
主题:【原创】“中国崩溃论”屡屡崩溃的根本原因 -- 比的原理

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家园 现在就已经很多了

re: 以后几年,你会在媒体上越来越多地看到,为什么中国的GDP发展速度越来越低,为什么低一点好的马屁文章。



家园 美国"政府"没有钱, 美国制度吸引全世界的人才

first of all, I like you and 陈王奋起挥黄钺's writing, comparing US and TGchina in many cases; and I hope my posts will be some kind of "food for thoughts".


Marxism fits well into Chinese 文明 concept based "social science"

social sciences like "西方文明是以“理性人”为核心构建的,这其实是一种歧视理论,就如尼采强调的超人,这种文明模式在大多数人聚集到城市,就不可能继续支配人类的发展,人类文明必须以“普遍人”,也就是以人的生存与发展来构建,生存的核心是主动,发展的核心是能动,因此主动与能动,才是构建人类文明的根本,而不是基于既得利益和既有精神的经济相对独立和精神相对独立。"

I have written a few pieces on this kind of basically "forever dilemma" topic from a physics point of view.

I think TG top somehow has managed to come out of that kind of "forever dilemma" trap of social science.

this kind of social science all ask about fundamental and good questions, then everybody comes with an 先验论 based argument, then you have your 先验论 argument against my 先验论 argument, and arguing with each other forever

and as nation of social science tradition, 先验论 is popular in the Chinese culture setting.

However, I think TG top has managed to go beyond that trap, as smart as TG is .


now, economics (energy, physics)

vs 美国"政府"没有钱, TG 政府 is super rich, china GDP grows >6%, then what is the problem?

the problem: the global capitalism is moving beyond a newton classical physics based 生产方式, and that is where most of TGchina 主力部队 get trapped.

"中国是全球实业资本最大的聚集地,在全球产业大转移的背景下,成了世界最大的工厂,也即将成为世界最大的市场", those 世界最大的工厂 if not profitable, its maintenance cost of economic, social and political etc can potentially eat out all TG 政府钱.


now, as I said, in this open, global, competitive economic dissipative system, 先验论 based government planning at enterprise or industrial level is impossible, we don't even have a science model for a dissipative physics system.

林毅夫's copycat model is backward looking model in a way, or 后发 and catching up forever model, where TG 政府's central planning works out much better in terms of infrastructure building out and coping of west's industrial model from a 后发 point of view.

partially because of that model, now comes with global 生产过剩 of traditional and conventional newton physics based industrial production.

and if you are TG top, seeing all your 主力部队 get trapped in those 没有窗户的厂房, what would worry you? would those 主力部队 march back towards your headquarters because of some kind of 相变, among other risks and problems of "china model only"?


now, the coming next phase of global capitalism beyond newton classical physics

nobody has a clue, not any political 政府 such as US or TG, but wall street as a capital market, and silicon valley as a focal point of global brain power may have better views than anybody else.

and silicon valley and those top US universities behind, and wall street to some extent as a capital market financing this new economy, they are all parts of US system, 垄断, period.

and in that sense, 美国"政府"没有钱 is bad, but it does not matter that much;

but if TG"政府"没有钱, we all know what will happen;

and now, TG "政府"钱 and 主力部队 kind of 被包围 in those 没有窗户的厂房, although percentage we don't really know;

not only that, even those 主力部队 somehow comes out of 没有窗户的厂房 alive, where to go and what to do to keep 主力部队 busy?

let them study X's china dream BS in their 营房 everyday?


now, all these challenging issues post challenges for humanity as a whole and for individual countries as competing 部队, and there are no easy answers.

and I keep saying that TG has been very smart since Deng, with very few missteps in terms of domestic economic reforms.

1 of the Chinese nation's challenge as I see:

having been "brain washed" by "毛林共识" with a combination of Marxism and traditional Chinese culture for several decades, the current Chinese generation grows up with a 惯性参考系 built by engineering and 党校 education combined with strong Chinese national ego/pride, sees world quite differently or strangely if I may use the word;

that is an issue for X's 打左灯 向右拐: the troops are not that easily manageable, "higher cost";

and not only that, unless you can brainwash the whole world with this strange combination of engineering and 党校 ideology combined, it is very hard to come out with innovation and growth oriented industrial products which can lead the world market and priced at a premium, therefore making good and on-going cash flow way into future, and then all the old money will be coming your way, kissing your sweet ass, then 没有钱 becomes 有钱, almost over night, and 有钱 become 没有钱.

that is kind of one of non-linear features of this highly dissipative social system with strong coupling of almost everything, a almost totally non-linear system, very hard to model, not to mention government central planning BS.

and it is even harder for Chinese society to 吸引全世界的人才, again, unless you can brain wash most of 全世界的人才 with your china model ideology of engineering and 党校 combination.

never say never, and china model 忽悠 the world may happen beyond 3020, but anybody cares?

until then, you keep your money where your mouth is, and stay away from those 先验论 based social sciences, which is every where and all over the Chinese media, and X's ideology war is only making it worse.

what a world of "china model".

again, have your children study physics and English, starting yesterday. follow the Chinese elite. their children are going US ivy league for a totally different 惯性参考系 installation , some of them started their new 惯性参考系 in US even in middle school.

惯性参考系 super powerful, once built up, it hangs there forever, 洛伦兹变换 manages them via SR 四維時空, one's life is basically modeled right there.

家园 还记得双向收费吗?全世界独此一家!

3家电讯企业都是国企,谈什么骄傲?国企 不能偷税漏税?你滚一边去,欺负我们幼稚啊。

家园 嘴长在你脸上,话随便你讲。



家园 缴税多骄傲了?


家园 拜托你去看看日韩新加坡香港的油价吧
家园 我不想骂你:


家园 你一定是被孟姜女苦长城的故事影响了。


家园 你去算一算马来的人均石油和天然气产量就明白了

中国大概年产2亿吨原油,天然气产量1209亿立方米,人均0.15吨原油,天然气大概89立方; http://www.chinairn.com/news/20140207/125526601.html



62万桶每天,3777万吨,马来人口不到3000万,人均1.259吨, 是中国人的8倍。




家园 谢谢数据,这样就有说服力了嘛。

不过,楼主你得把几亿中国农民剔除,他们没有用气体烧饭和车油。马来西亚是每个成年人都有车、都用气体烧饭。马来西亚人均GDP是10,513.71 USD。

家园 你去过马来就知道了。


什么人均GDP10513,那都是骗人的,奇瑞汽车可以在马来畅销。我去过马来的一些乡下,和中国类似, 还略有不如。

家园 说实话,奇瑞汽车在马来西亚卖不动。


家园 马来人口只有中国的45分之一


家园 你的数学太好了,居然可以这么算。


但我相信,随着中国货的质量提升,外国人会改变的。譬如OPPO、联想的智能机在东南亚大卖,JAC江淮轻型汽车大卖。格力的冷气机在东南亚也打开了市场。(有一次,我问安装工人:“格力的空调怎样?” 他说不愿意安装格力的空调,我问为啥?他说:“总是有小毛病,需要拆几次维修,耽误工亏大了。”)


家园 更是世界无神论者最多的国家和执政党禁止信教的国家
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