
主题:【文摘】湖南规定湘菜标准 毛氏红烧肉须取自宁乡猪 -- 贝勒

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家园 很正常

欧盟1992年专门颁布了保护欧洲各国产品原产地、产品产地和传统特产产地指定/认定法律(Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) )。譬如,只有在法国香槟地区生产的香槟酒才能在产品商标上用“Champagne”(香槟)这个字眼外链出处,别的国家地区(对美国有宽限)生产出的同类产品则不准使用这个称谓,一旦被发现偷偷使用该字眼,会遭到追查、起诉。受PDO/PGI/TSG法律保护的地区特产有酒、奶酪、火腿、香肠、橄榄、啤酒、香醋、甚至包括地区特产的面包、水果和蔬菜


Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) are geographical indications, or more precisely regimes within the Protected Geographical Status (PGS) framework[1] defined in European Union law to protect the names of regional foods. The law (enforced within the EU and being gradually expanded internationally via bilateral agreements of the EU with non-EU countries) ensures that only products genuinely originating in that region are allowed in commerce as such. The legislation came into force in 1992. The purpose of the law is to protect the reputation of the regional foods and eliminate the unfair competition and misleading of consumers by non-genuine products,[2] which may be of inferior quality or of different flavour.

These laws protect the names of wines, cheeses, hams, sausages, olives, beers, Balsamic vinegar and even regional breads, fruits, and vegetables.


记得前两年希腊把欧洲不少国家的奶酪生产厂告上法庭,原因是这些非希腊厂家产的奶酪不可以用“feta”的字样,只有在希腊本土生产的这种奶酪才可以有权使用“feta”。(补充:2002年欧盟认定,用希腊羊/山羊奶制成的奶酪因当地的物种多样性及其独特的羊/山羊品种导致feta的独特风味,因此"feta"只能由希腊使用。其它国家的类似产品须在5年更换其产品名称。“feta”的山寨产品可以改用“撒拉奶酪”、“希腊式奶酪”。丹麦的乳制品公司Arla Foods为此把其产品改称为“apetina”。)


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