
主题:国债负利率的日本,越借钱政府赚得越多,当然不怕花钱 -- forger

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                • 家园 "抛开逻辑很难取得共识"=抛开math, 物理?

                  it is almost the same logic, and I have posted zillion times in the past, still, unless CAS folks make some fuss (a 必要条件 only,value=? if not zero) this Chinese 物理 with math core of TG's Chinese Marxism could go on for how long? nobody knows.


                  is white 公知, market system better than TG's Marxism of Chinese version, or Indian's temples, not necessarily, it is all relative;

                  but if, china stays and lives as a largely open system exchanging information/energy largely with US/west logic led world, what china can do?

                  and what is exactly the "math" of TG's Marxism of Chinese version? even chairman X did not talk about it in this 3rd plenary speech;

                  so far, "white 公知, market system" is the lessor of all evils, it is very hard not to go with it;


                  can china still grow Chinese "物理" under TG's "math" of Chinese Marxism?

                  of course, it just cost the Chinese system much more, in almost all the aspects of Chinese society.


                  "倒逼" has not really come to the core math of TG's Chinese Marxism yet, 不见棺材不落泪, which as a social physics problem, 棺材 & 泪 are hard to model and predict, non linear, but when it comes, it could come in a non linear way too.

                • 家园 量子计算机搞成, 美女 price up,直线


                  all 神=fallacies, no value anymore, so money all chasing 美女 etc, and 美女 is always 美女, 奥卡姆剃刀 can not cut into it;


                  and everybody else will be not that lucky at all

                  TED | Talks | List - TED.com

                  there is this young MIT entrepreneur saying that internet is out there to destroy values, likely with 奥卡姆剃刀 to cut all the "fake values" into very little values if any, he gave a few examples, such as those "silly" mainstream companies overpaid his company for doing some projects, which can be done by his company on internet with almost no cost, etc

                  can't find the link


                  somehow, global capital market has been 奥卡姆剃刀 cutting into all the emerging market, EEM, EMB, DBV, likely questioning the business models of entire china/EM world, I hope chairman X is aware of that.

                • 家园 "没有共识的中国就是一盘量子"

                  but it can still hang together, producing, moving forward, likely still growing as well, with a world #2 super power title, because of that, TG still enjoys managing 这盘子, alone by itself, not to share it at all with 连战李光耀;

                  until one day, TG can't do it anymore, prompted by change from TG inside, or outside of china, neither likely in the "foreseeable" future, so everybody has to enjoy 量子 uncle TG for a long while, like it or not.

            • 领域
              家园 "遇到在精神位面无法征服的,就从物质位面加以消灭"

              well said, that's kind of white's platform of 证伪 all kinds of fallacies, an important subject worth of tons of books, for us to think "smarter".

              文小刚 on his "PRL rejected my paper on lattice chiral fermion theory ", kind of : ""不可证伪的理论,没啥意义"。"New theory should predict something new that is missed by the old theory." The above are very well said and they raise a very good point. The string-net theory (or the qubit theory) of elementary particles does 可证伪. It does predict something new that is missed by the old theory."

              in physics, your theory has to predict something new, for all other physicists to play it out in their labs, MIT, or Qinghua, beida, period.

              for money related thing, put it into global capital market, no money, no honey, period.

              for any other social 精神位面 stuff, they all have their own individual platforms to play out;

              vs TG's almost universal 证伪 platform of 伟光正 for almost all the games in china.


              and if one reads 文小刚 's "我们生活在一个量子计算机里 We live inside a quantum computer", one can finds many similarities between that and the brain map


              夕曦:【原创】教育探索(六)—大脑神经网络是如何形成的 2012-01-31 20:20:16

              DNA里携带的是一种分形的自组织规则。 [ 拿不准 ] 于:2012-01-31 20:20:16 复:3633311




              as you said, fallacies & 证伪 are two sides of white bloody knife hanging on over the heads of everybody else in the current gaming phase of human system.

              with that, white can argue that they figured that weapon out through a series bloody religions wars among themselves and with others, then 文艺复兴, then newton.., then market system as a platform of 证伪 all kind of social sciences/fallacies; etc;

              they paid for it, supposedly.


              now, Chinese yellow's social science as of day 1: 修身齐家治国平天下 etc kind of model, a lot of "better" than Indian's temple of all kinds of heaven based social science models?

              a heaven based fallacy can never be 证伪, that ghost is likely going to hunt Indians as a nation for how many more decades?

