
主题:【原创】Love Game -- 雪花

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  • 家园 【原创】Love Game

    题外话: 来到西西河才一天,就被这里满溢的才华,热情,和美好深深吸引住了. 忍不住想要把自己过去写过的东西拿出来与大家共享. 可惜是用英语写的,只好请大家看在我急于献宝的分上多多包涵.以后有机会我一定把它转成中文. 谢谢!

    The Love Game (I)

    When marimba rhythms start to play

    Dance with me, make me sway

    Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore

    Hold me close, sway me more

    Like a flower bending in the breeze

    Bend with me, sway with ease

    When we dance you have a way with me

    Stay with me, sway with me

    Other dancers may be on the floor

    Dear, but my eyes will see only you

    Only you have the magic technique

    When we sway I go weak

    I can hear the sounds of violins

    Long before it begins

    Make me thrill as only you know how

    Sway me smooth, sway me now

    Light breeze drifted through a little patch of trees. Morning sunshine splattered through the evergreen leaves and branches, falling onto a cluster of viburnum that was growing under the tree. A little bell shaped flower dangled in the winds, nodding from the tip of a hollow scape that stands just about the threadlike leaves. It had six snow-white petals, each with a small emerald green spot near its tip.

    A young man walked into the forest, enjoying the early morning freshness of the air. His eyes lighted up when he spotted the little flower. “Awww, a little snowflake. Haven’t you opened a little early this year? See your friends are still not here yet.” He sat down beside the snowflake, took out a flute and started to play.

    Every morning, he came to play his flute beside the little snowflake. Every morning, the little snowflake danced with the soft and fluent music that flew around the forest. One day, while he was playing the flute, he heard a light laugh. He turned around, and saw her, white dress, black hair, with an emerald green ribbon on her hair. “Who are you?”

    “I live in this forest. I like your flute so much. Can you play it for me one more time?” He played, and she danced with the music. And then she ran away, laughing. The forest became quiet again, like nothing had happened. He rubbed his eyes, and tried to search the depths of the forest, but he couldn’t find any trace of her.

    The next morning, he came and played his flute. And she came again, laughing and dancing. The snowflake flowers had now bloomed, like little white stars in a green sky, stopping every pair of eyes of people who happened to pass by. Many fresh mornings passed, she danced to his music and laughed with him. But every time when he tried to catch her hands, she fled and disappeared into the forest.

    One day, he didn’t come. Then the next day, he didn’t come. The early summer was hot and dry. There hadn’t been a rainfall for many many days. White snowflake petals shed to the ground, and became brown.

    “What happened? What can I do?” She asked. “I want to become a human like him.”

    “Human life is very short, snowflake. The flower spirits don’t die.” A voice answered.

    “I don’t care. I want to be like him. I want to be with him.”

    “Sigh. If he loves you, when he kisses you, you’ll be turned into a real woman. But you’ll never be able to turn back to your original shape, and you’ll never be able to come back to us, you understand?”

    “Yes! I understand.” A big smile blossomed at the corners of her dry lips.

    He finally came. A little water can was in his hand. “This summer must be hard for you, little snowflake.” He murmured when he poured water to the root of the plant. Snowflake’s heart was so full, and so sweet. “Play your flute for me, please.” She whispered into the wind.

    “Wow, such beautiful flowers!” A soft girl’s voice sounded behind the young man. He turned to her and smiled. “Yes, they are pretty, aren’t they? I used to come here and play my flute everyday. There is a girl live in this forest too. I used to think she is a fairy.” He said dreamingly.

    “Come on, let’s go. We are almost late for the flight.”

    “Wait a second. I want to play my flute one last time. And I’ll introduce you to her if she comes. I want to say goodbye to her.”

    He raised the flute to his mouth. Soft music flew around the trees. But she didn’t come. He finished his music, sighed. He knelt down beside the snowflake, gently touched the snow-white petal. “Good bye little snowflake.” A drop of water rolled out off the snowflake petal, into his hand. He suddenly felt dizzy. He saw the girl again, white dress, black hair, with a green ribbon on her hair. She slowly rose up from the snowflake flower, wrapped her arms around him, and pressed her lips on his. He felt like a static shock on his lips, and through his body. And he suddenly woke up. He stood up and looked around. No, she was not there. The forest was quiet as before except for the light breeze blew through the trees. He opened his hand. A snowflake petal lay inside. It was as white as snow, with a small emerald green spot near its tip. Like a teardrop.

    关键词(Tags): #爱#游戏#雪花
    • 家园 好文!





      • 家园 谢谢呀


    • 家园 好文,我也来鲜花支持一下,正开着金山词霸看呢。
    • 家园 真大才女。花上。
    • 家园 喜欢这篇童话


      • 家园 知道啊, 谢谢绿姐姐鼓励


    • 家园 雪花MM是才女啊, 赠花鼓励!



      关键词(Tags): #雪花#才女#鼓励
    • 家园 michelle branch has a song

      called the game of love, a nice song.... match your article

    • 家园 Love Game (III)下

      (次处Mindworm攻击略去, 贴不上来) … A sharp pain shot through her head and she was suddenly free. She opened her eyes wide and gasped in fresh air. Lily rotated around her, while a large boil of mindworms slowly receded toward the crimson colored fungus.

