
主题:从个人经历谈下朱相 -- 五福

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                            • 家园 you live just north of the

                              border. You got it exactly right.

                              Anglo-Saxon people: 民风剽悍。One word as summary. Anyway, it shares the same latitude as those Mongolians, the only difference is that Mongolians never progressed into modern civilization--and stayed there as just bunch of stinky horsemen, while the Anglos went from barbarian life into industrialized nations.

                              Just look at how much Americans enjoy barbacue: it is a typical cultural tradition of nomad people.

                              • 家园 说个题外话




                                • 家园 this 翟老师 is very smart

                                  Among all the English literature professors I saw back in China, this guy (or lady) is the only person who see deeply through all the weil and understand the delicate history/cultures of the UK people. 一个本土人没在英美社会里生活过长时间,而能有此深度认识,真是相当厉害了。

                                  《哈利-波特》的作者罗琳--Novel is just a colored representation of one author's personal experience, and her nation's cultural background.

                                  That's also why her book is a sensation in Anglo-Saxon nations, because lots of words, symbols, experience echo well with people under the same cultural framework.

                                  Chinese readers will not fully enjoy her book because of cultural background difference.

                                  是有精炼折射欧洲(盎-撒和北欧)文明的深意的--it is a mixture of Christianity (e.g., the dark lord, evil in people's heart) and Northern European's legacy from pagan era.

                                  The pagan era legacy will often resurface in times of difficulty. If you check history, you will notice that Germany Nazi top leadership often practised some woodoo religious rituals during 1940s. It is amazing that a nation that contributed so much in Science has its leaders so obsessed in pagan ways.

                                  • 家园 但我认为翟老师还是有不足的




                                    • 家园 “法学是统治学”这个只是王婆卖瓜



                                    • 家园 出国不出国不是必须的


                                      • 家园 任何学术,都是源于生活





                                        • 家园 其实法学作为统治学的道理是有的


                                    • 家园 can you give me links to all

                                      his other articles?


                                      中国公派或自费出国的年轻人有的出国三年英语仍是一塌糊涂。洞见力 to zero--many are like that. The most interesting thing is that Foreign Affairs Dept. back in BJ often send counsellor or embassador who can not even speak or understand English or other official language (such as French, Dutch/German--European case).


                                      --law is the collection of political compromises accumulated over years. It records various fights and their final equilibrium solutions. IT IS A COMPROMISE IN A CIVILIZED WAR.

                                      统治--is about balancing, about compromising among various interests group. In essence, they share something in common.


                                      1)communication skills

                                      2)debate capability or 诡辩术

                                      3) logical thinking/philosophical understanding

                                      4) skills in playing with words

                                      5)people skill

                                      1), 2), 5)and 3) can also be trained in the business world and therefore, in North America, another sector to get ruling elite members are the business community (e.g., CEO or a management team from major Fortune 500).

                                      美国人的统治精英来自于多渠道:法学背景,商界背景,军队的文官系统领导。工程师与医生缺乏 2)&5), thus can at most be a technical department leader.

                                      引起读者们的争议. China is not a electoral republic and has little respect to rule of law. Therefore, its 统治精英 are not from Law School, or business school--it has its unique system. China's problem: lack of diversity in talent sources and most top leaders are just good at PEOPLE SKILL/BLAH BLAH TALKING SKILL, esp., lack 商界背景.

                                      it is also funny that the party boss and PM are former engineers... very different from the North American experience.

                                      Too many are former professional civil servants good at pushing papers/bucks around.

                                      • 家园 为了看他的文章,还专门注册了人人账号


                                      • 家园 你这里隐含了一个假设


                                        • 家园 agree, smart comment

                                          I do admit that China has its unique way to draw and promote talents. Actually, some western nations also have different channels to get talents.

                                          For example, in France, elites in both the commercial and business world are from certain "Ecole". Their elite community is not controlled by around 100 families as in States. It is also interesting that many business leaders are graduates from ENA.

                                          BTW, it is not bad to have engineers as top leaders. 但是此类人在演说/辩论能力上是不如律师出身的人,立法经验上更是会欠缺些。

                                          当然有人会说中国的领导人也很能发言,我的意思是指能发表鼓动性的演讲,能说服摇摆的人,能面对敌意的质问浴 诘难。Just watch BBC broadcast of the UK parliamentary debate, then you understand what I mean.

                                          the early generation of CCP leaders were excellent excellent speech-makers, but not those recent generation. I guess that's because the first generation need to persuade the majority and compete against all kinds of competing forces, with KMT just one of them. Of course, it is not bad to have engineers: they tend to be more prudent and detail-oriented.

                                          sorry, I copy and paste Chinese from google search. Hopefully, I get the point to you.

                              • 家园 其实我觉得挺好的


                                • 家园 because you live in Canada

                                  and are open-minded to the outside world.

                                  How many people on this forum have North American experience--I mean at least one-year stay in State or Canada?

                                  I also saw some Ph.D. students in bioscience who stayed in States for more than 5 years, but never interacted with non-Asians in their life. So sometimes even long-enough stay also does not translate into cultural exposure.

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