
主题:【人物】摘一些外国人写的与周恩来交往的经历 -- 静静

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  • 家园 【人物】摘一些外国人写的与周恩来交往的经历



    这一篇是关于nixon 访华的回忆。先看nixon下飞机:

    When approaching Zhou, Nixon warmly extended his hand, a salutation that former Secretary of State John Foster Dulles denied Zhou at the 1954 Geneva Conference on Indochina. Zhou was deeply offended by this lack of respect, and carried the memory of that indignity for years.


    In the Chairman's presence, even the charismatic Zhou paled.



    Anyway,after the meeting,Chiang Kai-sheck received the policy of cooperating to fight against Japan's agression and the second United Front was realized. At this time,people in the world had gotten known for the first time Zhou Enlai's ability of diplomatic negotiation and persuation.

    • 家园 【人物】摘一些外国人写的与周恩来交往的经历(继续)



      One incident of which I have some personal knowledge is Anastas Mikoyan 's secret visit to China in January 1949, eight months before the Communists finally came to power in China. The authors have referred to this visit, but seem to have misread its main purpose. A good source told me that Stalin had sent Mikoyan to Mao to ensure that Zhou En-lai would be appointed prime minister in the new government. Stalin was aware of Mao's hostility to Zhou and feared that Zhou, whom Moscow favoured, might not make it.


      The book deals well with the uneasy relationship between Mao and Zhou, the two men at the heart of the Chinese Communist state from 1949 until their respective deaths in the mid seventies. This account brings out their contrasting characters: the slender, selfless, urbane, idealistic disciplined party worker, Zhou En-lai, pitched against the hefty, rustic, foul-mouthed, self-centred Kulak and heartless, reckless rebel, Mao Zedong. It is an unequal fight and Mao won hands down, dragging Zhou into abject slavery in his final years through virtual blackmail. Zhou emerges as a weak and tragic figure with little strength or will left to resist, Mao as a ruthless tyrant who forgets nothing and forgives no one. Mao snubbed and humiliated Zhou, forcing him to commit many unconscionable crimes (which included putting people to death) while himself maintaining his self-propagated image as "a benign and always correct, wise leader". In fact, he was neither benign, wise or correct. Amongst other crimes, Mao's total ignorance of economics resulted in the starvation and death of millions of Chinese. But Mao was a clever PR man who gave currency to his cult of personality and his image of benign and correct leadership by rewriting Party history and slandering earlier leaders.

      • 家园 嘿嘿,说得很到位.

        Stalin was aware of Mao's hostility to Zhou...

        ...the hefty, rustic, foul-mouthed, self-centred Kulak and heartless, reckless rebel, Mao Zedong

        别的不说, rustic和foul-mouthed这两条是事实, 至少可以从江青和毛的互动中看出.

        Mao ... gave currency to his cult of personality and his image of benign and correct leadership by rewriting Party history and slandering earlier leaders.

        中伤历届前任的党的领袖、篡改党史 是这么回事。

      • 家园 【人物】摘一些外国人写的与周恩来交往的经历(继续2)



        The often pragmatic and moderate Chou was attacked by radicals during China's "Cultural Revolution" after 1966, but he kept his position and influence, which was demonstrated in 1971 and 1972 when he was a central figure in the Chinese-U.S. rapprochement.



        One wonders what might have happened to China's Communist revolution if Chou En-lai had not been at Mao Tse-tung's side almost from the beginning. As former U.S. President Richard Nixon once observed: "Without Chou [the revolution] would have burned out and only the ashes would remain."

        Mao was the dreamer and idealist who gave the revolution its passion and purged anyone who didn't share his vision. Chou, premier from the day the People's Republic was founded in 1949 until his death in 1976, was the pragmatist who kept the engine of government running even during Mao's excesses. And it was Chou's diplomatic savvy that kept the door open to a world hostile to Mao's regime.

        During the Cultural Revolution Mao said: "How shall we govern China without the premier? It is quite impossible. He is the housekeeper." Mao clearly recognized Chou's importance to him, but the comment also illustrates a servility on Chou's part that mystified the Chinese people and his biographers.

        A young Chinese woman, a fashion designer, was quoted by the New York Times in 1986 on the 10th anniversary of Chou's death: "I loved him. He was so mild. He tried to protect everybody. But he compromised so much. Perhaps he should have stood up more often and said, 'This is wrong!' If he had done that, perhaps we wouldn't have suffered so much."

