
主题:【文摘】非洲民主的教训 -- 不是老陈

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家园 【文摘】非洲民主的教训

[原创 2006-08-13 00:35:54 | 发表者: 日出乎日落乎]

不久前笔者在China Daily上发表了对河北邢台前南峪村老村长郭诚志(数届人大代表)的采访手记,收到一位非洲网友(KaziMpya)的邮件,深感中国人经常为之困扰的民主与发展的问题,又何尝不让那里的人们饱受折磨。曾几何时,在列强瓜分下的中国也有危险变成世界上的另一处非洲(让我们都不要妄自尊大)。现在看看别人的命运,或许我们能获得更多一个层次的想法。于是未经许可(Sorry)将彼网友的邮件发表如下:

I think the Deputy's insightful comments are grounded in truth. I come from Africa, where poverty is prevalent, insitutions are largely absent, ignorance and illiteracy is predominant. Local elections are largely characterised with huge number of people represnting no ideological positions, or manifesto, just competition for power.——我认为那位人大代表富有洞见的说法(“只有穷村才闹选举闹得厉害”云云)的确有事实基础。我来自非洲。在这个存在着普遍贫穷的地方,制度建设却几乎一片空白,愚昧与文盲处处可见。多数的地方选举都存在这种通病——一大群的竞选者没有观点、没有纲领,只管埋头权力的角逐。

Sometimes violence, clanism and tribalism takes center stage as those vying for power lie about what they represent, and use money to buy the position. After 40 years of this kind of democracy repeated every 5 years in Kenya and East Africa, guess what, people are still at the same level of poverty as when we started. This picture is repeated at the national level on who is to be the president, and Africa keeps on sliding deeper and deeper in poverty and despair. ——竞选者时常散布谎言和贿选作弊,造成政治过程被暴力和宗族、部落之间的冲突所打断。肯尼亚和东非(其他国家)虽然实行这种五年一循环的民主已有40年之久,然而40年过去,情况怎样呢?人们依旧像40年前一样的贫穷。如此剧目仍然在每个国家上演,但整个大陆却日益陷入贫穷与绝望的深渊。

What matters, in my opinion, is firstly economic development for every one to secure a livelihood, share in the good times, entrench the culture of respecting the institutions and having a hopeful outlook.——本人以为,经济发展是国家的第一要务,只有这样人们才能确保生存需要,分享幸福时光,丰富文化生活,确立社会制度,并对未来开始抱有希望。(此处的英文有点小毛病,原文如此。)

Governments must be strong to ensure security against external and internal sources of instability, provide the necessary infrastructure - transport, communication, etc- health, education, and forum for discussion of national issues.——政府必须足够强大以抵御外来的和内部的不稳定因素,并提供必要的公共设施,包括交通、通讯、公共卫生、教育以及讨论国家事务的论坛。(此处的英文也有点小毛病,原文如此。infrastructure官方翻译经常是“基础建设”,其实应该是“公共设施”。)

It is really that simple, for very poor regions and countries nothing will replace massive investments in the basic infrastructure, transforming the prevailing economic order to the initial levels of industrialization. You can have all the democracy, forum for debate, that you want, but if you dont have resources, it is just a matter of time before the region slides into chaos and despair.——问题很简单,对于每个贫穷地区和国家来说,没有任何东西可以取代对公共设施的巨大投入(大概是针对前南峪村长达40年的植树造林投入这样说的)。只有这样才能让经济改变现状,达到工业化的入门阶段。你完全可以争取你想要的一切的民主、开展一切辩论,但如果民众不能拥有任何经济资源,这个地区的混乱和绝望则必然指日以待。

Wise observations from the Chief! ——村长的见识真是英明!


关于前南峪的报道(感谢CD美女记者Fiona Wang),参见:






家园 赞最后一段话


家园 是谁在挖河泥淘金?


Wise observations from the Chief! ——村长的见识真是英明!


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