
主题:【原创】一个增加信托基金收益的玩法 -- 倥偬飞人

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  • 家园 【原创】一个增加信托基金收益的玩法




    比方讲,07年8月到期的put,strike是10美金,价格是$0.70。按照目前的unitprice计算,这个put的time value是1.68美元,intrisic value是负数,也就是-$0.98。也就是说在这个put到期的时候如果unitprice在10美元以上的话,绝对不会exercise,put的买方要损失1.68美元(如果中间不曾转手),而卖方会白赚0.70美元,相当于6.4%。






    所以唯一要关心的问题变成: unitprice会跌到$10以下吗?




    • 家园 时间的考验






      call方向的增值也超过了50% - 也许比卖空put更好,因为后一种做法实际上要占用available margin这一资源。如果用这笔margin来买calls,绝对盈利比卖空puts高一些。

      如果是买入了1000个单位的aav,卖空了put 10个contract,买进了call 10个contract, (都按照strike $10, 8月份到期),这样操作的盈利比单纯买入aav 本股相当于要多赚差不多两倍。


    • 家园 Look at this chart

      Tell: you feel it is going down or up?


    • 家园 There are safer plays if you are

      very confident this thing is not going down. Long stock and at the same time short put is risky if the stock tanks. The put is naked. If called you have to have money to buy more stocks at stricking price! Sure you can sell the long position to make up part of (most of, maybe) it. Still the short put is not entirely covered.

      • 家园 Yeah, only take the amount

        of risk you feel comfortable with - just the comfortable zone will vary from person to person, from stock to stock

        Often times people get scared when risk is not as big as they see, and forget about risk at all when they need to feel it the most. Here I see a lot of your guys worrying about the risk, which is a good thing!

        Of course you can always buy calls with the maximum risk of losing 100% of them - just time value is not on your side.

        As I see it, it is easier to predict the bottom than the top considering all the factors at hand, particularly for this one, and I feel comfortable doing this combination to boost my gains.

    • 家园 some further explaination

      I do not dispute your analysis on the fundamentals of this trust. You did good home work and I agree with you this company has little downside risk and quite big potential.

      But precisely because this, I think your strategy(long stock, sell put) is not a good one. As I explained before, for each put you sell, you need to put extra $200 cash or margin aside. Remember you can't turn thin air into money. This works best when the stock goes nowhere as you wait while collect some premium. However if this stock goes up sharply, you are far better off to use that $200 dollars to buy stocks directly. If the stock goes down sharply, you are in big trouble as the put will jump and you could be wiped out immediately. I agree it is unlikely it will dip below $10 for long. But this is not impossible. You never know. The unexpected always happens. As you are leveraged(1:5) when selling naked put, you don't have to luxuary to wait through the possible storm.

      In summary, don't try to be smart. Just buy the stock in cash if you believe your analysis on the stock. great risk/reward.

      • 家园 What you said makes sense

        In general. But for particular case like this one, general is not enough. People will have different opinion over the risk of the same stock, that's not a surprise.

        The point here is to boost the cash income from the dividend-paying trust. If you buy the underlying only, simply no "boost". Therefore selling puts is a good option as the "time value" is on my side, in addition to the low probability of the underlying going under $10.

        I don't even mind shorting the puts alone, completely "naked" as you pointed out, given my confidence that this trust will have more upside potential than the opposite. Investment is about taking calculated risk.

    • 家园 飞人兄的作法基于$10是最低点

      我的理解:飞人认定$10是最低点,有很大上升空间,但是不知道什么时候才能大涨。Long stock是在大涨时获利;long call需要timing,所以不考虑;short put是在不涨的时候补贴一下。



      Long Stock 和 short put (strike=10) 的 Payoff 在$10一下是一样的,分开考虑和放在一起没有区别。如果大前提“$10是最低点”不出事,单short put的相对回报最高。跌破$10,那么就要多赔一倍(减去Put Premium)。


      • 家园 抓住了重点


        跌破$10,short puts并不一定多赔,甚至还可以赚。如前贴所讲,只有当unitprice 跌到$10以下,这个put的买家才可能exercise,但是如果价格跌不到$9.30以下,买家的盈利还不够补偿put本身的成本!反过来就是在$9.30以上,short puts本身这个操作还是赚的,虽然整体回报不好。

        • 家园 有一点儿糊涂

          如前贴所讲,只有当unitprice 跌到$10以下,这个put的买家才可能exercise,但是如果价格跌不到$9.30以下,买家的盈利还不够补偿put本身的成本!


          Long Put的人考虑是否exercise只会考虑strike,price和fee。Premium已经付了,不在考虑之中。

          当然short Put的人只有在Price低于strike + fee - premium 时才赔钱。

          • 家园 这么说吧


            put @ strike $10/Aug07 costs $0.70 (cash gain of the seller)

            Intrisic value of put: = negative

            When expected unit price >= $10 at expiry date, out of the money:

            Intrisic value of put = 0 or negative, so no exercising.

            When expected unit price = $9.30 at expiry date, in the money:

            Intrisic value of put = $0.70 (cash gain of the buyer but equal to the cost the buyer paid, so -

            Return to the buyer = 0!

            Cash loss to the seller by exercising: $0.70, net of cash gain $0.70 from selling the put:

            Return to the seller = 0!

            So $9.30 is the breaking point for both buyer and seller. If expected unit price is higher than that, the put buyer loses/seller gains; lower than that, the put buyer gains/seller loses on this option transaction.

            Between $10 and $9.30, the buyer will exercise but the net return will be negative; on the contrary the seller gains.

            • 家园 两个小建议


              2。说明downside。说了>10, >=9.30,应该说一下<9.30,也就是风险所在。

              • 家园 本来就是双方博弈


                价格低于9.30当然可以算,太简单了,正好大家自己做做功课 感兴趣的自然会去算,不感兴趣的算不算也都没用。

    • 家园 Divident Yield is Not your 回报

      Assuming the stock is still 10.98 when it pays the dividend(0.15), after the dividend is paid out, your stock price will be adjusted down to 10.98-0.15 so your 回报(total return) is 0%. Remember you are investing in stock not bank deposit or bond. Your dividend yield is NOT your total return.

      If you buy 100 shares and sell one contract of PUT,

      your return on the put premium should be:

      0.7/(10.98+10*20%) = 5.39%<6.4%

      You need to put extra cash of 20% of the striking price as margin to your broker to earn that 0.7 put premium. You cann't turn money out of thin air.

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