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家园 【文摘】Hezbollah's lack of structure its strength


As Hezbollah resists almost four weeks of Israeli air and ground operations, many analysts are calling it the most effective Arab force the Israeli army has yet faced.

The militia has stockpiles of missiles and light arms and, perhaps most important, a highly mobile command structure that allows it to conduct a classic hit-and-run guerrilla war of attrition.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty correspondents Charles Recknagel and Dominik Breithaupt spoke with Timur Goksel, the former spokesman of the United Nations monitoring force in south Lebanon, to learn more about Hezbollah's organization and tactics. Goksel now teaches at the American University in Beirut.

RFE/RL: Looking at the number of about 2,000-4,000 soldiers that fight for the Hezbollah against 10,000 Israeli soldiers, it seems unlikely that the militia could keep up an effective resistance for long. What makes it so difficult for the Israeli army to defeat the Hezbollah militia?

Timur Goksel: These people have been fighting the Israelis for 18 years in south Lebanon. People forget that. They already know the Israelis. And they fought them when they occupied Lebanon [Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982 and maintained a buffer zone in south Lebanon until 2000] and since then they have been preparing for a guerrilla war again.

And they are a very experienced, very well-equipped guerrilla army and they also believe in what they are doing. And they have the local support of the population and they are local people themselves, they feel like they are defending their own villages. So when you put this together you get a very strong army - a guerrilla army, at least.

Lack of hierarchy important

RFE/RL: A common strategy in wartime is to disrupt the command-and-control capability of the enemy. But Hezbollah seems to have survived almost a month of heavy Israeli bombing. How does the militia remain effective on the battlefield?

Goksel: They don't work in military hierarchies or military command levels. They don't have anything like that. There is one leader in Beirut and all the other units in the field are autonomous, they know what they are doing [by themselves]. They don't need communications, they don't report everything, they don't ask for orders, they know what they are doing.

There are small units of not more than 20 men, and most are local people. They operate on their own, they don't need supplies. They are very independent. That makes it very difficult to catch them, of course.

RFE/RL: The organizational structure you describe is common to a secret guerrilla movement. Yet Hezbollah has been a highly public presence in Lebanon for more than two decades, including now being part of the government. Could you describe the group's structure in more detail?

Goksel: Hezbollah's political and social arm is very public [but] Hezbollah's military is a very secretive organization. Even most other Hezbollah people will not know who they [military members] are. They are extremely security-conscious - extremely - to the point of paranoia.

Most people don't know who these people are because they never display themselves, they don't have uniforms, they don't have any bases, they don't work out of bases, they don't have supply depots. Therefore, it is a very secretive arm [and that is] because they have a very healthy respect for Israeli intelligence, which is always trying to track them down.

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