
主题:【人物】摘一些外国人写的与周恩来交往的经历 -- 静静

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家园 【人物】摘一些外国人写的与周恩来交往的经历(继续)



One incident of which I have some personal knowledge is Anastas Mikoyan 's secret visit to China in January 1949, eight months before the Communists finally came to power in China. The authors have referred to this visit, but seem to have misread its main purpose. A good source told me that Stalin had sent Mikoyan to Mao to ensure that Zhou En-lai would be appointed prime minister in the new government. Stalin was aware of Mao's hostility to Zhou and feared that Zhou, whom Moscow favoured, might not make it.


The book deals well with the uneasy relationship between Mao and Zhou, the two men at the heart of the Chinese Communist state from 1949 until their respective deaths in the mid seventies. This account brings out their contrasting characters: the slender, selfless, urbane, idealistic disciplined party worker, Zhou En-lai, pitched against the hefty, rustic, foul-mouthed, self-centred Kulak and heartless, reckless rebel, Mao Zedong. It is an unequal fight and Mao won hands down, dragging Zhou into abject slavery in his final years through virtual blackmail. Zhou emerges as a weak and tragic figure with little strength or will left to resist, Mao as a ruthless tyrant who forgets nothing and forgives no one. Mao snubbed and humiliated Zhou, forcing him to commit many unconscionable crimes (which included putting people to death) while himself maintaining his self-propagated image as "a benign and always correct, wise leader". In fact, he was neither benign, wise or correct. Amongst other crimes, Mao's total ignorance of economics resulted in the starvation and death of millions of Chinese. But Mao was a clever PR man who gave currency to his cult of personality and his image of benign and correct leadership by rewriting Party history and slandering earlier leaders.

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