
主题:【原创】【讨论】最近看到的翻译的最好的一首歌词 -- 任爱杰

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  • 家园 【原创】【讨论】最近看到的翻译的最好的一首歌词


    翻译界达到“信达雅”的例子,早期的有 CocaCola 翻译成 可口可乐。 近期的有 Code Monkey 翻译成 “程序猿”。



    这首歌就是歌舞剧《悲惨世界》中的 “Do You Hear the People Sing”.




    Do you hear the people sing? 民之呐喊,你可听见

    Do you hear the people sing? 民之所欲,可在你心?

    Singing a song of angry men? 民之所愿,爾等可听?

    It is the music of a people 民之反暴,

    Who will not be slaves again! 奴役必亡。

    When the beating of your heart 民之反心,浩浩蕩蕩。

    Echoes the beating of the drums 民之戰鼓,盪氣迴腸。

    There is a life about to start 民之企盼,歷歷在望。

    When tomorrow comes! 民之所欲,明日維新。

    Will you join in our crusade? 你會加入我們的聖戰么,

    Who will be strong and stand with me? 誰會勇敢的與我並肩作戰。

    Beyond the barricade 在堡壘之外,

    Is there a world you long to see?有著你所渴望的新世界。

    Then join in the fight 加入這戰爭吧,

    That will give you the right to be free!你將獲得自由的權利。

    Do you hear the people sing? 民之所欲,可在你心?

    Singing a song of angry men? 民之所愿,爾等可听?

    It is the music of a people 民之反暴,

    Who will not be slaves again! 奴役必亡!

    When the beating of your heart 民之反心,浩浩蕩蕩。

    Echoes the beating of the drums 民之戰鼓,盪氣迴腸。

    There is a life about to start 民之企盼,歷歷在望。

    When tomorrow comes! 民之所欲,明日維新。

    Will you give all you can give 你可願付出所有,

    So that our banner may advance 使我方聲勢更壯大。

    Some will fall and some will live 當然會有人因此喪生,

    Will you stand up and take your chance? 你可願意放手一搏?

    The blood of the martyrs 烈士們的鮮血,

    Will water the meadows of France!將灌溉法蘭西的土地!

    看完这个翻译,不禁要骂“翻译成了什么玩意儿!“ 即不信,更不达,模仿诗经四不像只能说附庸风雅。最主要的是,根本不押韵。要知道这是歌词,翻过来不能唱有什么用?!




      Do you hear the people sing? 看看人间的苦难,

      Singing a song of angry men? 可听见人民在呐喊?

      It is the music of the people 再不愿忍受剥削人们

      Who will not be slaves again! 将这世道来推翻。

      When the beating of your heart 让你良心的碰撞,

      Echoes the beating of the drums 敲得那战鼓声声响。

      There is a life about to start 让我们以勇敢

      When tomorrow comes! 去迎来新生曙光!


      Will you join in our crusade? 你会加入正义军吗?

      Who will be strong and stand with me? 与我并肩去作战。

      beyond the barricade 用血肉筑起街垒,

      Is there a world you long to see? 为那理想共患难!


      Then join in the fight 铲除不平,

      That will give you the right to be free!! 让人人共享那自由灿烂。


      Do you hear the people sing? 看看人间的苦难,

      Singing a song of angry men? 可听见人民在呐喊?

      It is the music of a people 再不愿忍受剥削人们

      Who will not be slaves again! 将这世道来推翻。

      When the beating of your heart 让你良心的碰撞,

      Echoes the beating of the drums 敲得那战鼓声声响。

      There is a life about to start 让我们以勇敢

      When tomorrow comes! 去迎来新生曙光!


      Will you give all you can give 来吧奉献你的力量,

      So that our banner may advance 紧跟红旗闯前方。

      Some will fall and some will live 前仆后继、不怕牺牲,

      Will you stand up and take your chance? 牺牲总比苟活强。

      The blood of the martyrs 让烈士的鲜血

      Will water the meadows of France! 使法兰西四季芬芳!


      Do you hear the people sing? 看看人间的苦难,

      Singing a song of angry men? 可听见人民在呐喊?

      It is the music of a people 再不愿忍受剥削人们

      Who will not be slaves again! 将这世道来推翻。

      When the beating of your heart 让你良心的碰撞,

      Echoes the beating of the drums 敲得那战鼓声声响。

      There is a life about to start 让我们以勇敢

      When tomorrow comes! 去迎来新生曙光!


    这个版本与其他版本最大的不同是没有机械得逐字逐句得翻译,而是体会了原歌的精神。特别是第一句“Do you hear the people sing? ”,其他版本都机械翻译。这个版本则与第二句“Singing a song of angry men?”做了对掉。并创造性得意译为“看看人间的苦难!”然后紧接着“可听见人民在呐喊?”,气势一下子就起来了。

    这首歌是一首革命的战歌。翻译者当然要更注重其革命精神。把“angry men”翻译引申为“苦难”,“sing”翻译引申为“呐喊”真是神来之笔。



    关键词(Tags): #翻译 歌词 悲惨世界 音乐 信达雅通宝推:奈何做贼,月下,Antioch,发了胖的罗密欧,南寒,huky,何求,SleepingBeauty,
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