
主题:不知发在这里合不合适?我在Los Angels 拿了一张交通 -- octane99

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家园 不知发在这里合不合适?我在Los Angels 拿了一张交通



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家园 拿着告票去发告票的警察局问,争取上TRAFFIC SCHOOL.
家园 我住在wisconsin,实在是没法去搞搞正。交钱算了。
家园 告票上有网站或电话号码么? 用CASE NO.该能找到多少钱的.
家园 Check if there is a phone number

Normally, there should be a phone number (local court) on the ticket. Call the number and talk to the Judge on the phone. The person will tell you how much you should pay (from my previouse experience).

家园 Call the court clerk first

Maybe you can work something out with the DA. If you cannot, CA traffic law (not like the stupid NY law) allows "Trial by Written Declaration".That means you don't need to be there in person to have a trial, which is great for out state violation!!!



Fight the ticket, always fight the ticket.Good luck.

家园 Thank you all and I will call.
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