              "修身齐家治国平天下" with a Marxism "mark up" as the lessor of two evils has a 证伪 issue as well, obviously;

              科斯定理 - MBA智库百科

              科斯定理(Coase Theorem)科斯定理是由诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗纳德·哈里·科斯(Ronald H. Coase)命名。他于1937年和1960年分别发表了《厂商的性质》和《社会成本问题...

              and a bounce of white economics models are all about this cost of information processing, etc;

              "修身齐家治国平天下" as such, is a still live "markov链" locking the mind of Chinese as a nation, to the "benefit" of TG as china's leadership group.


              it is all relative, if uncle sam's ass had not been covered with this Ben Fed QE economics , with 页岩油 physics of a Greece immigrant entrepreneur in US, TG's "修身齐家治国平天下" based 北京共识 model would have looked a lot of stronger;

              and Russian bear would be more likely to short us/west together with TGchina.


              still, one cannot say Indians or Chinese are "dead meat" in terms of 精神位面 & their social belief systems, that 精神 jump could be a fallacy itself, almost, but would anybody care about it at all?

              human system will never run out of fallacies, it always picks a few critical ones, then get busy with working on them, money (information, energy) made or lost, then moves on, a game of one fallacy/与环境因素有关的开关 at a time, but 同時 by zillions human animals all working on the fallacies they picked at their own location in this GR 洛伦茨流形;

              and 愛因斯坦 said, folks, 測地線 is there for you guys to figure it out collectively, work with your head and ass together, and good luck(:)


              [20]文小刚 2013-10-29 08:49 Re【16】 【18】

              "不可证伪的理论,没啥意义"。"New theory should predict something new that is missed by the old theory." The above are very well said and they raise a very good point. The string-net theory (or the qubit theory) of elementary particles does 可证伪. It does predict something new that is missed by the old theory. See section IV D

              in arXiv:1210.1281 "Topological order: from long-range entangled quantum matter to an unification of light and electrons"


            • 领域
              家园 yellows like "grand design"


              yellows all like "grand design"

              jpy, Korean, more or less of elite's grand design for their social economic development, or a modified version of 100 % white (us/west vs soviet union) model;


              TG kind of does the same, more of 70% white model/soviet union;

              that 30% difference is non-linear, and as a 初始条件, it may well have kicked china nation 偏微分方程 system into a totally different 轨道 in this largely "general relativity" human world, and for how many decades more?

              history will tell.

              on the one hand, 70% white really hurts, Marxism is an ideology, not economics;

              on the other hand, marx's phd student 列宁建党建军学说 as a political operational theory and model really helped TG big time, making TG feels very good, confident, until today, with 911 lottery winning of zillion dollars, life is very good, man, and what is wrong with all you 公知 fxxking heads?(:)


              yellow's grand design brain model makes sense:


              you have to learn from white, figuring out their tricks, etc;


              then, as nation, after elite learned white tricks, they push the reform top down, with a centralized model of uniting the nation's resources of whatever, and to catch up with whites, kind of 后发优势林毅夫"倾国倾城" model.


