
主题:【注意】一女士因偷看丈夫和其前妻的email而遭判刑! -- Highway

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家园 【注意】一女士因偷看丈夫和其前妻的email而遭判刑!


DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- A judge sentenced an Arizona woman to 60 days home detention for intercepting her husband's ex-wife's e-mail, saying the penalty is a warning to others who might be tempted to do the same.

"Privacy is still a cherished value," U.S. District Judge Richard P. Matsch said in sentencing Angel Lee, 28, of El Mirage, Arizona.

Lee pleaded guilty in March and admitted accessing at least 215 e-mails sent last year to her husband's ex-wife, Duongladde Ramsay.

Officials said she fraudulently obtained the user name and password information for Ramsay's e-mail account.

Matsch, best known for his role overseeing the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, bombing trials, has said the e-mail case involved a vicious divorce dispute over children. At Lee's sentencing Friday, he said he considered sending her to jail but believed she needed to be home with her young children.

"I really apologize for what I did," Lee told the judge. "She (Ramsay) has a right to feel the way she feels."

Ramsay has compared Lee's actions to someone breaking into her home and reading her diary.



家园 支持。有保护隐私,才能让大家放心地诚实,才能让社会有诚信。
家园 在美国,隐私比在中国重要。


我想那位太太很可能有好奇的心理。就这样被判了刑, 哎~~~~。如果按照这个标准,中国得有多少太太进监狱啊。

家园 所以很多老中被迫撒谎呀。

很多时间都花在想象啦,传播想象啦,MANAGE OTHERS‘ PERCEPTION啦,MANAGE不成迁怒啦,沟通成本太高。沟通已经这么难了,再下来就是解决问题更难了。怪不得每个老中都聪明得不得了,合在一起,有些时候反糟。


家园 一头雾水,不知你在说什么。你说的好像和隐私没什么关系。
家园 简而言之,统而言之,有隐私保护和理解,才会有诚实就是了。
家园 这个傻婆娘,偷看邮件还能被发现,笨啊!


家园 老美就是私权过度,还是中国人的尺度轻松自在一些。
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