        But, as one biographer says, Chou may have abhorred chaos more than he adored communism. He was, in a sense, an enlightened Confucian dedicated to established order. Party discipline was everything. Once he had pledged his loyalty, he was determined to keep it against all odds.

        Legendary diplomatic skills

        Chou's diplomatic skills were legendary. "Chou can look at you, and with that look, win you over or wither you," an admirer once said. One long-time observer took another view: "[Chou was] one of the master dissemblers of our age.'

        His most brilliant feat of diplomacy culminated in February 1972 when he welcomed Nixon to China after more than two decades of American enmity. The event was even more sensational because Nixon was perhaps America's leading anti-Communist.

        Chou apparently charmed Henry Kissinger, Nixon's national security adviser, when they met in Beijing in July 1971 for secret talks that set up Nixon's visit. In the historic Shanghai Communique at the end of Nixon's trip the United States acknowledged "that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China." Seven years later the United States broke diplomatic relations with Taiwan and recognized the People's Republic.

        Kissinger later called Chou "one of the two or three most impressive men I have ever met ... equally at home in philosophy, reminiscence, historical analysis, tactical probes, humorous repartees."

        Raised for the civil service

        Chou was born into a comfortable middle class family in Hualan, Jiangsu Province, on March 5, 1898. His family envisioned a career in the civil service for him and sent him to well-regarded schools in Tianjin and Japan.

        Chou was swept up by the revolutionary fervor in Tianjin, leading several student protests when he returned from abroad. In 1920 he was arrested and briefly jailed before leaving for Paris to continue his studies. In Europe he met Deng Xiaoping and other young socialists who would play key roles in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Chou joined the CCP after its founding in Shanghai in 1921 and organized several European branches.

        Returning to China the summer of 1924, Chou joined the Kuomintang (KMT) of Sun Yat-sen, then allied with the CCP, and was named deputy political director of the Whampoa Military Academy, commanded by Chiang Kai-shek. He also married Deng Yingschao, a student activist who became a CCP leader in her own right.

        From fugitive to insider

        After Sun died in 1925, Chiang seized control of the KMT and in 1927 turned against the Communists. Chou barely escaped the bloody purge and went underground. After instigating several failed urban revolts, he retreated to the mountains of Jiangxi Province where Mao and others were creating rural soviets and building the Red Army. By then Chou was a member of the party's Central Committee and Politburo.

        Mao was by no means the inevitable choice to be party leader. Chou replaced Mao as the army's political commissar in 1932 and allied with Mao's rivals when they ousted him from making policy. And Chou wasn't always the mild-mannered gentleman the world knew later. During the Jiangxi period, according to biographer Han Suyin, he ordered the execution of 17 members of a traitor's family. It wasn't until the Long March of 1934-35 that Mao reassumed party control. Chou deferred to his authority and the two began their long association.

        In 1936 Chiang was forced by his officers to halt the civil war and reunite with the Communists to fight the Japanese. Chou was the CCP's liaison with the Nationalists throughout the war. Afterward he negotiated with Chiang to form a coalition government in talks mediated by a succession of American generals, including George C. Marshall, who called Chou "a statesman of international caliber." The talks failed, and the civil war resumed.

        Chou's place in history

        As premier, Chou's political and administrative skills held the country together during Mao's experiments. During the Great Leap Forward he was a force for restraint. In the Cultural Revolution he used his influence to protect several officials imperiled by the Red Guards.

        Chou's foreign policy largely was driven by anxiety over America's hostility in its support of the Taiwan regime. He sent in troops during the Korean conflict because he was convinced the United States wanted to invade China and reinstall the KMT. In the end, however, it was China's fear of the Soviet Union that motivated Chou's overtures to the United States.

        Chou also traveled widely to validate China as the champion of Third World nations, and he was mostly successful. As "The Encyclopedia of the Cold War" puts it, "Chou was recognized as the voice of the People's Republic."

        Chou En-lai was probably the most astute politician of his generation in China. He seemed to possess the right combination of toughness and charm at crucial stages in the Communist Party's long quest for power and legitimacy. He died of liver cancer on January 8, 1976.

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