
主题:【原创】从进化论角度对同性恋基因的看法 -- 任爱杰

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家园 推荐读两片文献

Genetics and bisexuality NATURE|Vol 445|11 January 2007

Vincent Savolainen and Laurent Lehmann

A population-genetic model indicates that if there is a gene responsible for

homosexual behaviour it can readily spread in populations. The model also

predicts widespread bisexuality in humans.

Genetic models of homosexuality: generating testable predictions

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,Volume 273, Number 1605 / December 22, 2006,Pages: 3031 - 3038


Homosexuality is a common occurrence in humans and other species, yet its genetic and evolutionary basis is poorly understood. Here, we formulate and study a series of simple mathematical models for the purpose of predicting empirical patterns that can be used to determine the form of selection that leads to polymorphism of genes influencing homosexuality. Specifically, we develop theory to make contrasting predictions about the genetic characteristics of genes influencing homosexuality including: (i) chromosomal location, (ii) dominance among segregating alleles and (iii) effect sizes that distinguish between the two major models for their polymorphism: the overdominance and sexual antagonism models. We conclude that the measurement of the genetic characteristics of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) found in genomic screens for genes influencing homosexuality can be highly informative in resolving the form of natural selection maintaining their polymorphism.

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