
主题:【原创】真主党与义和团 -- 唵啊吽

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家园 【文摘】Nasrallah's leadership

RFE/RL: How directly does Hassan Nasrallah, the spiritual leader of Hezbollah, control its military arm?

Goksel: Their structure is that only Sheikh Nasrallah is the supreme commander and there is nobody else between him and the field leaders. They removed all those [intermediate levels] years ago, because they felt like when you are organized as a military unit then it is very easy for Israel to detect you, because when you are [such a formal] organization you make noise when you move. So they removed all organization and they are working with a secret cell system, actually.

RFE/RL: But doesn't a secret cell system also present some disadvantages when it comes to launching coordinated operations on the battlefield? Is there no central planning?

Goksel: There are also predetermined operations. They have a lot of local autonomy but they will not launch an operation unless it is all part of a plan. There is a local leader, there is a regional leader system, but they don't report to [any military headquarters in] Beirut. It is not cumbersome, there are no levels like in a normal army, [such as] companies, battalions, regiments, nothing like that. It is a very flat sort of organization, not a pyramid sort of organization.

RFE/RL: Do we know where Nasrallah is now?

Goksel: I wouldn't know where he is and certainly they [Hezbollah] are not advertising it. But I know one thing about that man: he never abandons his people. He is famous for that. The reason he became Sheikh Nasrallah [the leader of Hezbollah] is because of his reputation for never leaving the fighters.

So I can safely assume that he is with his own people. He never abandons them, that is not his style. That's why he became so famous and so adored within the whole of Hezbollah, because he never leaves his people alone.

RFE/RL: There are reports that the Israeli army is trying to assassinate Nasrallah by targeting Hezbollah compounds in southern Beirut and elsewhere. Would Hezbollah fall apart if he were killed?

Goksel: If Sheikh Nasrallah goes, that organization is likely to come apart. Because, especially at a time like this, no [other] leader can emerge to keep this whole massive organization of social, economic, political, and military things together. Nobody can do that.

And there are some [competing] currents in Hezbollah that Sheikh Nasrallah is keeping together. In my understanding, some of these groups might become more independent in their actions. And when you have people with guns and rockets [taking] independent action, then you are looking for trouble because you never know which way they will go. Because he is providing the central discipline and the central command.

Cutting off Hezbollah, or Lebanon?

RFE/RL: The Israeli army says it is bombing Lebanese infrastructure such as highways to cut supply routes from Syria - and ultimately Iran - which are suspected of rearming Hezbollah. But is it possible to stop supplies from reaching the militia?

Goksel: More than [being] a strategy, that is a way of destroying the Lebanese infrastructure. That is not a strategy, that is an excuse to inflict maximum pain on this country. Because they [the Israelis] couldn't do it [stop Hezbollah], they want the [Lebanese] people to stop Hezbollah. And certainly [if the bombing is] to prevent the supply [of arms to Hezbollah], it cannot do that. There are 300 kilometers of open borders. Are they going to watch every border crossing 24 hours a day? That is a "no go", but it is a good excuse to keep bombing.


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