
主题:不归点(The Point of No Return) -- 种植园土

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                Can India Embarrass China In A Limited Military Conflict?

                Can India ward off a limited Chinese attack along the Line of Actual Control or the international boundary in Sikkim?

                The answer lies in analysing force concentration and capabilities that the two countries bring to bear on the common border.


                1、On 18 July, the South China Morning Post reported that China's People’s Liberation Army (PLA) had moved “tens of thousands of tonnes of military vehicles and equipment into Tibet”, quoting the PLA mouthpiece. Many such moves in the past one week, seen in the light of aggressive statements made by China’s foreign ministry and the blatant warmongering rhetoric from the country’s state-owned media, has triggered a debate in India. Although reports suggest that the PLA has not mobilised troops towards the border with India and that the recent live-fire exercise in Tibet was a routine affair – putting off the chances of a full-blown military conflict, prospects of a peaceful walk-back from the brink appear to be shrinking with every passing day.


                2、Though the Doklam crisis will most likely not lead to war, a localised conflict is indeed possible if the PLA decides to up the ante – something China recently indicated as possible.


                3、Under these circumstances, the question that arises is if India can ward off a limited Chinese attack along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) or the international boundary in Sikkim. The answer lies in analysing force concentration and capabilities that the two countries bring to bear on the common border.


                4、There are some enduring misconceptions about the military balance along the Sino-Indian border. The most common of these is that China’s localised military strength along the border far outweighs India’s. However, studying the deployment of troops and air assets along the border, and particularly in Sikkim – the site of the current stand-off, one arrives at an entirely different picture.


                Ground Forces

                陆军Eastern Sector


                5、The Indian Army has nine of its 12 mountain divisions deployed in the eastern sector. Each of these divisions usually consists of 15,500 combat troops and 8,000 support elements. Of these, three divisions – seventeenth, twenty-seventh and twentieth – are deployed near the India-China-Bhutan tri-junction, the site of the ongoing stand-off. These divisions are based in Gangtok (Sikkim), Binnaguri (West Bengal) and Kalimpong (West Bengal) respectively, guarding India’s vulnerable chicken’s neck, the Siliguri Corridor, which connects seven northeastern states with the rest of India.


                6、Three mountain divisions – fifth, twenty-first and seventy-first – are deployed in Bomdila (Arunachal Pradesh), Rangiya (Assam) and Missamari (Assam). Bomdila is located just 170km from Tawang, an important centre of Tibetan Buddhism claimed by China as a part of the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR). Additionally, three mountain divisions of the Indian Army – second, fifty-sixth and fifty-seventh – are deployed in Dibrugarh (Assam), Zakhama (Nagaland) and Leimakhong (Manipur) respectively.

                第五师、第二十一师和第七十一师分别部署在Bomdila(阿鲁纳恰尔邦,咱们的藏南)、Rangiya(阿萨姆邦)和Missamari(阿萨姆邦)。Bomdila距离达旺170公里,后者是藏传佛教中心,中国认为是其西藏自治区的一部分。此外,第二师、第56师和第57师分别部署在Dibrugarh(阿萨姆邦 )、Zakhama(那加兰邦)以及Leimakhong(曼尼普尔区)。

                Sino-Indian border deployments (units located via IHS Jane’s database, August 2016)

                7、Against this, China has two mountain motorised infantry brigades and a mechanised infantry brigade close to the Indian border. While the mountain infantry brigades are based in Nyingchi region of Tibet facing Arunachal Pradesh, the only mechanised infantry brigade deployed close to the LAC is stationed in Lhasa, Tibet’s capital.


                Western Sector


                8、In the western sector, India has an infantry division and a mountain division. While the former is stationed in Leh, the latter is based in Dras. India also has an armoured brigade (with over 100 T-72 tanks) to cover the flat approaches from Tibet towards India’s crucial defences at Chushul.


                9、The Indian side of the LAC in Ladakh sector is much more conducive for mechanised warfare than the Chinese side. In the Sino-Indian war of 1962, six vintage AMX-13 tanks of the Indian Army, which were airlifted to Chushul, inflicted severe losses and delay on the advancing Chinese Army.

                • 家园 早说了中国在西藏部署是前轻后重


            • 家园 看和谁比呗



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        • 家园 炮管内布朗运动炮弹?


          • 家园 这是找不到原因了 所以怪轴承

            从事故原因上分析 最大的可能是身管与弹丸的精加工不达标。



            不过说回来 阿三出这事倒是不稀奇来着。


            • 家园 印度人特别能argue,就是找理由:这事不赖我


          • 家园 印度补己上来了


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