              TG started that way too, but with M as head trader of TG hedge fund in a global market, he first longed soviet union, shorted US, kind of understandable; then he started shorting soviet union as well, and almost the whole world, long third world only, a losing trade still hurting china as of today;

              then M made an another mistake, he made his entire long third world trade worthless by selling out china's only buddy 巴基斯坦, M was busy with US/UN stuff, "forgot" 巴基斯坦

              印度肢解巴基斯坦,孟加拉国成立 2011-12-17 | 阅: 转: | 分享 1971年12月17日 印度和东巴基斯坦之间的战争结束 1971年12月,印度和东巴基斯坦之间的...

              then D fxxked Vietnam for whatever reasons, another losing trade;

              then...now we have chairman X as head trader.


              so, TG as an authoritarian hedge fund has a huge volatility issue, that "financial" volatility has to be hedged out by TG's political & military power, mostly domestically oriented, & obviously, the chairman X's 国安委 stuff.


              "神经网络中高达10的15次方个突触的所有具体连接", ising model, general relativity theory, etc, all tell us, human system as a open & dissipative system relies on information intelligence powered innovation, and that innovation is a locally happened quantization of collective processing, so far, market system resembles that very well;

              where & how that local quantization of collective information processing and modeling would take place? if non-general relativity model, we have quantum, qft "probability" models, etc, basically statistical physics, kind of a somehow regulated market system, very much of what we have now, kind of almost closed near equilibrium system with some kind of borders;

              with a general relativity model, we don't have a quantization model or statistical physics, nothing really;

              with that, "grand design" is not going to work

              and, white's "1 inner logic model" & almost "1 language" helped them out when playing games in this largely general relativity human world, among other things.


              human being has to be obviously very creative to survive & grow, this cloud, AI & whatever coming is really going to change the world, potentially, and that is what a non-linear event/breaking through means, and that has to be coming out of some kind of democratic "unregulated" all-out people mass brain war in an internet world, with whomever breaking out first as a new leader to lead the information intelligence hungry crowds, that kinds of people's war is very hard to be designed at top by whomever, a country should do whatever it could on the side to help its people brain war, hoping its nationally breaking out innovators could scale into the international platform and lead the world, charging the mass a huge first mover premium, the way aapl, goog, fb have been doing.

              and looks like TSLA is doing this commercial space x thing already;

              vs. TG's model of 两弹一星+ 王铁人+ dazai girl, kind of a commercial version of 列宁建党建军学说 ;

              I hope chairman X would not have that kind of Mao fantasy still flying around in his night vision of china dream;

              that is still a risk: for an adult , "神经网络中高达10的15次方个突触的所有具体连接" is pretty much all done already, "dead meat", only getting worse, for most of us.

              by the way, for ising model, "markov chain" is a very predictive "probability density function" /statistical model in a some kind of 自旋平方反比 potential field.

              As a result, all of us adults have risk of being "markov chained" to whatever core believe system we have in our brain, and that core believe/logic processing system once formed, is very difficult to modify, if not impossible;

              kind of why 公知 五毛 folks never change here in this forum, although possibly they may all try to change themselves, once 公知 五毛=公知 五毛 for life (:)

              hopefully, their "markov chain" would not go on and chain up their children's brain as well, a 公知 logic every 五毛 parent would agree, finally?(:)


              because innovation is so unpredictable while extremely important for the system as a whole to survive and grow, successful innovators get rewarded in a non-liner way:

              winners take all, and losers? slowly phasing out as waste, "entropy", dumping out of system to conserve energy, theoretically speaking



              that could be true, 孙正义 as everybody else has his share of brain "markov chain";

              that is kind of human collective system is non-linear, "孙正义质点"A not ="孙正义质点" B fundamentally, in newton's linear model sense, so 孙正义A + 孙正义 B is not "predicable", that is kind of a start of general relativity theory;

              but "non linear" quantum chip system at room temperature are being figured out & tried out everywhere, with the most recent accomplishments reported by


              2013年11月23日 - 制造量子计算机的两个最大障碍是微小量子系统的精确控制和可扩展性问题,这是制造大型超高速量子计算机的关键所在。我们已经在可扩展性方面取得突破性...


