
主题:【原创】纳粹是不是管藏毒学习的“把人皮扒下来做装饰品” -- 樱木花道

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家园 《西藏生死书》的作者索甲仁波切强奸女信徒事件




西藏生死书》的作者索甲仁波切强奸女信徒事件(ZT)《西藏生死书》的作者索甲仁波切强奸女信徒(ZT)关于索甲仁波切的《西藏生死书》,有一篇报道,请参见: http://krsna.lamost.org/engine/node/445

这个索甲仁波切(Sogyal Rinpoche)曾经在1994年被多个女性控以性侵犯罪,并求偿1千万美金,后经其信徒努力,才达成庭外和解,赔钱了事。

关于这件事,在1994年11月10日由旧金山Free Press发表的一份报道如下: http://www.well.com/conf/media/SF_Free_ ... /guru.html


Thu Nov 10 22:57:55 PST 1994

Best-selling Buddhist author accused of sexual abuse

$10 million civil suit filed in Santa Cruz by a woman who says Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, "coerced" her into an intimate relationship

By Don Lattin

Special to the Free Press

SAN FRANCISCO -- With the blessings of the Dalai Lama, a group of American Buddhist women have launched a campaign to expose the alleged sexual misconduct of a prominent Tibetan lama and best-selling author.

Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, is accused of "physical, mental and sexual abuse" in a $10 million civil suit filed last week in Santa Cruz County Superior Court.

According to the lawsuit, an anonymous woman identified only as "Janice Doe" came to Rinpoche for spiritual guidance last year at a retreat sponsored by the Rigpa Fellowship meditation center in Santa Cruz, but was "coerced into an intimate relationship" with the Tibetan guru.

"Sogyal claimed (she) would be strengthened and healed by having sex with him and that to be hit by a lama was a blessing," the lawsuit states.

The suit -- which accuses Rinpoche of fraud, assault and battery, infliction of emotional distress and breach of fiduciary duty -- also charges that the Tibetan lama has "seduced many other female students for his own sexual gratification."

Sandra Pawula, spokeswoman for the Rigpa Fellowship of Santa Cruz, one of many meditation centers in the United States, Europe and Australia, declined to comment about the allegations, but said that Rinpoche is not married and does not claim to be a celibate monk. Rinpoche, who lives abroad, could not be reached for comment. The lawsuit follows a letter-writing campaign to the Dalai Lama by American women concerned about alleged sexual exploitation by Rinpoche and several lesser-known Tibetan lamas.

"What some of these students have experienced is terrible and most unfortunate," said Tenzin Geyche Tethong, the Dharamsala-based secretary to the Dalai Lama.

In a letter sent earlier this year to one of the women, Tethong said Tibetan Buddhist leaders "have been aware of these (allegations) for some years now."

Jack Kornfield, founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Marin County, was among a group of two dozen Western teachers who discussed the sexual misconduct of Buddhist teachers with the Dalai Lama last year in India.

According to Kornfield, the Tibetan Buddhist leader told the Americans to "always let people know when things are wrong. Put it in the newspapers if you must do so."

Another woman allegedly abused by Rinpoche, Victoria Barlow of New York City, said she is "disgusted by the way the Tibetans have manipulated the reverence Westerners have for the Buddhist path."

Barlow, 40, said she first met Rinpoche in the mid-1970s, when she was 21, and that she was sexually exploited by him during meditation retreats in New York and Berkeley.

"I went to an apartment to see a highly esteemed lama and discuss religion," she said in an interview with the Free Press. "He opened the door without a shirt on and with a beer in his hand."

Once they were on the sofa, Barlow said, the Tibetan "lunged at me with sloppy kisses and groping."

"I thought I should take it as the deepest compliment that he was interested and basically surrender to him," she said.

Sources say the Tibetan Buddhists were trying to handle this issue within their community but decided, especially after the Dalai Lama made the comment about going to the press, to go public now.

