
主题:【整理】计划报废 -- 杨微粒

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        • 家园 苹果麻烦


        • 家园 英文报道


          Some advanced users have been reporting an overuse of the SSD for writing and reading data on the newly released Macs with M1, Apple’s first computer chip based on ARM architecture. The issue could eventually affect the lifespan of the internal SSD used in M1 Macs — not to mention the machine itself.

          As noted by users on Twitter and also on the Linus Tech Tips forums, macOS indicates that the internal SSD of M1 Macs has registered “extremely high drive writes over relatively short time.” One user points out that in some extreme cases the SSD has already had consumed about 13% of the maximum warrantable total bytes written (TBW).

          我的M8SeGN3年才写入了TBW的4%;有的M1 Mac,3个月就写入了TBW13%,mac OS 11对内存和swap的调度必然是有鬼。

        • 家园 国人的报告


          macOS 11之后swap调度更积极了,任何内存规格都无解,M1比intel更积极。两种解决方式,1,干掉macOS系统,安装win10。2,降级到Catalina。任何预装macOS11的产品,建议能退货就退回货

          taotaotaotao 02-20

          我11月买了8G+512G的macbook air(因为16G内存的版本要预定后一个月才能拿到,8G的基本上直接能拿到就直接买了)。后来感觉磁盘读写量巨大,于是12月的时候自己统计了一下,6天左右的时间里,Data read: 2.36TB, Data written: 1.73TB,绝大多数是kernal_task进程用掉的。

          于是果断退货,重新买了16G+512G的,果然正常多了,三天data written在100GB以内,差不多是10倍的差距。



          4年磨损一半还不够 意思你想用十年么

          Luv Letter (作者) 回复记忆竞赛老年组季军02-15

          平均磨损一半你知道什么概念吗? 一堆 dead block 了

          https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/350757420 的评论区

        • 家园 这个,让子弹飞一会儿吧。
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