
主题:【原创】说说糖尿病, 地震和血糖 (上)(增补一个试验) -- wan1234

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家园 分析的这么专业啊~~~
家园 多谢了,说的很透彻。

我以前也是在医学科学领域,虽然不是临床,但是接触了很多医生,对糖尿病有一些了解,所以对那些将“保健品”冠以“药品”的行为极端痛恨,不但是骗钱,而且很有可能延误正确的治疗,希望这样一来就没有什么人会去相信那个施海潮所谓的90 美元/瓶的“药品”了。

家园 不过我觉得也有可能是他真信那个


家园 地震和战争有点类似



家园 真是大腕儿,把复杂的东西说得浅显易懂,科普的精品。



家园 酮体莫不是胴体,俺承认俺的思想不纯洁。




家园 说到点子上了,garbage in, garbage out



家园 mm是爱憎分明,眼里揉不得沙子,送花。



家园 常数兄考虑周到。骗子成功的秘诀就是投其所好。
家园 另:推荐寒塘冷月的相关帖子:荒谬绝顶的地震糖尿病


家园 专业送花






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家园 糖尿病的类型1和类型2

很多人都知道糖尿病,但多数人,包括我自己以前,以为治疗糖尿病用胰岛素就可以了。糖尿病 type 1, type 2 你上面已经讲了,我试着再讲的通俗一些。糖尿病只是症状,原因则可能是因为病人体内不制造胰岛素(type 1),也可能是有胰岛素,但是不起作用(type 2)。因为type1 和 type2的不同,治疗方式也是不同。注射胰岛素,对类型1病人可能会有效,但是对类型则恐怕是浪费了。几乎不太可能用一种药同时治疗这两种类型的糖尿病。


家园 这个似乎是有论文的。




To examine the short- and long-term influences of the Marmara earthquake, which occurred on August 17, 1999 in Turkey, on glycemic control and quality of life (QOL), HbA1c, insulin requirement and QOL of 88 people with type 1 diabetes living in the quake zone were evaluated one year before (PreE), 3 months after (PostE) and one year after (FE) the earthquake. HbA1c levels and daily insulin requirements increased significantly at PostE (HbA1c from 7.4 .+-. 1.3% to 8.5 .+-. 1.8%, p<0.05; insulin from 0.58 .+-. 0.2 IU/kg/day to 0.77 .+-. 0.2 IU/kg/day, p<0.05). Mean total QOL scores at PostE were significantly lower than the scores obtained at PreE (62.7 .+-. 17.3 vs 74.2 .+-. 13.4, p<0.001). There were no significant differences between HbA1c levels and total QOL scores at PreE and FE. People with type 1 diabetes living in the same house after the earthquake and not having enough food supply were reported to have lower QOL than people moving to another house and having enough food supply after the earthquake (p = 0.014, p<0.0001, respectively). The Marmara Earthquake had a negative impact on the glycemic control and QOL of the subjects with type 1 diabetes for the short term but prequake scores might be achieved after a long period. (author abst.)



At 5:56 p.m. on October 23, 2004, a major earthquake of magnitude 6.8 on the Richter scale struck the Chuetsu district of Niigata Prefecture, Japan, a rural area with mountain villages. Strong aftershocks of grade 5–6 on the Japanese Intensity Scale continued for 2 months. We investigated changes in the HbA1c levels of 65 type 1 diabetic patients with insulin therapy before and throughout the 12 months of aftershocks that followed the earthquake. All patients received insulin therapy via pens with replaceable cartridges or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII). Most patients needed four daily insulin injections with rapid- and long-acting insulins. Nineteen percent of patients had the CSII therapy using rapid-acting insulin. The mean HbA1c level in all patients increased significantly (P < 0.01) from 6.7 ± 0.9% to 7.0 ± 1.0% in the third month, peaked at the fifth month, and decreased at 12 months. Sixty percent of the patients stayed in their own houses after the initial shock, while 40% of patients moved into other houses. Seventeen percent of the patients had severely destroyed houses. The median PTSD score was low in all patients. Within 1 month after the earthquake, the pens with replaceable cartridges were discontinued and disposable pens with prefilled insulin cartridges were used. The incidence of nephropathy increased by 7% by the third month and returned to the pre-earthquake level by the sixth month. Over the 12-month observation period, no other micro- or macro-vascular diseases were newly diagnosed. One patient had transient severe acute hyperglycemia and one needed hemodialysis. However, none of the patients had ketoacidosis, and no other clinical manifestations of disease were noted.

In conclusion, it is essential that neighboring organizations respond quickly with sufficient medical support for diabetic patients with insulin therapy following an earthquake. In particular, treatment with rapid- and long-acting insulin injections via disposable pens with prefilled insulin cartridges or CSII therapy is useful during a disaster. To take the medical support, patients should always have a note or copy of their medical records, including medical history and medications used.



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家园 科学来不得半点虚假.花好文.
家园 我的花送不出,一会儿补.先欠两朵.
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