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主题:【讨论】美国,你做错了什么? -- 东方射日
this america's enemy alive, though constantly on "life support" is in China's best interests.
First, America will not upgrade China into Russia's shoes due to the existence this polar bear.
Second, Russia is weak enough thus unable to harm China, but still functions as a nation to sell its remaining tech and resources to us.
You do not want Russia to be second Haiti. Then a flood of blondes+tata will hit China. Russians first coined the word 黄祸, now we should fear 白祸. Tit for tat.
Russia always perceived China as the potential largest threat. Look at the border between China and Russia. Polar bears are stupid enough and could never establish that kind of co-prosperity as America-Canada share along their thousand-mile border.
I am central among my american colleagues... A big hat from you, too heavy for me.
民主自由的认识很深入--there are many mistranslation in Chinese literature. 民主=Republic, not everyone must have one vote. 自由=civil liberty/freedom--means rights that can not be taken by the government.
民主自由--that's for domestic voters/citizens, not for foreigners. Therefore, one can practise 民主自由 for its citizens, while practise imperialism over foreign nations. That's in the history of Athens, Rome, Carthage, Britain, US...
we all learn from each other. I taught my self US political science by reading through US textbooks/history. So I avoid the poisoning of Chinese media many years ago(actually I did not realize that until that web debate). I was not naive as to what America is.
I was just puzzled why people trust Chinese articles on US history without double checking English sources--so easy in today's world.
--Do not use the term brain-washing. I will prefer to say: people were blocked by language barrier, thus could not access alternative source of info. That's why I say "language is POWER!". Look at the Christian Reformation. If Luther did not translate Latin bible into easily understood German, Germans would still live under the terror of Catholic church today. The same case applies to the English/Dutch. In 17th Europe, English=language of liberation and enlightment.
--Fully agree. I am not a stubborn man. The pity is that some posters live in the world surrounded only by chinese media and could not access alternative info.
Actually in the English media, the French history/politics were also reported in a biased way. That's why I sometimes rely on French websites for info to de-wash the English brainwashing. That's a lesson I learned over time.
not good.
I just talked to a friend from Ukraine today. He told me that ever since the Orange Revolution, the economy became even messy. 2009 Ukraine actually suffered 25% decline in GDP! My god.
Maybe that's exactly what America likes to see.
The former vassal states such as Poland/Czech..., good. Because they will be absorbed into the Europe-NATO orbit and thus enjoy the benefits from switching camp.
It is all there, just need to read it. Then naturally, you understand the word "right" means different things in US and China.