眼睛和耳朵被蒙上和堵上, 她所观察的真实发生了。手术锯确实像电子牙刷。手术确实发生在她的腹股沟,因为必须把她的心脏和“心-肺机”用导管连在一起。

医生把Reynolds的血液放干以便使她处于“休眠状态”。但从所有的控制仪器看,生命依然存在。Reynolds 女士发现她穿过一条通向光明的通道,在尽头,她看见了她的很久以前去世的祖母、亲戚和朋友。时间好像停止了。然后她的叔叔把她带向她的身体,并指示她回去。她像跳进了冰水中。当她苏醒后,Reynolds把她的经历告诉了医生。


佛罗里达的内科专家,Barbara Rommer,在70年代早期遇到第一个“濒死经历”的病人。从1994起,她面谈了600多据报有“濒死经历”的人,并写成了一本书。下面是她记录的几个案例。

Robert Milham 在一次心脏病发作中心脏停止了,“痛苦消失了,我停留在我的身体的上面。我看着我的身体躺着,他们把船桨放在我的身上”。经过了一个自私的一生,他说,他的经历使他变成了一个慷慨的人。

企业家Ken Amick 在一次过敏反应中停止了呼吸,全身发蓝。“我可以看见颜色,我可以听到声音,我可以感觉到感情,如害怕和放松。那末,那个躺在桌之上的蓝色的东西是什么?那是我,我害怕看到他。但那不是我,那是我的身体。”


家园 偶水平不够,看完柳叶刀的全文,没发现与灵魂有任何关系


家园 详见内...

首先向11兄致歉, 先前小僧用词确有不严谨之处, 我已将"灵魂"改正为"意识".


2041页 左下角起:

During the pilot phase in one of the hospitals, a

coronary-care-unit nurse reported a veridical out-ofbody

experience of a resuscitated patient:

“During a night shift an ambulance brings in a 44-

year-old cyanotic, comatose man into the coronary care

unit. He had been found about an hour before in a

meadow by passers-by. After admission, he receives

artificial respiration without intubation, while heart

massage and defibrillation are also applied. When we

want to intubate the patient, he turns out to have

dentures in his mouth. I remove these upper dentures

and put them onto the ‘crash car’. Meanwhile, we

continue extensive CPR. After about an hour and a half

the patient has sufficient heart rhythm and blood

pressure, but he is still ventilated and intubated, and he

is still comatose. He is transferred to the intensive care

unit to continue the necessary artificial respiration. Only

after more than a week do I meet again with the patient,

who is by now back on the cardiac ward. I distribute his

medication. The moment he sees me he says: ‘Oh, that

nurse knows where my dentures are’. I am very

surprised. Then he elucidates: ‘Yes, you were there

when I was brought into hospital and you took my

dentures out of my mouth and put them onto that car, it

had all these bottles on it and there was this sliding

drawer underneath and there you put my teeth.’ I was especially amazed because I remembered this happening while the man was in deep coma and in the process of CPR. When I asked further, it appeared the man had seen himself lying in bed, that he had perceived from above how nurses and doctors had been busy with CPR. He was also able to describe correctly and in detail the small room in which he had been resuscitated as well as the appearance of those present like myself. At the time that he observed the situation he had been very much afraid that we would stop CPR and that he would die. And it is true that we had been very negative about the patient’s prognosis due to his very poor medical

condition when admitted. The patient tells me that he

desperately and unsuccessfully tried to make it clear to

us that he was still alive and that we should continue

CPR. He is deeply impressed by his experience and says

he is no longer afraid of death. 4 weeks later he left

hospital as a healthy man.”



Our results show that medical factors cannot account for occurrence of NDE; although all patients had been clinically dead, most did not have NDE. Furthermore, seriousness of the crisis was not related to occurrence or depth of the experience. If purely physiological factors resulting from cerebral anoxia caused NDE, most of our patients should have had this experience. Patients’medication was also unrelated to frequency of NDE. Psychological factors are unlikely to be important as fear was not associated with NDE.


Several theories have been proposed to explain NDE.

We did not show that psychological, neurophysiological,

or physiological factors caused these experiences after

cardiac arrest. Sabom22 mentions a young American

woman who had complications during brain surgery for

a cerebral aneurysm. The EEG of her cortex and

brainstem had become totally flat. After the operation, which was eventually successful, this patient proved to have had a very deep NDE, including an out-of-body experience, with subsequently verified observations during the period of the flat EEG.


Thus, induced experiences are not identical to NDE,...

With lack of evidence for any other theories for NDE,

the thus far assumed, but never proven, concept that

consciousness and memories are localised in the brain

should be discussed. How could a clear consciousness

outside one’s body be experienced at the moment that

the brain no longer functions during a period of clinical

death with flat EEG?22 Also, in cardiac arrest the EEG

usually becomes flat in most cases within about 10 s

from onset of syncope.29,30 Furthermore, blind people

have described veridical perception during out-of-body

experiences at the time of this experience.31 NDE pushes

at the limits of medical ideas about the range of human

consciousness and the mind-brain relation.

