
主题:河里喝饱洋墨水的朋友们请帮个小忙 -- njyd

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家园 河里喝饱洋墨水的朋友们请帮个小忙




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Savvy resellers use the web to turn tickets into cash.

John Borland goes to the edge of theory. To the developing world, it's a medicine chest.

To the developing world, it's a medicine chest. And if you submit, please let us know! Now its cheap generics are coming to a pharmacy near you.

Meme Therapy has just migrated to a much better web host, so now is the time.

To the developing world, it's a medicine chest. I'd love it if one of you bibliophiles out there would give this a dry run and let us know what you think!

But fear not: There's always another giant accelerator on the horizon. Savvy resellers use the web to turn tickets into cash. Guess I'll just go to be even later now!

blog mentions and much more. I registered my blog with several of the. Guess I'll just go to be even later now!

operations Kaz Hirai moves to Tokyo to replace Ken Kutaragi. Commentary by Bruce Schneier. It was about comic-book style villains, and how stupid they can be.

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His codes solved that problem. By Monya Baker from Wired magazine.

家园 垃圾邮件而已


家园 这个怎么看怎么像垃圾邮件

前言不搭后语... 就像一个喝醉了的人,东拉西扯,嘟嘟囔囔...

“To the developing world, it's a medicine chest” 重复了三次

“Savvy resellers use the web to turn tickets into cash” 重复了两次...


家园 垃圾!

But somehow MS Exchange Server or outlook 2003 can't detect and filter them. Maybe it's the way they are writen.

家园 说实话



家园 definitely spam
家园 垃圾邮件
家园 一般来说,如果你连续收到大致相同的邮件若干次以后



家园 花谢各位。


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