

注册:2004-09-16 17:04:43


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2008-06-23 05:07:56分页 全看 树展
🙂永恒是贪婪和恐惧? ↑0 ↓0
2008-05-15 08:07:59分页 全看 树展
🙂中美联合川藏科学考察 ↑0 ↓0
 2000年11月14日,“探秘北纬30°————中美联合川藏考察”活动已对中国北纬 30°地区做了“CT”大扫描,目前正对大量信息资料进行数据处理。估计不到半年时间将会绘出人工地震测探剖面图,这为我国在国际地学界占据应有的大国地位迈出了第一步。   据本次科学考察 ...
2008-05-07 05:02:59分页 全看 树展
🙂轻言摊牌。无他,实力不计. ↑1 ↓0
奥运会确是老江的昏着。 但事以至此,支持HW,怕是唯一之路。 一切只是开始的开始.
2008-05-07 02:47:33分页 全看 树展
🙂【讨论】Food/Water Crisis, WWIII, Ec ↑0 ↓0
laroucheyouth Report: Food/Water Crisis, WWIII, Economic Collapse, Empire [FLASH]http://www.youtube.com/v/9srrdPpaXuo&hl=en[/FLASH] 以前 ...
2008-04-22 09:32:22分页 全看 树展
🙂Food Crisis, Tibet War Conspirac ↑0 ↓0
Food Crisis, Tibet War Conspiracy, Economic Collapse 4/22/08 [FLASH]http://www.youtube.com/v/lTsBanUmSdg&hl=en[/FLASH]
2008-04-19 08:27:42分页 全看 树展
🙂Chinese Nuclear Forces ↑0 ↓0
Chinese Nuclear Forces and U.S. Nuclear War Planning "As if that is not enough, China is in the final phase of a nuclear facelift that ...
2008-04-17 04:29:28分页 全看 树展
🙂How and when the WW3 starts? ↑0 ↓0
Now given the massive west media misleading reports triggered Chinese protests, the new treaty will be passed. Tony Blair will become th ...
2008-04-17 04:19:18分页 全看 树展
🙂When the new EU treaty kick in? ↑0 ↓0
When will the new treaty kick in? The treaty should come into force in 2009 but different parts will take effect at different times: ...
2008-04-17 03:57:38分页 全看 树展
🙂How We Must Deal With The Worst ↑0 ↓0
How We Must Deal With The Worst Crisis in History by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. April 11, 2008 (LPAC)-- The following presentation was g ...
2008-04-16 12:57:31分页 全看 树展
🙂Military Chief Says Russia Not O ↑0 ↓0
Military Chief Says Russia Not Obliged To Protect World From US [URL=]http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Military_Chief_Says_Russia_Not_Obli ...
2008-04-16 11:38:17分页 全看 树展
🙂Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key ↑0 ↓0
Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, Nato told [URL=]http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jan/22/nato.nuclear[/URL] Nato 'must prepa ...
2008-04-16 09:02:22分页 全看 树展
🙂Is LaRouche right II? ↑0 ↓0
^ People's Daily, November 22, 2005 [COLOR=red]Global financial crisis is coming: Interview (I) November 22, 2005 [/COLOR]^ Collapse of the ...
2008-04-16 05:15:03分页 全看 树展
🙂Is Larouche right? ↑0 ↓0
2008-04-16 04:58:23分页 全看 树展
🙂默克尔 take on Tony Blair? ↑0 ↓0
I know where to bet my money on. Anyway, we shall see how this play out soon.
2008-04-16 03:42:12分页 全看 树展
🙂Blair kicks off campaign to beco ↑0 ↓0
Blair kicks off campaign to become EU President Alex Duval Smith in Paris The Observer, Sunday January 13 2008 [URL=]http://www.guardian.c ...
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