此文虽然没有explicitly提出意识可以和肉身分离的假说, 但几乎排除了别的解释, thus implying 意识可能可以和肉身分离. 除非您能提出更合理的解释.

家园 柳叶刀这篇评论

To answer these fundamental questions, research should be focused on specific elements of the NDE, such as out-of-body experiences and other verifiable aspects. Finally, the theory and background of transcendence should be included as a part of an explanatory framework for these experiences,这段话,我没理解错的话,transcendence只是应该考虑的一种可能解释吧。


Comments about the Dutch Study From a Family Doctor Who is also a Near-Death Experiencer

by Pam Kircher, M.D.

Van Lommel's article in Lancet is a landmark that should be read by every doctor. It reports on the largest prospective study to ask people about NDEs after a cardiac arrest. Its results show that NDEs are a significant phenomenon in the setting of cardiac arrest. Equally important, the study followed people for eight years after their NDE. The observations gleaned from that follow-up demonstrate that NDEs really are life transforming, and that the transformation in values is consistent over time. The study showed that NDEs create much greater changes in a person's life than does simply having a cardiac arrest or being near death.

Family doctors may not be the physicians present at the time of cardiac arrest, but they are the doctors people usually talk to the most, because they are the doctors people go to most often for a variety of problems. I would encourage Vital Signs readers to obtain the complete Lancet article to share with your doctor. You will be doing your family doctor a great favor. Basically, we doctors change our minds about diagnoses and treatments because of articles in medical journals.

When people read van Lommel's article, they are often drawn to one or two items in his vast array of findings. I have mentioned the major ones in my first paragraph. Near the end of the summary on this page, Dr. Greyson addresses the question of false memories, which the Lancet commentary brought up regarding patients who later recalled an NDE they hadn't initially reported on. For me, the most fascinating statistic in van Lommel's article has to do with predictors of death in the 30 days following cardiac arrest. Each person in the study was very ill or they would not have had a cardiac arrest. Statistically, it is quite common to die soon after a cardiac arrest, particularly if it occurred as the result of a chronic medical condition. In his study, Dr. van Lommel measured the depth of the NDE by using Kenneth Ring's scale. People who had more of certain aspects of the NDE (e.g., tunnels, light, life reviews) were labeled core experiencers. Having a core experience was a predictor of death over the next 30 days at a probability of .0001. That means that there is a 1-in-10,000 chance that those results would have occurred by chance alone. Why would that be?

Two very different hypotheses come to mind. One is that people with very deep experiences might be so taken with the experience that they simply allowed themselves to slip over to the other side. (The will to live is crucial in people who are extremely ill. Though it doesn't predict whether or not the person will die, it can have a bearing on when their death occurs. For example, people who are terminally ill frequently put off their own deaths until after they have finished waiting for an important day such as their daughter's wedding.) The sense of what lies ahead of NDErs may be so peaceful, that they simply complete unfinished business here and then let go into death. Another possible interpretation of the data, however, is that the depth of the NDE may be related to the severity of the illness of the person. In a statistically precise study of NDErs, Dr. Bruce Greyson found that psychic abilities are more common after a core NDE (Theta, 11:26-29, 1983). Since we have not had studies until now that interviewed large numbers of people within 30 days of their NDEs, the reasons for the relationship between the depth of the NDE and impending death have not yet been identified.

I believe that the findings in van Lommel's study challenge hospitals to ask people about their NDEs after a cardiac arrest. As it becomes common practice to invite resuscitated people to discuss their NDEs with health care personnel in the hospital, the relationship between having a core NDE and dying a short time later will become clearer. In addition, NDEs in resuscitated persons will be seen as a normal concomitant of the experience. Finally, I believe that people with NDEs will be able to adjust more easily to the changes that occur in their values, if they have some assistance with that from immediate caregivers while still in the hospital setting.

家园 可惜,邝言不在



家园 你可能忘了元朝是真正意义上把佛教作为意识形态的朝代

密宗也是佛教的一枝吧。在这个佛法昌盛的时代谤佛辱憎者是要挖舌杀头的。寺庙不缴税占有大量田产。和尚喇嘛横行不法。佛教的那个真言。安,吧,牛,哄,咪。最后老百姓谐音成了 俺把你哄了。那个年代在历史上在黑暗的中世纪都是黑暗的吧。这些都是见诸史籍的。直到蒙元退至大漠。直到今天佛法的影响还在。清朝提及西藏的重要性直接点出关键点。喇嘛黄教是稳定蒙古诸部的不二法宝。至于西藏本身政教合一的奴隶制度就不用多介绍了。大家知道的够多的了。唐宋也更不是你说的那样。唐朝前期兴盛时期对佛教并无太多的青睐。反之对黄老学说推崇备至。中后期崇佛仰佛争论不休。功过历史典籍也是幢幢在案。恐怕正面评价的少。南北朝时期这个问题王猛等人和佛教界的辩论结果也是摆在那里的。至于荒唐皇帝的问题。全当笑话看了。





家园 呵呵,风兄有慧根啊。


家园 能得到淡兄夸奖, 最高兴了
家园 呵呵,华兄说的很好。不过。。。






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