              once humanity figures out this 量子计算机, it could drag human capitalism out of its current deflation trap easily, humanity is going to enter into a brain or AI phase of capitalism.

              and obviously, 列宁帝国主义论 almost predicted this deflation stage of financial capitalism, although he missed Fed's QE, and he had this "markov chain" of Marxism somewhere in his obviously very talented brain;


              9条回复 - 发帖时间: 2012年3月12日

              列宁和列宁的助手托洛孜基、红军的缔造人斯维尔德诺夫等等,都是犹太人。为何总人口如此之少的犹太人会在早期的苏共中央政治局中有如此大影响力 回复 yao..."

              political 犹太人 traders of soviet union vs financial 犹太人 traders of US/west?

              once your bet is made, hard to unwind, even it sucks.

              what would be "markov chain" in chairman X's brain? everybody is obviously interested to figure it out, so you can arbitrage him, making money out of his pocket, why not?(:)

              • 家园 量子PC

                大概就是每个人都活在梦里吧,如同thirteenth floor。

                • 家园 大脑神经网络"量子效應 "

                  this is an another subject worth of tons of books, again, what we care about is its "core algorism", not really the "technical" details (which is "painfully" a core part of physics as well, so, we all have to be technical evils) of it, for the benefit of coding it out, potentially making a thinking model out of it, that is kind of why I heavily write in physics and math;


                  【原创】量子化学历史拾零-前言 花23 西行的风 字425 2008-04-26 11:40:23

                  原创】二 从二战难民到诺贝尔 Walter Kohn 花31 西行的风 字1887 2008-04-28 00:20:13

                  ..O KohnSham 方程突破: 再现原子的壳层结构 花4 晓兵 字9544 2013-08-19 18:06:29

                  ...O 彭桓武: 非周期晶体能级间隔>n倍室温能量kt =遗传稳 晓兵 字551 2013-08-23 17:23:17

                  ...O 计算化学是以后材料学的前景所在 黄土布衣 字131 2013-08-21 23:44:42

                  ....O 科學研究本來就是循證過程 红尘有幸蓝锦夏 字97 2013-08-25 20:58:25

                  .....O 主要问题是现在材料方面的计算理论还不行 黄土布衣 字54 2013-09-13 22:05:25

                  ......O 就算我歧視吧 開會遇到理論學講演我一律是不聽跑去逛街的 红尘有幸蓝锦夏 字112 2013-09-14 11:23:25

                  ....O trial & error材料研究模式:电子的"理性" 晓兵 字2496 2013-08-22 15:14:02

                  ....O "别人几十年甚至几百年的经验积累都成shit了" 花1 晓兵 字3152 2013-08-22 11:42:41


                  大脑所有的神经元细胞(1000亿以上), 1 细胞 =1000 Trillion atoms, the building parts of 细胞 such as DNA, RNA, protein, all have millions of atoms each.

                  so, basically 大脑= a group of atoms working together as a quantum system in terms of physics, with Numbers of atoms > out of current physics model's reach.

                  if I remember correctly, our current physics model can only handle wave function of a few hundreds of atoms working together as a system.

