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家园 a TG made 单色谱世界

this piece may be worth of coping it here again, and sorry for violating the rule of ccthere.com.

中印人海战术: 山寨USA, and the possible USA strategy


it is obviously challenging to US, such as india 山寨 us pharmaceutical, and it really hurts US pharmaceutical's R&D incentives & its business models;

山寨 as some form of knowledge/technology transfer is almost "legal", regardless, and very difficult if not impossible to stop;

fundamentally and long term, as 大山猫 commented on this 長尾理論, it is really in the 長尾 world where USA hangs on in terms of keeping its leadership position.

Asian in general and Chinese in particular, are not a 長尾 society, in terms of thinking, mentality and culture, etc.

the long tail concept: for example, in china, you are largely either 毛左 or 公知 when looking at world, in reality & particularly outside of china, the much bigger "volume/profit" and more colorful world is in the long tail, where 毛左=0 & 公知=0, how can Chinese "井底之蛙" of "either 毛左 or 公知" 看见 and 明白这个"长尾世界"?

it is very challenging for a nation of almost 单色谱 (reinforced by TG's brainwashing) to comprehend a 广色谱 outside world, and to innovate and to produce for the long tail world of 广色谱 is even more challenging



obviously, with google, fb, amazon, etc, USA has already almost "monopolized" 長尾 commerce platform, "lnkd" on human talents, "nflx" on entertainment.


potentially & theoretically, these 長尾 companies with emerging AI technology can even model, manipulate or influence significantly 意识形态 or opinion formation of the people to some extent, or likely us "nsa" is already doing research in that direction, to face the long term challenge of 中印人海战术, on top of white's traditional trick of dividing "yellow" and conquering, etc


possible future AI/internet warfare: white vs. yellow

again theoretically, given the 单色谱"特征" of Chinese people (中's mind 色谱 much more "单色" than 印's 色谱,印 has some kind of 广色谱 due to its religions), one could naturally ask the following questions:

If TG can basically manipulate the mind of Chinese people, can USA/CIA/NSA make/山寨 a TG internet copy, then 以假乱真, 假共乱真共, making Chinese people confused, 大量消耗 their brain 热力学能, maximizing their brain "entropy", making their brain eventually 过劳/"overheat" and stop working? etc.

basically, it is a lot of easier to figure out and "attack" a system with 单色谱"特征" (human mind=likely some kind of "量子力学+热力学" system), vs. a system of 广色谱.

Can TG understand the potential problem/danger of 锁定/keeping Chinese peoples mind in an artificially TG made 单色谱 world of 意识形态 & 文化?

never say never.

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