
主题:[原创]反对鼓吹暴力革命 -- jlanu

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家园 民主是杜绝暴力革命唯一有效的前提。
家园 芥兰油调皮,用恐怖的字眼来吸引眼球
家园 一个多元社会恐怕是民主能持续生存和发展的条件:


如果一个社会,用专用名词叫CIVIL SOCIETY,有多元化的利益集团,没有一个集团的力量可以主宰局势,那么大家必须在合作中竞争,在妥协中共存。这是民主出现的社会基础。


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家园 it's a good one, but...

It's a good article, but I think it missed 温相's point. He is not 鼓吹暴力革命, but just against a point which is quite popular now. 暴力革命 is always a choice for lowest level people to against their ruler, and in history, unfortunately it seems like it's the only way that can work. So against 暴力革命 sometimes is against the last right of poor people.

Also one popular idea is always think 革命 as a kind of idealism, think 革命者 is high in moral standard, that's absolutely not true. 革命 is just another way to redistribute the polition power and economic beneficial. Although a lot of time it represents most people will, it's not necessary high in morality. Also the 革命 can be successful most time depends on the organization efficiency and correct polition and economic policy, not depends on only morality. 革命 actually is always majority's success.

家园 这篇文章并不是针对谁的,也许题目起的不太恰当


“in history, unfortunately it seems like it's the only way that can work.“ 我想加上“在中国的历史上“ 这个定语可能会恰当一些吧。引一段风声兄的话http://www.cchere.com/article/100;ID=82561


家园 说得好.
家园 鼓个掌!


家园 not just chinese history

I don't think it's just Chinese history, in Greek, in Roman, in France or even in so called peaceful revolution England, that's just so many these kinds of examples. Just in Medieval the civilians are not strong enough as in China, so it's not so obvious. But if you think from the nation and religion instead of just civilians, it's basically the same.

I really against the bloody revolution because generally civilians will suffer much more. However, now when a lot of so called elite talk about that, they are afraid of the power from poor people, they are depriving the last right of poor people. But if they don't do much to change the unfair society, the revolution will not be avoided.

家园 同意你的看法。不过其他国家也有通过非暴力手段改变社会结构的历史。


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