
主题:【原创】GM, 第一张倒下的多米诺骨牌? -- 倥偬飞人

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家园 【原创】GM, 第一张倒下的多米诺骨牌?


当现实开始露出它丑陋的面目的时候,suckers' rally的终结就要开始了。通用汽车也许就是这多米诺骨牌的第一张。one can fly high for a moment, but no one can defy gravity。


表面上Kerkorian卖掉了接近5亿美元的通用股票,导致了GM下滑,但是这种事情是迟早要来的。Kerkorian才只不过卖掉了一小部分而已,他既然要卖,现在的交易只不过是个开始,大头还在后面。我要是Kerkorian也会很高兴这个时候卖掉,suckers' rally把一个亏损而且没有什么希望的股票推到目前的高位,此时不卖,更待何时?


Kerkorian says cuts GM stake

Wednesday November 22, 1:15 pm ET

DETROIT (Reuters) - Billionaire Kirk Kerkorian's Tracinda Corp. investment firm on Wednesday said it had sold $462 million of stock in General Motors Corp this week, taking its stake in the automaker to 7.4 percent from 9.9 percent.

In a U.S. regulatory filing, Tracinda said it had agreed on Monday to sell 14 million GM common shares in a private transaction for $33 per share.

Representatives of Tracinda Corp and GM could not be immediately reached for comment.

Kerkorian's associate Jerry York resigned from GM's board on October 6 in a dispute over board oversight and strategy triggered by the automaker's decision not to pursue an alliance with Renault-Nissan.

Speculation that Kerkorian could be looking to reduce his stake in GM had pushed the stock sharply lower this week.

Since Friday, GM shares have dropped about 10 percent. The stock's decline was the biggest drag on the Dow Jones industrial average on Wednesday.

(Additional reporting by John Poirier in Washington)

家园 飞人文章


家园 【文摘】Well said about GM

以下摘自GM的Yahoo Message Board:

Here Is The Truth About GM, Even If You Do Not Want To Hear It!!! (10 Ratings) 22-Nov-06 06:16 pm The truth of the matter is that GM was a company that did at one time satify the masses of American car owners. They made cars people actually wanted, and were proud to drive, and not because they had no competition.

Anyone that actually believe that American designer and engineers are in some way inferior to there counter parts in German or Japan, are fooling themselves. Americans can engineer the best cars in the world if they want. The truth of the matter is that GM is not run by designers or Engineers, but by Bean counters and MBAs, oh and those moron Marketing idiots too!!!!

This company has been putting the cart before the horse for too many years now, and it has finally caught up to them!!!! There has been a massive shift in what people truely need and want, and GM has not changed with the times!!! Thinking you could out perform imports with dated technology and use your pricing advantage, because of duty and freight is a thing of the past!!!!! This company still thinks they have their pulse on the North American consumer, but I fear they are 100% wrong abouty that!!!

look at anyone under 30, and you will see the future of this company!!!!! Almost non-existent!!!!

Have a Great Thanks Giving, and I think KK figured that one out as well!!!


家园 感觉美国的经济没有那么脆弱吧?



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