      “You saved me.” She looked at Lily appreciatively. As if reading her mind, Lily stopped rotating and descended in front of her. Pressing on her aching temple, she knew she was too tired. She would not have fallen under the psych assault of the worms this easily, if she were her normal self. Centauri A was rising from the horizon. It was time to head back, she decided, pushing away all thoughts of him. … His hand touching her body … She shook her head, and looked toward the direction the mindworm went, hoping to redirect her thought to the imminent danger.

      Her blood froze at what she saw. Far inside the red fungus, a colony of golden mindworms wiggled, their antennae thrusting into the air. A man stood in the middle of the mindworms, fighting to keep them away from him. It’s him! Blood gushed toward her head. She jumped up and dashed toward him, screaming inside. … Don’t! … It was an illusion … Lily was on her way, trying to block her. Yes it must be an illusion. It has to be an illusion … She pushed Lily away, and continued running toward him. Hold on … I’m coming … She must save him. There was no way for her to make sure if it was another mindworm’s trick. It couldn’t be him. But she couldn’t take the risk. She ran into the fungus. She had psych power. She could save him. She wouldn’t be able to fend off the army of mindworms. But she had to try. She had to save him … She ran. The worms started coming to her. But they couldn’t get close. Those that got close were flipped away, their antennae toasted like they were on fire. He was waving his arms. His face looked worried. Don’t come … my love … don’t … More and more mindworms flew toward her, over the toasted body of their companions, like golden waves in a red sea. She ran toward him, like a moth drawn to fire. … I'd catch you when you jumped, and hold your hand afterwards …

    • 家园 Love Game (III)上

      Fly me to the moon

      Let me sing among those stars

      Let me see what spring is like

      On Jupiter and Mars

      In other words, hold my hand

      In other words, baby kiss me

      Fill my heart with song

      Let me sing for ever more

      You are all I long for

      All I worship and adore

      In other words, please be true

      In other words, I love you

      It had been seven days now since she ran out of the Hive after him. She still remembered their brief conversation before he left.

      “You finally did the most honorable thing.” She said quietly.

      “You understand what I did and why, then?” He looked at her.

      “Yes I do understand. You have tried to do all you can for what you believe to be the right thing to do.” She tried to remain as composed as she could. “You want me to go with you?”

      “Its up to you. I couldn't possibly love you any more, but I'd catch you when you jumped, and hold your hand afterwards.” He paused, and then added, “There's not much else I can offer.”

      Her heart still pained at the coldness in his words. But she hated herself more. For she had hesitated, wondering among duty, honor, and the most important thing in her life. There was no trace of him when she finally left a note and went after him from the underground. She had tried hard to remember what he had said before and tried to imagine which direction he would be heading. She was thrilled when she found his abandoned rover parked beside a huge fungus field at a cliff side. But all trails had gone cold from there.

      She had found her black butterfly in his rover. She knew he never intended to use it when she gave it to him. But it still made her heart sink seeing it left behind. He did not leave anything for her, not a clue, or a note. She knew him too well to expect otherwise. Still she spent the entire night inside his rover, wishing to find the last warmth of his presence.

      She had left her own rover there and started walking on foot. That was five days ago, or so she believed. She was not really sure about days and times any more. Her foods were all gone, and she was no longer bothered by the sourness of her legs and feet. The worst part was the quietness, the fear. Having lived long in the underground tunnels of the Hive, she was not used to staying above ground for so long. The world around her seemed so big and strange, and she felt so small and lonely. Lily had kept her company, and kept her safe from the mindworms. But he didn’t have a mindworm of his own, how would the nights be for him?

      She stopped in front of another patch of fungus while Lily happily dived into it. The unattended fungus grew wildly. They were about the same height as she. This kind of large fungus field could be very dangerous, especially when it was so close to dark. Numb as her nerves were she still had the basic instinct of self-preservation. He couldn’t have been here. But where could he be? She sighed to herself and started to clear up an area where she could start a fire.

      The night was getting chillier. She sat in front of the fire, arms wrapped around her knees. It was such a strange feeling. She had nothing to lean upon, nothing to hold on to. The sky was so high, as if it was going to fall. The fire was flickering, as if it was unreal. She closed her eyes, rocking herself back and forth slowly without conscious. … I'd catch you when you jumped, and hold your hand afterwards … She heard his voice again, warm and comforting beside her ears. She kept her eyes closed, wishing sleep would soon fall upon her.

    • 家园 Love Game (II)

      A gust of wind swirled around with scattered snow-white flower petals. A dimly lighted phrase showed up in the middle of the snowflake background: “Sorry, you lost.”

      Flinging open the cover, the girl stood up from her seat drearily and walked toward the game master desk. She handed her game piece card to the GM and said simply, “I’d like to play another game please.” The GM inserted her GP card into the GP reader, and then handed it back to her. Another one hooked up hopelessly, he sighed to himself.

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