
主题:国债负利率的日本,越借钱政府赚得越多,当然不怕花钱 -- forger

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well said, that's kind of white's platform of 证伪 all kinds of fallacies, an important subject worth of tons of books, for us to think "smarter".

文小刚 on his "PRL rejected my paper on lattice chiral fermion theory ", kind of : ""不可证伪的理论,没啥意义"。"New theory should predict something new that is missed by the old theory." The above are very well said and they raise a very good point. The string-net theory (or the qubit theory) of elementary particles does 可证伪. It does predict something new that is missed by the old theory."

in physics, your theory has to predict something new, for all other physicists to play it out in their labs, MIT, or Qinghua, beida, period.

for money related thing, put it into global capital market, no money, no honey, period.

for any other social 精神位面 stuff, they all have their own individual platforms to play out;

vs TG's almost universal 证伪 platform of 伟光正 for almost all the games in china.


and if one reads 文小刚 's "我们生活在一个量子计算机里 We live inside a quantum computer", one can finds many similarities between that and the brain map


夕曦:【原创】教育探索(六)—大脑神经网络是如何形成的 2012-01-31 20:20:16

DNA里携带的是一种分形的自组织规则。 [ 拿不准 ] 于:2012-01-31 20:20:16 复:3633311




as you said, fallacies & 证伪 are two sides of white bloody knife hanging on over the heads of everybody else in the current gaming phase of human system.

with that, white can argue that they figured that weapon out through a series bloody religions wars among themselves and with others, then 文艺复兴, then newton.., then market system as a platform of 证伪 all kind of social sciences/fallacies; etc;

they paid for it, supposedly.


now, Chinese yellow's social science as of day 1: 修身齐家治国平天下 etc kind of model, a lot of "better" than Indian's temple of all kinds of heaven based social science models?

a heaven based fallacy can never be 证伪, that ghost is likely going to hunt Indians as a nation for how many more decades?

"修身齐家治国平天下" with a Marxism "mark up" as the lessor of two evils has a 证伪 issue as well, obviously;

科斯定理 - MBA智库百科

科斯定理(Coase Theorem)科斯定理是由诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗纳德·哈里·科斯(Ronald H. Coase)命名。他于1937年和1960年分别发表了《厂商的性质》和《社会成本问题...

and a bounce of white economics models are all about this cost of information processing, etc;

"修身齐家治国平天下" as such, is a still live "markov链" locking the mind of Chinese as a nation, to the "benefit" of TG as china's leadership group.


it is all relative, if uncle sam's ass had not been covered with this Ben Fed QE economics , with 页岩油 physics of a Greece immigrant entrepreneur in US, TG's "修身齐家治国平天下" based 北京共识 model would have looked a lot of stronger;

and Russian bear would be more likely to short us/west together with TGchina.


still, one cannot say Indians or Chinese are "dead meat" in terms of 精神位面 & their social belief systems, that 精神 jump could be a fallacy itself, almost, but would anybody care about it at all?

human system will never run out of fallacies, it always picks a few critical ones, then get busy with working on them, money (information, energy) made or lost, then moves on, a game of one fallacy/与环境因素有关的开关 at a time, but 同時 by zillions human animals all working on the fallacies they picked at their own location in this GR 洛伦茨流形;

and 愛因斯坦 said, folks, 測地線 is there for you guys to figure it out collectively, work with your head and ass together, and good luck(:)


[20]文小刚 2013-10-29 08:49 Re【16】 【18】

"不可证伪的理论,没啥意义"。"New theory should predict something new that is missed by the old theory." The above are very well said and they raise a very good point. The string-net theory (or the qubit theory) of elementary particles does 可证伪. It does predict something new that is missed by the old theory. See section IV D

in arXiv:1210.1281 "Topological order: from long-range entangled quantum matter to an unification of light and electrons"



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