
主题:【原创】这次疫情中的星星之火 -- Ace

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    • 转一篇外网文章《疫情是否会导致中共的垮台?》

      本文的作者是Quora大神Robin Daverman(感谢happyyuppie河友提示)



      Will the Wuhan virus and the subsequent handling of it lead to the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party?


      Dude, the Chinese government has been exceptionally good in dealing with this virus. You can NOT deliver what the Chinese government has delivered so far, unless you are the mythical Santa Claus.


      During the Western African Ebola virus epidemic in 2014, the CDC rushed in to try to find the virus. It took them 2 months from getting the 1st patient sample to identifying the complete genomic sequence, and then another 6 weeks to publish it. This is Top Urgency, with a virus that has a 90% case fatality rate.


      The 2009 Swine Flu in the US, which ended up infecting 55 million Americans and killed 11,000 of them, the first cases started to appear in late March, the CDC identified it on April 17, and the identification kits were not generally available until mid-May. And that was 250 people working 100+ hour a week! 2009 flu pandemic in the United States And this is the CDC, the best infectious disease research agency in the world, with $11 billion a year budget and 11,000 employees!


      This Coronavirus in China? From 1st patient sample to complete viral identification and sequencing, 1 week. Immediate publication / deposit in the genomics library for all people in the world. Then based on this sequence, the Chinese biotech companies jumped in and produced validated assays within a week. This is also unprecedented. The scientists working in this field are all going “who the f*ck are these guys and how did they do it” right now!


      The first patient in Wuhan was admitted in mid-December. Subsequent genomic analyses on gene variants all point to mid-December, single-source mutation, which means that China’s public health surveillance is very good, and it most likely caught the very first patient. This is impressive. FYI we still don’t have the first patient of Ebola or the Swine Flu but we have best guesses in both cases.


      By now, the Chinese government has wired $130 million to the city of Wuhan, hundreds of medical teams, thousands of doctors and nurses with top-notch infectious disease experts are rushing over there, 30 million people locked down in city-wide quarantine. Not to mention they are building a hospital dedicated to treating this single virus. What have you offered? More money, better medical service, or superior scientific expertise? Show us then.


      People who have fallen in the river tend to know the difference between those who jump in, swim hard towards them and try to pull them up, and those who stay on shore, hoping to see them die to make a point…

      • 这篇文章并没有论证“中共会不会垮台”




        • 一个幅员辽阔人口占全人类总数22%的国家,你要一个小政府







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