                  "本世纪初, 人们创立了量子力学理论, 用于研究微观粒子的运动规律。1927 年海特勒和伦

                  敦应用量子力学原理研究了两个氢原子组成氢分子的化学键本质, 从而开创了量子化学的先

                  河。就在量子力学诞生后的1929 年, 当时的剑桥大学数学教授Paul Dirac 声称, 把整个化学归

                  结成一些数学方程的基本定律已经完全搞清楚了, 唯一的问题是方程太复杂, 以至于不能解这

                  些方程。Dirac 是赫赫有名的量子力学创始人之一, 他与Schrdinger 共享1933 年物理学诺贝尔

                  奖。Dirac 所指的方程即是现在人们熟知的研究微观粒子的Dirac 定态方程。由他的这番话足

                  见求解这些方程的困难。颇有趣的是当时作为剑桥大学数学系研究生的Pople 教授今天却因

                  为他在发展量子化学计算方法方面的贡献而获得1998 年诺贝尔化学奖。Pople 发展的计算程


                  子体系的薛定谔方程。由此可见, Pople 教授对量子化学发展所做贡献的伟大意义。Pople 教授

                  早在60 年代就率先把计算机应用于量子化学中, 在半经验量子化学计算方法方面做出了重要

                  的贡献。这里有大家熟知的用于研究不饱和有机分子的电子光谱的PariseParrPople 方法。

                  这一被称为PPP 方法的发明人之一就是Pople 教授。但是, 在当时, Pople 教授也象当年的Di

                  rac 一样, 认为由于对计算能力要求很高, 解决非经验的量子化学计算方法, 即便象求解

                  Schrdinger 方程的HartreeFock 近似解也是很难达到的。

                  求解Schrdinger 方程的HartreeFock 方法通常是由两个步骤来完成。第一步是把分子轨

                  道用一套基函数来展开。根据Boys 的建议, 这些基函数可以选用以原子为中心的高斯型函

                  数。应该指出, 基函数展开方法使复杂的微分方程变成比较简单的矩阵方程, 而后者特别适

                  合用计算机进行求解。第二步, 也是最重要的一步, 是用积分方法计算体系的各部分能量, 包


                  积分的工作量随体系电子数N 的增加而以N

                  4 剧增, 使得对于含多个原子的比较复杂分子的



                  what is the point?

                  the point is our current chemistry/biology theory about "含多个原子的比较复杂分子" working together as "gene", "protein" system is still largely an experience based science with potentially many fallacies evils fooling around, whom we have no idea, kind of the way chairman X may not like china "mathematics" VP Li, for the same reason, nobody likes "unknown";

                  the physics layer of GMO is "unknown", period.

                  and because we don't have a 量子化学计算 model of gene, protein, or any GMO stuff etc=GMO has a huge volatility risk, either directions, or any directions;

                  but, who cares about that "physics" risk of GMO now? it is already in our mind and body, for good or bad, just swallow it, and good luck (:).


                  what is the heck of that 量子化学 stuff in relation to 大脑神经网络"量子效應 "? how can I make my brain get rid of the damned "markov chain" thing, so I can think outside of box and be smarter?

                  well, "量子效應 " is much more related to 自旋 of 電子, atoms, etc, than anything else, with dirac equation breaking the ice for his fellow human being in getting further into "量子效應 " world, and 自旋 is both local and global, as such we have gauge field theory and model, pioneered by prof 杨振宁;

                  论AB效应解释的语境依赖性- 豆丁网

                  www.docin.com 文学/艺术/军事/历史 文物考古


                  2012年3月26日 - ... 方式,是由吴大骏和杨振宁于1975年所提出的,既不使用电磁场术语,也 ... 与场强和矢势的性质所不同,狄拉克相因子s(c)不是在特定的时空中 ...


                  connections of human being is one of the tricks to trigger possibly 大脑神经网络"量子效應 "

                  孙昌璞院士做客大家讲坛谈量子效应与器件_学院新闻_山东大学物理 ...



                  2011年10月31日 - 报告中孙昌璞院士首先介绍了自己在光合作用中量子效应. ... 另外,孙院士还介绍了动物大规模的迁徙问题。 ... 这是一个涉及到量子力学一些基本问题的过程,即宏观微弱量对量子演化过程的影响会不会使初态 ... 孙昌璞,中国科学院院士。1996年起,任中科院理论物理所研究员。2009年11月当选为中国科学院院士。

