
主题:【原创】即使没有文革,中国经济也不会提前进入第二世界 -- 葡萄

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家园 a reply

America? Canada? Belgium? Holland? Sweden?


--Can you be more specific. Because I do not know what are your viewpoints so it is difficult to start.



--荷兰和比利时的分立與ユ業化沒關系, 講荷語的國王強推荷浯的官方語地位(1830)是造成布魯塞爾為中心的Wallonians(french speaking)反抗的原因. 1815后的Holland-Bel is different from the United Nations of the Nederlands. The former was an artificial creature out of the defeat of Napoleon France. The first king was imposed by the British royal family.

我對荷/比很了解,1830分立純是一個語言問題. 到現在, 比國內仍是鬧得不共戴天, 這回是荷語人占上風.

兄臺才高八斗,吾不及甚遠.但不宜說話得絕對化,因為我們都有還不甚知之處. 也不必文過飾非,硬把所有現象套一個理論框架內.

Sometimes, we need to be a bit suspicious of the Chinese books published or translated in China. In our high school textbooks, the French revolution was praised as the great 資產階級革命的勝利, while I found the Frenchmen viewed this event quite differently compared with the Chinese.

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