
主题:从萧条到繁荣,再到萧条 -- 西瓜子

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家园 限制金融资本的有效手段就是征税


家园 有个背景是需要注意的




家园 老兄应该考虑一下酿酒等粮食损耗


家园 看来你和我的观点差不多


家园 小孩长大之前不要上拳击台的好


家园 英国人玩阴谋是出了名的




家园 楼主写完了请放个pdf出来,一节节下载保存太不方便
家园 你真虔诚,还都保存了?


家园 伊朗人说过,如果你被一块石头绊倒,那块石头一定



家园 hehe....if Chinese all lack

patience just as the guy above you, then China will become Germany II in a few years.

Chinese just started to enjoy a bit richer life in the last 10 years. Some of those ignorant ones already started to plot day by day on how to be No. 1.

家园 老兄的《文明IV》还打么?


家园 这个说法真是形象,哈哈!


家园 好象是伊朗人的话.

不是从"一个经济杀手的自白", 就是"石油战争"中读到这句话.

家园 应该是伊朗人的谚语。


家园 add info for you-imperial

preference system.America and Canada are two rebellious children against this big British "family"--America single-handedly ended this system and replaced it with an America-dominant new economic order after WWII, because as true British offsprings, just like their British cousins, Americans do not share global leadership.

Anglos are destined to rule the world because they know how to rule the world through innovative new systems, economic integration and global market manipulation,esp.,through financial market. They know how to rule by economic enticement, embrace and extension, NOT Chinese-style coersion, arrogance and hierarchy (朝贡体系--http://baike.baidu.com/view/197647.htm)

When you look at those 朝贡体系 Chinese leaders, there is only one comment: stupid.

chinese ELITES HAVE A LONG WAY TO CATCH UP. So please be patient, for YOUR own benefits. Do not always refer to your old Chinese ways: it would not work with Japanese, Koreas, Philippines, Vietnamese.... after they have tasted with their Anglo bosses.


Imperial Preference (later Commonwealth Preference) was a proposed system of reciprocally-levelled tariffs or free trade agreements between different Dominions and Colonies within the British Commonwealth of Nations. The purpose of such practices was to promote the mutual prosperity, and thus unity, of allied imperial nations. While the idea of Imperial Preference is as old as colonialism itself, it:

* was a practice that was not necessarily used all the time;

* did not necessarily include every nation in the British Empire, and

* did not necessarily apply to every commodity.

The idea was fleetingly popular around the turn of the 20th century, as advocated by the tariff reformist Joseph Chamberlain. Problematically for Chamberlain, the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, C. T. Ritchie, was vigorously opposed to any scheme of Imperial Preference. (Ritchie was guided by the free-trade ideas of the leading economists of the time, such as Sir William Ashley.) This ultimately led to a damaging rift within the Conservative Party under Arthur Balfour.

During the 1920s, Imperial Preference became popular once more. Prime Minister Baldwin (1924-29) was a tepid supporter. His Colonial and Dominions Secretary, Amery, was one of its strongest supporters and in 1926 established the Empire Marketing Board to encourage Britons to 'buy Empire'. But Churchill, Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Baldwin government, and always a free trader, was an opponent.

In 1932, representatives of Britain, the Dominions, and the Colonies held the Commonwealth Conference on Economic Consultation and Co-operation in Ottawa, Canada. There was initial agreement on Imperial Preference. But the incompetence and tactless manner of British Dominions Secretary J. H. Thomas so alienated Dominion prime ministers that an opportunity was missed.

In 1935, the Canadian P.M., R. B. Bennett, a Conservative who supported Imperial Preference, was replaced by a Liberal, W. L. M. King. King responded to pressure from U.S. Secretary of State, Hull and abandoned Imperial Preference. The United States was determined to maintain its tariff protections and access to markets, but was vociferously opposed to any such preferences enjoyed by other countries. In the case of the Commonwealth, the U.S. was hostile to it from its inceptions, notwithstanding the fact that in the cases of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, there was overwhelmingly preference for a system anchored by the United Kingdom rather than the U.S.

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