
主题:【原创】真主党与义和团 -- 唵啊吽

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  • 家园 【原创】真主党与义和团









    • 家园 还是好好学学人民战争吧


      • 家园 【文摘】Hezbollah's lack of structure its strength


        As Hezbollah resists almost four weeks of Israeli air and ground operations, many analysts are calling it the most effective Arab force the Israeli army has yet faced.

        The militia has stockpiles of missiles and light arms and, perhaps most important, a highly mobile command structure that allows it to conduct a classic hit-and-run guerrilla war of attrition.

        Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty correspondents Charles Recknagel and Dominik Breithaupt spoke with Timur Goksel, the former spokesman of the United Nations monitoring force in south Lebanon, to learn more about Hezbollah's organization and tactics. Goksel now teaches at the American University in Beirut.

        RFE/RL: Looking at the number of about 2,000-4,000 soldiers that fight for the Hezbollah against 10,000 Israeli soldiers, it seems unlikely that the militia could keep up an effective resistance for long. What makes it so difficult for the Israeli army to defeat the Hezbollah militia?

        Timur Goksel: These people have been fighting the Israelis for 18 years in south Lebanon. People forget that. They already know the Israelis. And they fought them when they occupied Lebanon [Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982 and maintained a buffer zone in south Lebanon until 2000] and since then they have been preparing for a guerrilla war again.

        And they are a very experienced, very well-equipped guerrilla army and they also believe in what they are doing. And they have the local support of the population and they are local people themselves, they feel like they are defending their own villages. So when you put this together you get a very strong army - a guerrilla army, at least.

        Lack of hierarchy important

        RFE/RL: A common strategy in wartime is to disrupt the command-and-control capability of the enemy. But Hezbollah seems to have survived almost a month of heavy Israeli bombing. How does the militia remain effective on the battlefield?

        Goksel: They don't work in military hierarchies or military command levels. They don't have anything like that. There is one leader in Beirut and all the other units in the field are autonomous, they know what they are doing [by themselves]. They don't need communications, they don't report everything, they don't ask for orders, they know what they are doing.

        There are small units of not more than 20 men, and most are local people. They operate on their own, they don't need supplies. They are very independent. That makes it very difficult to catch them, of course.

        RFE/RL: The organizational structure you describe is common to a secret guerrilla movement. Yet Hezbollah has been a highly public presence in Lebanon for more than two decades, including now being part of the government. Could you describe the group's structure in more detail?

        Goksel: Hezbollah's political and social arm is very public [but] Hezbollah's military is a very secretive organization. Even most other Hezbollah people will not know who they [military members] are. They are extremely security-conscious - extremely - to the point of paranoia.

        Most people don't know who these people are because they never display themselves, they don't have uniforms, they don't have any bases, they don't work out of bases, they don't have supply depots. Therefore, it is a very secretive arm [and that is] because they have a very healthy respect for Israeli intelligence, which is always trying to track them down.

        • 家园 【文摘】Nasrallah's leadership

          RFE/RL: How directly does Hassan Nasrallah, the spiritual leader of Hezbollah, control its military arm?

          Goksel: Their structure is that only Sheikh Nasrallah is the supreme commander and there is nobody else between him and the field leaders. They removed all those [intermediate levels] years ago, because they felt like when you are organized as a military unit then it is very easy for Israel to detect you, because when you are [such a formal] organization you make noise when you move. So they removed all organization and they are working with a secret cell system, actually.

          RFE/RL: But doesn't a secret cell system also present some disadvantages when it comes to launching coordinated operations on the battlefield? Is there no central planning?

          Goksel: There are also predetermined operations. They have a lot of local autonomy but they will not launch an operation unless it is all part of a plan. There is a local leader, there is a regional leader system, but they don't report to [any military headquarters in] Beirut. It is not cumbersome, there are no levels like in a normal army, [such as] companies, battalions, regiments, nothing like that. It is a very flat sort of organization, not a pyramid sort of organization.

          RFE/RL: Do we know where Nasrallah is now?

          Goksel: I wouldn't know where he is and certainly they [Hezbollah] are not advertising it. But I know one thing about that man: he never abandons his people. He is famous for that. The reason he became Sheikh Nasrallah [the leader of Hezbollah] is because of his reputation for never leaving the fighters.

          So I can safely assume that he is with his own people. He never abandons them, that is not his style. That's why he became so famous and so adored within the whole of Hezbollah, because he never leaves his people alone.

          RFE/RL: There are reports that the Israeli army is trying to assassinate Nasrallah by targeting Hezbollah compounds in southern Beirut and elsewhere. Would Hezbollah fall apart if he were killed?

          Goksel: If Sheikh Nasrallah goes, that organization is likely to come apart. Because, especially at a time like this, no [other] leader can emerge to keep this whole massive organization of social, economic, political, and military things together. Nobody can do that.

          And there are some [competing] currents in Hezbollah that Sheikh Nasrallah is keeping together. In my understanding, some of these groups might become more independent in their actions. And when you have people with guns and rockets [taking] independent action, then you are looking for trouble because you never know which way they will go. Because he is providing the central discipline and the central command.

          Cutting off Hezbollah, or Lebanon?

          RFE/RL: The Israeli army says it is bombing Lebanese infrastructure such as highways to cut supply routes from Syria - and ultimately Iran - which are suspected of rearming Hezbollah. But is it possible to stop supplies from reaching the militia?

          Goksel: More than [being] a strategy, that is a way of destroying the Lebanese infrastructure. That is not a strategy, that is an excuse to inflict maximum pain on this country. Because they [the Israelis] couldn't do it [stop Hezbollah], they want the [Lebanese] people to stop Hezbollah. And certainly [if the bombing is] to prevent the supply [of arms to Hezbollah], it cannot do that. There are 300 kilometers of open borders. Are they going to watch every border crossing 24 hours a day? That is a "no go", but it is a good excuse to keep bombing.


      • 家园 还记得印尼不
      • 家园 马来西亚的华人比例降了一半



      • 家园 因为新加坡是巴掌大的地方



        • 家园 呵呵,新家坡的富裕是怎么来的?







          经济:50多年来,土地贫瘠、资源短缺的以色列,坚持走科技强国之路,重视教育和人才的培养,使经济得以较快发展,1999年人均国民生产总值高达1. 6万美元。以色列高新技术产业发展举世瞩目,特别是在电子、通讯、计算机软件、医疗器械、生物技术工程、农业以及航空等方面拥有先进的技术和优势。以色列地处沙漠地带边缘,水资源匮乏。严重缺水使以色列在农业方面形成了特有的滴灌节水技术,充分利用现有水资源,将大片沙漠变成了绿洲。不足总人口5%的农民不仅养活了国民,还大量出口优质水果、蔬菜、花卉和棉花等。







          再说啦,以色列建国就不能活了? 巴勒斯坦人是不是从来没有听说过和平共处这个词啊,周围全都是阿拉伯国家,如果不是被逼到死处,以色列人哪里敢对境内的阿拉伯人无理? 恐怕也只能是小心翼翼的,就同新加坡对境内的马来人一样,虽然邻国名目仗胆地对华人有政策性歧视,可是在新加坡就不行,不但不能有歧视,还要优待才行。


          • 家园 开玩笑吧?





          • 家园 当年抗日战争时候 一个外国人就说过

            日本人整洁 谦恭 文明 可以造出世界上最好的机器



            (也许 那时候日本侵华胜利的话 会把中国建设得很富强地)

            • 家园 中国人在领土上拥有无可争议的主权




              是相对后来的移民, 但后来的移民并非没有建国的权利,





    • 家园 以色列现在该头痛了


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