
主题:【原创】这次疫情中的星星之火 -- Ace

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        • 家园 目前是官僚贵族和平民的矛盾


        • 家园 凡事有个比较


      • 家园 关于病毒基因测序的效率问题,会不会是技术进步的原因?




        • 家园 疫苗起了很大作用

          2009 flu pandemic in the United State

          On December 10, 2009, the CDC reported an estimated 50 million Americans or 1 in 6 people had been infected with the 2009 A H1N1 Virus and 10,000 American had died, by which time the vaccine was beginning to be widely distributed to the general public by several states.[126] On December 23, 2009 the CDC reported a reduction of the disease by 59% percent and the disease was expected to end in the United States in January 2010.




          截至2010年三月中旬,據美國疾病控制與預防中心 (CDC) 統計,共有5600萬美國人感染了此次H1N1病毒,265,000人住院治療,有12,000人死於此次疫情。

        • 家园 美国CDC自己的数据


          截至2010年三月中旬,據美國疾病控制與預防中心 (CDC) 統計,共有5600萬美國人感染了此次H1N1病毒,265,000人住院治療,有12,000人死於此次疫情。

          • 家园 这个网传消息是断章取义的。







            • 家园 你说的大概是第一波的确诊病例


              The total number of confirmed cases varied from 27,717(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed and probable cases) and 25,453 (total of all state confirmed cases) as of June 26, 2009.

              Towards the middle of June 2009, the number of US cases surpassed those of Mexico, which had been the previous leader in diagnosed cases of the disease. Toward the end of June 2009, the number of deaths related to the virus in the US surpassed those of all other countries as well.

              On June 25, the CDC released information revealing that there were more than likely over one million (1,000,000) cases of the disease in the US, most of which had not been reported or diagnosed.

              *** 截至2009年6月26日,确诊病例总数从27717例(疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)确诊病例和可能病例)到25453例(所有州确诊病例总数)不等。





              Swine flu has killed 10,000 Americans since April

              December 10, 2009, CHICAGO (Reuters) - Swine flu has killed nearly 10,000 Americans, including 1,100 children and 7,500 younger adults, and infected one in six people in the United States since arriving last April, health officials said on Thursday.

              “What we’ve seen for months is this is a flu that is much harder on younger people,” Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told a media briefing.

              He estimated that between April and November 14 there had been nearly 50 million cases of H1N1 influenza in the United States, mostly in younger adults and children. That was more than double the CDC’s estimate in November of 22 million Americans.

              Frieden said more than 200,000 Americans had been hospitalized — about the same number who are affected by seasonal flu in an entire year.

              “About 15 percent of the entire country has been infected with H1N1 influenza, or about one in six people,” Frieden told a media briefing.

              *** 2009.12.10, 芝加哥(路透社)-卫生官员周四表示,自去年4月抵达美国以来,猪流感已导致近1万名美国人死亡,其中包括1100名儿童和7500名年轻人,并感染了美国六分之一的人。

              美国疾病控制和预防中心主任托马斯·弗里登(Thomas Frieden)博士在媒体吹风会上表示:“我们几个月来看到的是,这是一种对年轻人来说要严重得多的流感。”






            • 家园 美国这个10万人的数据仅仅是感染人数的一小部分









              很显然除了法国和意大利,其他人都少测了。所以死亡率都显得高。这与什么时候开始的没有关系,比如美国比墨西哥晚爆发,印度比中国晚爆发,前者死亡率都高过后者,印度更是比中国高了差不多10倍。病毒的变异不足以解释意大利和印度死亡率之间3个数量级的差别。很显然这是检测能力和检测范围的不同造成的。美国CDC后来的估计是:57 million左右感染,11,690死亡,这样算起来才是0.02%的死亡率。所以你那个10万人的说法离实际情况偏差也太大了,那只是实际感染人数的千分之二,也就是说,一千个病人里面只有两个样本被实验室确定了。

              这次武汉的高死亡率是下面三个因素的作用:1. 武汉外面的人的旅行能力比较高,一般年纪比较轻,身体也比较好;2. 危重症需要Intensive Care,外面资源相对充裕;3. 最重要的原因还是武汉检测能力有限,很多轻症没有检测就扛过去了,分母少了死亡率看起来就高很多。


          • 家园 美国人真皮实,同时盼着中国人别这么皮实

            那会儿我在纽约。一般公众没人隔离、没人戴口罩。没有航班停飞、没有城市被封。全社会淡定得很。更没有任何国家禁止美国公民入境。轮到中国出现类似疫情,美国政府和媒体怎么就如临大敌了?What gives?




            China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia

            --Its financial markets may be even more dangerous than its wildlife markets.

            By Walter Russell Mead

            Feb. 3, 2020

            ......Epidemics also lead us to think about geopolitical and economic hypotheticals. We have seen financial markets shudder and commodity prices fall in the face of what hopefully will be a short-lived disturbance in China’s economic growth. What would happen if—perhaps in response to an epidemic, but more likely following a massive financial collapse—China’s economy were to suffer a long period of even slower growth? What would be the impact of such developments on China’s political stability, on its attitude toward the rest of the world, and to the global balance of power?

            China’s financial markets are probably more dangerous in the long run than China’s wildlife markets. Given the accumulated costs of decades of state-driven lending, massive malfeasance by local officials in cahoots with local banks, a towering property bubble, and vast industrial overcapacity, China is as ripe as a country can be for a massive economic correction. Even a small initial shock could lead to a massive bonfire of the vanities as all the false values, inflated expectations and misallocated assets implode. If that comes, it is far from clear that China’s regulators and decision makers have the technical skills or the political authority to minimize the damage—especially since that would involve enormous losses to the wealth of the politically connected.

            We cannot know when or even if a catastrophe of this scale will take place, but students of geopolitics and international affairs—not to mention business leaders and investors—need to bear in mind that China’s power, impressive as it is, remains brittle. A deadlier virus or a financial-market contagion could transform China’s economic and political outlook at any time.

            Many now fear the coronavirus will become a global pandemic. The consequences of a Chinese economic meltdown would travel with the same sweeping inexorability. Commodity prices around the world would slump, supply chains would break down, and few financial institutions anywhere could escape the knock-on consequences. Recovery in China and elsewhere could be slow, and the social and political effects could be dramatic.

            If Beijing’s geopolitical footprint shrank as a result, the global consequences might also be surprising. Some would expect a return of unipolarity if the only possible great-power rival to the U.S. were to withdraw from the game. Yet in the world of American politics, isolation rather than engagement might surge to the fore. If the China challenge fades, many Americans are likely to assume that the U.S. can safely reduce its global commitments.

            So far, the 21st century has been an age of black swans. From 9/11 to President Trump’s election and Brexit, low-probability, high-impact events have reshaped the world order. That age isn’t over, and of the black swans still to arrive, the coronavirus epidemic is unlikely to be the last to materialize in China.

            • 家园 美国人的自大傲慢已经病入膏肓了


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