
主题:印度计划购买英国在建大型航母对抗中国威胁 -- 晨枫

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      • 家园 三哥真是一个接一个的杯具啊~


      • 家园 真佩服老印的心态


        • 家园 不怕,印度核武器根本没有小型化


          • 家园 哈,松鼠老大


            • 家园 晨枫狗大户不要讽刺我啊


            • 家园 看那两个关于日本H-2B和长征3B八月发射失败的贴子






              • 家园 针对登月

                这么说吧,登月本身没啥价值,就是炫耀下国家实力,涨涨面子。反正一切顺利,印度计划的载人航天飞船上天也要2015年以后,日本基于HTV的日之丸也要2020年,尤其是日本,预算还没下来呢,怕什么呢?就是印度目前GSLV MK3是Viking发动机双发并联,MK4多捆绑固推,新的大推力发动机还没影子呢,载人登月不怕N1那样放烟花么。反正又不会被他们比下去,他们的日期,很多是以讹传讹出来的,真实的时间不可能比中国早。


    • 家园 送花拉



    • 家园 这比喻真的有才啊


    • 家园 比喻的好,但有点
    • 家园 印度那个三哥版全球鹰好像刚摔了

      India's Rustom UAV Crashes During First Flight

      Bad news. The first technology demonstrator of India's RUSTOM medium altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) programme crashed during its first test flight on Tuesday, November 16, at the Taneja Aerospace airfield near Hosur in Karnataka. Sources present at the test have told LiveFist that the Rustom took off and flew for a bit. One its return path, it crashed into a grove of coconut trees. The RUSTOM-1 was almost completely destroyed in the mishap. The DRDO statement issued today smacks of a muff-up. "The taxing and take-off was exactly as planned. Due to misjudgment of altitude of the flight, the on-board engine was switched off through ground command which made the on-board thrust developed to go to zero. There are a lot of gains from the flight," the DRDO statement says. Whenever anyone says there have been "gains", and even if it's true, you can bet your last buck that it's been a bad accident (see photo on the left The New Indian Express)

      It goes on to add, "The flight proved the functioning of a number of systems such as aerodynamics, redundant flight control, engine, redundant data link etc which go a long way towards development of complex UAVs. A lot of planning and care have been taken and notification through relevant authorities were done in order to cater for safety aspects in addition to taking a third party insurance for the flights. It is the first flight of its kind using a 700 kg airframe & sophisticated controls & hence prone to development hazards." The photo to the left shows the late Professor Rustom Behram Damania (after whom the UAV programme is named) demonstrating the Light Canard Research Aircraft (LCRA) to then President KR Narayanan. Prof Damania pioneered the LCRA upon which the Rustom UAV is based, though he is better known for his work on the Hansa light composite trainer.

      The crash is an undeniable blow to the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), which was in the midst of pioneering the Rustom, first displayed to the public at Aero India 2009 (see photo at top). Here's hoping the ADE team quickly finds out what went wrong and moves forward. This is a Rs 1,000-crore programme that we cannot afford to have delayed, as it indubitably now will be. Stay tuned for updates.


      • 家园 张召忠言论摘录



      • 家园 这Rustom简直就是一大风筝



        The Rustom will be able to remain aloft for more than 24 hours and have a range of 300 kilometers and a maximum altitude of 35,000 feet.



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