
主题:【原创】家用硬盘阵列RAID实例-壹 -- 梦回唐朝

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              • 家园 【讨论】觉得你所提的性能问题应该是正常的。

                “读写峰值持续几秒” - 应该是array controller的cache的作用。

                “然后迅速下降到比单个盘稍快的地步” - 实际上你的controller是相当不错的。要知道RAID 5的写操作的overhead是很严重的。最近刚升级完文件服务器,用的是3GB SAS 12HDD RAID5,峰值也就是7-8Mbyte/s.



                # Striping With Parity: As with mirroring, write performance when striping with parity (RAID levels 3 through 6) is worse than read performance, but unlike mirroring, the "hit" taken on a write when doing striping with parity is much more significant. Here's how the different accesses fare:

                * For reads, striping with parity can actually be faster than striping without parity. The parity information is not needed on reads, and this makes the array behave during reads in a way similar to a RAID 0 array, except that the data is spread across one extra drive, slightly improving parallelism.

                * For sequential writes, there is the dual overhead of parity calculations as well as having to write to an additional disk to store the parity information. This makes sequential writes slower than striping without parity.

                * The biggest discrepancy under this technique is between random reads and random writes. Random reads that only require parts of a stripe from one or two disks can be processed in parallel with other random reads that only need parts of stripes on different disks. In theory, random writes would be the same, except for one problem: every time you change any block in a stripe, you have to recalculate the parity for that stripe, which requires two writes plus reading back all the other pieces of the stripe! Consider a RAID 5 array made from five disks, and a particular stripe across those disks that happens to have data on drives #3, #4, #5 and #1, and its parity block on drive #2. You want to do a small "random write" that changes just the block in this stripe on drive #3. Without the parity, the controller could just write to drive #3 and it would be done. With parity though, the change to drive #3 affects the parity information for the entire stripe. So this single write turns into a read of drives #4, #5 and #1, a parity calculation, and then a write to drive #3 (the data) and drive #2 (the newly-recalculated parity information). This is why striping with parity stinks for random write performance. (This is also why RAID 5 implementations in software are not recommended if you are interested in performance.)

                * Another hit to write performance comes from the dedicated parity drive used in certain striping with parity implementations (in particular, RAID levels 3 and 4). Since only one drive contains parity information, every write must write to this drive, turning it into a performance bottleneck. Under implementations with distributed parity, like RAID 5, all drives contain data and parity information, so there is no single bottleneck drive; the overheads mentioned just above still apply though.

              • 家园 不知是否跟低端控制器有关

                这类低端控制器不象其他纯硬件控制器那样有自己的xor processor for RAID 5,也没有自己的cache,所以需要依赖主机的CPU和内存资源支持。性能方面可能会受到影响。

                • 家园 主要还是RAID5本身的问题


                  RAID5理论上就是小写性能极低,比单盘还低得多。但现代文件系统却需要很多小写操作管理元数据。很多这样的小写是不能被cache缓存的,一些是为保证数据安全不允许缓存,一些是因为非局部反复/连续写所以缓存无意义也无法提高性能。这就导致RAID5性能难以提高。即使是高端的产品也不行。我正用的机器是4盘RAID5主板集成芯片的,我们的工作组服务器是12盘中档128MB缓存硬件RAID5,这两者性能差别不大。我们的数据中心是133光纤盘的企业级最高端盘阵(HP EVA 8100),其性能也并不突出。


                  • 家园 您说的是Mbyte/s还是Mbit/s?

                    要是100Mbyte/s那可是相当好的速度了呀,公司的存储做Catia备份,网络传输速度也就是350Mb/sde 样子,折成字节50MB/s不到。光纤千兆实际能到800Mb/s的样子,也就是100Mbyte/s左右。

                    • 家园 MByte/s

                      我们最高端的控制器 HP EVA8100、4路光纤接口,最高端的NAS外加10GbE的出口,当然要到100Mbyte/s的性能才能接受了。即使是100Mbyte/s我也觉得低了呢


                  • 家园 我们这里用raid 5也主要考虑的是大容量

                    大容量虽然还可以用JBOD(Just a Bunch Of Disks)


                    raid 5如果真出问题了





                    对可靠性有要求又要数据在线的可以部分硬盘raid 1

                    毕竟单硬盘速度就足够把一条Gigabit Ethernet线撑满了


                    追求持续写入的可以数据盘raid 0






                    • 家园 家用我倒建议开始就上RAID1




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