"The Dalai Lama has known about this for years and done nothing. There is a real code of secrecy and silence," said Barlow.





  一名妇女在美国加州山塔库鲁斯郡向法院提出一桩求偿千万美元的官司, 她声称遭受到《西藏生死书》作者索甲仁波切的胁迫与性侵害。


  旧金山报导:带着达赖喇嘛的祝福, 一群美国妇女佛教徒发起了一项运动, 揭发一位著名西藏喇嘛兼畅销佛学书作者所犯下的不端性行为(性犯罪)。




  根据这项诉讼的内容,一位要求匿名的女子 Janice Doe(化名)于去年前往索甲仁波切所开设主持,位于加州山塔库鲁斯郡的 Rigpa静坐灵修会员中心寻求关于灵性修行的指导时,最后却在这位密宗大师胁迫下跟他进行了非自愿性性行为。


  根据起诉书记载:“索甲仁波切声称只要被害人跟他作爱就能强化她自己的灵性, 并获得心灵的愈合.他还告诉她说能跟一个喇嘛上床是一种很大的福气。”


  这次诉讼内容除了控告索甲仁波切犯下欺诈、殴打、造成精神性伤害与及违反信托义务等数项罪名外, 同时还指控这位西藏喇嘛为了满足个人性欲不惜引诱多名女学员跟他发生性关系。


  担任Rigpa静坐灵修会员中心——这个当今遍布欧、美、澳等国无数灵修中心的一个发言人的Sandra Pawula 小姐拒绝针对此事发表任何评论。不过她却提到, 索甲仁波切至今独身未婚, 而且从未标榜自己戒色禁欲。至于索甲仁波切本人,目前身在国外, 无法取得联络。这宗法律诉讼案件是紧跟在一项写信给达赖喇嘛揭发索甲仁波切与其它西藏喇嘛性剥削与性侵犯事件运动后所提出的。


  “这些女学员经历的事件不仅可怕, 而且非常不幸。” 达赖喇嘛位于印度Dharamsala 的秘书Tenzin Geyche Tethong说。



  在今年稍早写给其中一名女学员的信中, Tethong还说:西藏佛教界领导人对于这些指控早已闻之有年了。


  加州 Marin郡 Spirit Rock静坐灵修中心的创始人 Jack Kornfield是去年二十四名在印度与达赖喇嘛开会讨论当今藏传佛教界师资不端性行为的西方教师之一。据他描述, 达赖喇嘛当时告诉在场的美国人说:“当事情出差错时,不要向大众隐瞒。如果你们真的觉得有必要向媒体揭发,那就去做吧!”


  另外一位住在纽约市,据称也曾遭过索甲仁波切性侵犯的妇女,Victoria Barlow说:“这些西藏男人利用西方人士对于佛法的尊重而瞎搞乱搞的恶行恶状,实在是教人恶心厌恶透了!”


  现年四十岁的Barlow女士还说,一九七0年代当她在索甲仁波切的灵修中心从事修行期间, 曾遭受后者性侵犯,而当时她年仅二十一岁。


  在 the Free Press (自由报刊) 向她进行的一次采访中,她透露道:“我前往这位备受尊重的喇嘛上师的公寓, 想要向他请教一些宗教上的问题。当门打开时, 我竟然看到他打着赤膊, 手上还握着一瓶啤酒。”


  而当他们刚在沙发上坐定,Barlow 说:“这个西藏人就扑到我的身上, 开始对我又摸又舔!”




  有消息来源指出, 西藏佛教界原本希望将这些喇嘛上师的性丑闻当作内部事件来处理,不过,在达赖喇嘛发表上述有关谈话后, 他们最终还是决定将事情公诸于世。


  “达赖喇嘛明明知情已经好几年了, 却一直不闻不问!”Barlow说,“看来西藏密宗里头还真的是有必须保持秘密与沉默的规定了!”

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