                  孙昌璞 is an another student of prof 杨振宁, who taught 孙昌璞 群表示论 "trick", etc

                  Born-Oppenheimer近似的精确验证与经典对应张力,王成,孙昌璞(东北师范大学理论 ... 关于q一Bose代数B,人们虽然已构造了许多具体的表示,但对于表示论的基本 ...

                  and as I posted before, 杨振宁's father gave 杨振宁 a critical short but well written 群论 book when 杨振宁 was working on a paper assigned by 吴大骏 on some kind of "atom spectrum" problems , a book benefited him for his life, as 杨振宁 said;


                  now with the emerging AI economy, you put 杨振宁's father, 孙昌璞 etc all in a global 3D grand classroom virtually all over the globe, teaching all the young brains of the whole world, making n% of them all become 中国科学院院士 level scientists, where this world will be in terms of whatever progresses?


                  "量子效應 "/自旋 as an non-linear "breaking through" quantum effect of both locally & globally through of connected human 大脑神经网络 is actually the trick of 列宁建党建军组织 model, and with that model, TG powered numerous 生的伟大 死的光荣 folks, it is essentially a 自旋/"量子效應 ", or 精神原子弹;

                  goog, fb, amzn, tsla=kind of uncle sam's 精神原子弹 or 自旋/"量子效應 ", in a way, in today's AI war;

                  and in that AI platform, we can possible have our brain get rid of the damned "馬可夫鏈(Markov Chain) " and become much more productive, although we may have to pay goog etc some kind of fees.

                  again, I would hope that chairman X and his red gen II club buddies are not going to fight a yesterday's war of "生的伟大 死的光荣" in today's world, that would be a losing trade with potentially permanent damage to Chinese as a nation, period.

                • 家园 prof 张首晟 is working on it

                  杨振宁门生 to help cover uncle sam's deflation ass? (:)

                  and prof 张首晟's

                  复旦大学 alumni, china "mathematics" VP Li kind of "laid off" by chairman X? not a "good" sign?

                  if I were chairman X, I would do the same, when playing games, you never want to have somebody sitting near you with some kind of tricks in his pocket, tricks you have no clue about at all, regardless of whomever that person is, enemy or friend, and they are hard to identify anyway, so throw them all out, fxxk it, so what?(:)



                  2008年01月04日 17:12:39  来源:新华网










      • 难说
        家园 QE: a new colonization game


        learning that from uncle sam, ABE shorts both jpy and Japanese government bonds, flooding Asian countries with JPY, basically colonizing Asian yellow guys with JPY economic logic/risk pricing etc, technology, etc;

        uncle sam did QE with the whole world; Germany kind of colonized southern European countries with Germany export & financing;

        TG has yet figure out hot to QE people of other countries, before that, QE Chinese farmers, somebody has to be QEed

        so far, abe QE is working

        jpy monetary base rises more than expected, 52.5% vs 47.2% expected


        obviously, uncle sam doesn't want to see JPY QE Asian countries too much, affecting USD's idol status, and CNY's joining the game would be making it worse for both USD & JPY

      • 难说
        家园 2010& 2011,中美中欧中韩间的贸易差额均大幅下降


        obviously, japan is not out of deflation trap/evil yet, & china may well be at the beginning of stagnation of two evils;

        japan still has a very sizable & well diversified overseas profit making network, sucking blood from overseas to feed jpy gov;t and its people, and the jpy economy.

        so, jpy with 1 evil on its back can short CNY with two evils on its back? two east Asian yellow guys 作战 with each other with 伤口? 罗马斗兽场?





        and of course, among Chinese themselves, TG fxxks 李光耀連戰" 中華聯邦", every time, period.




        this world has been and likely will be largely a "白色数学物理公理" & "白色社会政治经济学公知" dominated human capitalism game for a while, and with the upcoming AI economy, yellow folks may have to work even "harder" for white folks, very likely.




