
主题:国债负利率的日本,越借钱政府赚得越多,当然不怕花钱 -- forger

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yellows like "grand design"


yellows all like "grand design"

jpy, Korean, more or less of elite's grand design for their social economic development, or a modified version of 100 % white (us/west vs soviet union) model;


TG kind of does the same, more of 70% white model/soviet union;

that 30% difference is non-linear, and as a 初始条件, it may well have kicked china nation 偏微分方程 system into a totally different 轨道 in this largely "general relativity" human world, and for how many decades more?

history will tell.

on the one hand, 70% white really hurts, Marxism is an ideology, not economics;

on the other hand, marx's phd student 列宁建党建军学说 as a political operational theory and model really helped TG big time, making TG feels very good, confident, until today, with 911 lottery winning of zillion dollars, life is very good, man, and what is wrong with all you 公知 fxxking heads?(:)


yellow's grand design brain model makes sense:


you have to learn from white, figuring out their tricks, etc;


then, as nation, after elite learned white tricks, they push the reform top down, with a centralized model of uniting the nation's resources of whatever, and to catch up with whites, kind of 后发优势林毅夫"倾国倾城" model.


TG started that way too, but with M as head trader of TG hedge fund in a global market, he first longed soviet union, shorted US, kind of understandable; then he started shorting soviet union as well, and almost the whole world, long third world only, a losing trade still hurting china as of today;

then M made an another mistake, he made his entire long third world trade worthless by selling out china's only buddy 巴基斯坦, M was busy with US/UN stuff, "forgot" 巴基斯坦

印度肢解巴基斯坦,孟加拉国成立 2011-12-17 | 阅: 转: | 分享 1971年12月17日 印度和东巴基斯坦之间的战争结束 1971年12月,印度和东巴基斯坦之间的...

then D fxxked Vietnam for whatever reasons, another losing trade;

then...now we have chairman X as head trader.


so, TG as an authoritarian hedge fund has a huge volatility issue, that "financial" volatility has to be hedged out by TG's political & military power, mostly domestically oriented, & obviously, the chairman X's 国安委 stuff.


"神经网络中高达10的15次方个突触的所有具体连接", ising model, general relativity theory, etc, all tell us, human system as a open & dissipative system relies on information intelligence powered innovation, and that innovation is a locally happened quantization of collective processing, so far, market system resembles that very well;

where & how that local quantization of collective information processing and modeling would take place? if non-general relativity model, we have quantum, qft "probability" models, etc, basically statistical physics, kind of a somehow regulated market system, very much of what we have now, kind of almost closed near equilibrium system with some kind of borders;

with a general relativity model, we don't have a quantization model or statistical physics, nothing really;

with that, "grand design" is not going to work

and, white's "1 inner logic model" & almost "1 language" helped them out when playing games in this largely general relativity human world, among other things.


human being has to be obviously very creative to survive & grow, this cloud, AI & whatever coming is really going to change the world, potentially, and that is what a non-linear event/breaking through means, and that has to be coming out of some kind of democratic "unregulated" all-out people mass brain war in an internet world, with whomever breaking out first as a new leader to lead the information intelligence hungry crowds, that kinds of people's war is very hard to be designed at top by whomever, a country should do whatever it could on the side to help its people brain war, hoping its nationally breaking out innovators could scale into the international platform and lead the world, charging the mass a huge first mover premium, the way aapl, goog, fb have been doing.

and looks like TSLA is doing this commercial space x thing already;

vs. TG's model of 两弹一星+ 王铁人+ dazai girl, kind of a commercial version of 列宁建党建军学说 ;

I hope chairman X would not have that kind of Mao fantasy still flying around in his night vision of china dream;

that is still a risk: for an adult , "神经网络中高达10的15次方个突触的所有具体连接" is pretty much all done already, "dead meat", only getting worse, for most of us.

by the way, for ising model, "markov chain" is a very predictive "probability density function" /statistical model in a some kind of 自旋平方反比 potential field.

As a result, all of us adults have risk of being "markov chained" to whatever core believe system we have in our brain, and that core believe/logic processing system once formed, is very difficult to modify, if not impossible;

kind of why 公知 五毛 folks never change here in this forum, although possibly they may all try to change themselves, once 公知 五毛=公知 五毛 for life (:)

hopefully, their "markov chain" would not go on and chain up their children's brain as well, a 公知 logic every 五毛 parent would agree, finally?(:)


because innovation is so unpredictable while extremely important for the system as a whole to survive and grow, successful innovators get rewarded in a non-liner way:

winners take all, and losers? slowly phasing out as waste, "entropy", dumping out of system to conserve energy, theoretically speaking



that could be true, 孙正义 as everybody else has his share of brain "markov chain";

that is kind of human collective system is non-linear, "孙正义质点"A not ="孙正义质点" B fundamentally, in newton's linear model sense, so 孙正义A + 孙正义 B is not "predicable", that is kind of a start of general relativity theory;

but "non linear" quantum chip system at room temperature are being figured out & tried out everywhere, with the most recent accomplishments reported by


2013年11月23日 - 制造量子计算机的两个最大障碍是微小量子系统的精确控制和可扩展性问题,这是制造大型超高速量子计算机的关键所在。我们已经在可扩展性方面取得突破性...


once humanity figures out this 量子计算机, it could drag human capitalism out of its current deflation trap easily, humanity is going to enter into a brain or AI phase of capitalism.

and obviously, 列宁帝国主义论 almost predicted this deflation stage of financial capitalism, although he missed Fed's QE, and he had this "markov chain" of Marxism somewhere in his obviously very talented brain;


9条回复 - 发帖时间: 2012年3月12日

列宁和列宁的助手托洛孜基、红军的缔造人斯维尔德诺夫等等,都是犹太人。为何总人口如此之少的犹太人会在早期的苏共中央政治局中有如此大影响力 回复 yao..."

political 犹太人 traders of soviet union vs financial 犹太人 traders of US/west?

once your bet is made, hard to unwind, even it sucks.

what would be "markov chain" in chairman X's brain? everybody is obviously interested to figure it out, so you can arbitrage him, making money out of his pocket, why not?(:)


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