
主题:语言学小知识(4)汉语比英语更优秀吗? -- 江城孤舟

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家园 刚在图书馆翻了本书

The Adventure of English by Melvyn Bragg

英语的词汇量大,是外国人学英语的困难之一。但是书里提到正是因为现代英语里包括了古英语和法语两套词汇,因此非常有表现力,能够把shades of meanings 表达出来。

比如ask来自古英语,demand来自法语,表面上意思很接近,但是在现代英语里,"I ask you for ten pounds"和"I demand ten pounds" 意思有很大的不同。我不知道汉语怎么把这些细微的区别表达出来。


bit 和 morsel

wish 和 desire

room 和 chamber

answer 和 respond

freedom 和 liberty

这些例子,尤其是像freedom 和 liberty之间的细微区别,我觉得汉语是很难表达出来的。从这个意义上讲,英语比汉语要精确,能更准确地表达说话人的含义。


The extensive range of what I call "almost synonyms" became one of the glories of the English language, giving it astonishing precision and flexibility, allowing its speakers and writers over the centuries to discover what seemed to be exactly the right word. Rather than replace English, French was being brought into service to help enrich and equip it for the role it was on its way to reassuming.

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