        2013年11月20日 11:29 来源于 财新网



          【财新网】(记者 于海荣)按增加值计算,中国与主要贸易伙伴间的贸易差额发生较大变化,其中与美国的变化最大。以增加值计算的中美贸易顺差,2010年比现行统计降低56.2%,2011年降低54.2%。中国科学院11月19日在“中欧全球价值链研讨会”上发布了研究成果。











    • 家园 汇率货币双贬值:武士道日本战略"做空"自己?

      1. jpy's circulation in world, as of 2009


      Country/Union Currency Code Amount (US$bn) Percentage of all world money

      Eurozone EUR 1067.6 24.0%

      United States USD 862.3 19.4%

      Japan JPY 805.4 18.1%

      China (mainland) CNY 539.7 12.1%

      India INR 144.7 3.3%


      JPY 汇率贬值 also helps to grow Japanese corporate business in overseas, in Asian countries in particular, they are making tons of profit already, remitting back to japan every march of the year, & traders all stop shoring JPY at that time;


      with all the 东海防空识别区 etc fuss china is making, uncle TG is basically yelling at everybody:

      why I can't dump my CNY into your mouth & ass (:), just like USA, Japan have been doing, I want to re-write "rules" of game, with Chinese as one of underwriting guys;

      uncle sam, all white guys, and a few their "yellow" buddies: how do we play this game out with uncle X?

      now with his carefully planned 东海防空识别区 as a first shot has been fired, fairly loud, with a lot of smokes, what would be chairman X's follow up trade?


      ABE QE=汇率与货币双贬值, japan dare to 作空和卖空 japan

      somebody has to long japan on the other side of the trade, or there is a "worse" guy out there as as an even better "short" trade target near by, so, ABE's calculation likely=

      jpy is the lessor of the two evils, vs CNY, or china;


      again, as I posted, I don't think china would 崩潰 or anything of that nature;

      the trick is market expectation: you are pretty bad, or worst than others, that is all what matters;

      perceived risk of 中国债务="muddy water" , how muddy is muddy, nobody knows=even muddier

      & CNY is not JPY in terms of internationalization, then TG can't monetize its 债务 internationally;

      monetizing TG's 债务 with 农村土地流转 may be TG's only game, which is an essentially short the Chinese farmers trade, what else chairman X could do?

      if that is the top priority of X model, then this 識別區 is likely a 外海(very smart) launched ideology preparation of 剝奪農民(为祖国牺牲), putting it in a real "evil" way


      if ABE figures it all out about X model as seen in the above, he would think


      then X's 东海防空识别区 is really more of domestically oriented political & ideology fuss, likely a paper tiger


      农村土地流转/剝奪農民 to monetize TG's huge Ponzi game is really X model's 重中之重

      he has to play that 农村土地流转 game very well, the only 战略预备队 he has, which will take him at lease a couple of years, if not longer.

      and that 战略预备队 is for chairman X's domestic trade only, he can't use that to go into an even a regional conflict with japan/USA;

      a regional conflict can get out of control, 升級, then chairman X would really need his 战略预备队 in the case of regional conflict's 升級, so far, he does not really have one, unless he is ready to go nuclear, & even in that case, china is not likely coming out of the nuclear mess as a winner, then what for?


      Russian bear is of course not a 战略预备队 of china, and obviously no one is, internationally, then china is totally naked, all international 观望者 could potentially all jump in, fxxking china from behind, if china messes up, a big guy with a lot of money in his pocket, all animals would become red eyed wolves right away, sex & money as an always working trigger, in a non-linear human game.

      I would think, that with TG as 身经百战 super powerful political organization, chairman X could drive the ship fairly well, in the next couple of years, he would consult with all the major players of TG, in making any important decisions, he should know that he is not even comparable to M, D, or J, by any standards, he should be at least as prudent as H; I would think that H is an at least 自知之明 leader.

      the worst case: X thinks X >=M+D+J+H.

      history will tell.


      刘海影 is a pretty good macro economist



      2013-11-19 13:11:15















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