
主题:【原创】Love Game -- 雪花

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家园 【原创】Love Game

题外话: 来到西西河才一天,就被这里满溢的才华,热情,和美好深深吸引住了. 忍不住想要把自己过去写过的东西拿出来与大家共享. 可惜是用英语写的,只好请大家看在我急于献宝的分上多多包涵.以后有机会我一定把它转成中文. 谢谢!

The Love Game (I)

When marimba rhythms start to play

Dance with me, make me sway

Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore

Hold me close, sway me more

Like a flower bending in the breeze

Bend with me, sway with ease

When we dance you have a way with me

Stay with me, sway with me

Other dancers may be on the floor

Dear, but my eyes will see only you

Only you have the magic technique

When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins

Long before it begins

Make me thrill as only you know how

Sway me smooth, sway me now

Light breeze drifted through a little patch of trees. Morning sunshine splattered through the evergreen leaves and branches, falling onto a cluster of viburnum that was growing under the tree. A little bell shaped flower dangled in the winds, nodding from the tip of a hollow scape that stands just about the threadlike leaves. It had six snow-white petals, each with a small emerald green spot near its tip.

A young man walked into the forest, enjoying the early morning freshness of the air. His eyes lighted up when he spotted the little flower. “Awww, a little snowflake. Haven’t you opened a little early this year? See your friends are still not here yet.” He sat down beside the snowflake, took out a flute and started to play.

Every morning, he came to play his flute beside the little snowflake. Every morning, the little snowflake danced with the soft and fluent music that flew around the forest. One day, while he was playing the flute, he heard a light laugh. He turned around, and saw her, white dress, black hair, with an emerald green ribbon on her hair. “Who are you?”

“I live in this forest. I like your flute so much. Can you play it for me one more time?” He played, and she danced with the music. And then she ran away, laughing. The forest became quiet again, like nothing had happened. He rubbed his eyes, and tried to search the depths of the forest, but he couldn’t find any trace of her.

The next morning, he came and played his flute. And she came again, laughing and dancing. The snowflake flowers had now bloomed, like little white stars in a green sky, stopping every pair of eyes of people who happened to pass by. Many fresh mornings passed, she danced to his music and laughed with him. But every time when he tried to catch her hands, she fled and disappeared into the forest.

One day, he didn’t come. Then the next day, he didn’t come. The early summer was hot and dry. There hadn’t been a rainfall for many many days. White snowflake petals shed to the ground, and became brown.

“What happened? What can I do?” She asked. “I want to become a human like him.”

“Human life is very short, snowflake. The flower spirits don’t die.” A voice answered.

“I don’t care. I want to be like him. I want to be with him.”

“Sigh. If he loves you, when he kisses you, you’ll be turned into a real woman. But you’ll never be able to turn back to your original shape, and you’ll never be able to come back to us, you understand?”

“Yes! I understand.” A big smile blossomed at the corners of her dry lips.

He finally came. A little water can was in his hand. “This summer must be hard for you, little snowflake.” He murmured when he poured water to the root of the plant. Snowflake’s heart was so full, and so sweet. “Play your flute for me, please.” She whispered into the wind.

“Wow, such beautiful flowers!” A soft girl’s voice sounded behind the young man. He turned to her and smiled. “Yes, they are pretty, aren’t they? I used to come here and play my flute everyday. There is a girl live in this forest too. I used to think she is a fairy.” He said dreamingly.

“Come on, let’s go. We are almost late for the flight.”

“Wait a second. I want to play my flute one last time. And I’ll introduce you to her if she comes. I want to say goodbye to her.”

He raised the flute to his mouth. Soft music flew around the trees. But she didn’t come. He finished his music, sighed. He knelt down beside the snowflake, gently touched the snow-white petal. “Good bye little snowflake.” A drop of water rolled out off the snowflake petal, into his hand. He suddenly felt dizzy. He saw the girl again, white dress, black hair, with a green ribbon on her hair. She slowly rose up from the snowflake flower, wrapped her arms around him, and pressed her lips on his. He felt like a static shock on his lips, and through his body. And he suddenly woke up. He stood up and looked around. No, she was not there. The forest was quiet as before except for the light breeze blew through the trees. He opened his hand. A snowflake petal lay inside. It was as white as snow, with a small emerald green spot near its tip. Like a teardrop.

关键词(Tags): #爱#游戏#雪花
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