
主题:【半原创】特大喜讯:王1000块上New York Times了 -- 黄有财

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  • 家园 【半原创】特大喜讯:王1000块上New York Times了

    她父母的优秀儿女,“南方哈佛”在读本科生,王1000块同学的光荣事迹上了中左大报New York Times了,头版捏。Yeah!让我们看看这位同学的高尚人格8

    这是原文:Chinese Student in U.S. Is Caught in Confrontation

    这是网络版的标题,纸版的标题是From Tibet to Durham: Chinese Student in U.S. is caught in Ugly confrontation


    Grace Wang, a Chinese freshman at Duke University, came out of her dining hall to find a handful of students gathered for a pro-Tibet vigil facing off with a much larger pro-China counterdemonstration.

    Ms. Wang, who had friends on both sides, tried to get the two groups to talk, participants said. She began traversing what she called “the middle ground,” asking the groups’ leaders to meet and making bargains. She said she agreed to write “Free Tibet, Save Tibet” on one student’s back only if he would speak with pro-Chinese demonstrators.


    She pleaded and lectured. In one photo, she is walking toward a phalanx of Chinese flags and banners, her arms overhead in a “timeout” T.


    Ms. Wang, who has retained a lawyer, said pulling her personal information off the Web was not enough. “I will be seen as a traitor forever, and they can still harm my parents,” she said.

    But for a woman under threat of dismemberment, she seemed remarkably sanguine — even upbeat.



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