
主题:印度计划购买英国在建大型航母对抗中国威胁 -- 晨枫

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  • 家园 印度计划购买英国在建大型航母对抗中国威胁



    • 家园 印度就是环境太好了,啥想要都能高价买来


    • 家园 不要嘲笑人家三哥.

      假如当年常凯申继续执政到现在, 我们比他们也好不了多少...

    • 家园 是不是英国也拿印度当冤大头?应该不会吧?
    • 家园 搞不懂阿三怎么这么自信呢, 空军司令说

      说中国人比俺们笨 ,另外看到n多阿三都有这个论调,说中国有数量,俺们有质量

      India does not need to worry too much about China. They may have quantity, but cannot match our quality. Moreover, the scenario is not the same as 1962 and China cannot mess with India as it did in 1962.

      Our forces are well equipped and the Indian brain is far ahead when compared to the Chinese brain.


      • -- 系统屏蔽 --。
    • 家园 弹体摇摆偏离轨道:印度夜间试射烈火II失败



      • 家园 飞了97公里



        The official indicated that the control and command system to the fins which provides aero-dynamic thrust to the vehicle was locked thereby plunging the missile into the sea. “During the May trial the missile started wandering midway before falling, but this time it directly plunged into the sea. In fact it was one of the worst trials ever,” he said.


        Besides, the India-made inertial navigation system (INS) that guided the missile on its coordinated path by mid-way corrections also failed to provide the desired levels of performance. Significantly, during the developmental trials (all successful) foreign made INS used to be fitted into the missile

        BALASORE: The debacle of the first ever night trial of India’s nuclear capable Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM), Agni-II, has put the credibility of DRDO scientists at stake. The trial was conducted by the Army from the Wheeler Island off Orissa coast yesterday evening. Defence sources said the trial failed to meet many of the mission parameters.

        For the second time within six months this indigenously built 2000-km plus range missile has failed to deliver desired results which raised doubts on the deployment of the missile, considered as one of the trusted missiles of the country.

        ‘’Like the unsuccessful previous test on May 19, this time too the missile developed technical glitches at the stage separation phase. Although it crossed the first stage separation phase, because of inherent problem it had cumulative effects on other systems,’’ an official said today.

        The official indicated that the control and command system to the fins which provides aero-dynamic thrust to the vehicle was locked thereby plunging the missile into the sea. “During the May trial the missile started wandering midway before falling, but this time it directly plunged into the sea. In fact it was one of the worst trials ever,” he said.

        ‘’Besides, the India-made inertial navigation system (INS) that guided the missile on its coordinated path by mid-way corrections also failed to provide the desired levels of performance. Significantly, during the developmental trials (all successful) foreign made INS used to be fitted into the missile,’’ he pointed out.

        During post-mission analysis (PMA) it was found that the missile had covered 97 km in nearly 41 seconds while on earlier occasion it had covered around 203 km in 127 seconds. But peculiarly the scientists reportedly claim to have done a great job by launching the missile during night.

        Meanwhile, several defence analysts have criticised the DRDO for the recurring failures. ‘’It is high time the DRDO should come out with facts as to where the faults lie as it relates to the Indian defence and tax payers money.

        The political class of the country will have to give a pertinent and plausible reply to the recurring failures of the missile programmes,” he added.

        The establishments like ITR should be brought out of the clutches of the defence research and development laboratory (DRDL) and put under director general quality assurance (DGQA) for impartial evaluation of the technical data and thus minimising the chances of manoeuvring and fabrication of the PMA data.

      • 家园 三个会这样自我安慰


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