
主题:【欣赏】To be loved -- 雪个

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家园 【欣赏】To be loved


To be loved

I can see your face everywhere I look

But everywhere is nowhere without you

What seemed to be like days was just a moment in time

But it meant the world to me

Cos' I knew

What I'd been searching for all of my life

I had it right here in front of my eyes

What I had wished for was

Nothing compared to what I would be

If you're here with me

And if you never come back

And the day was all that we had

And if I wouldn't be tomorrow with you

In my eyes it won't matter

Because now I know what it's like to be loved

You are so far away but I feel you're so near

It's like you'd never left me, never said goodbye

I can hear your voice in the crowd

I can feel your touch me right now

I can see your smile when I close my eyes

And I hold on to that every night

To help me understand when I ask myself

Why of all the people who are there

Just to be with me, to share all the sorrow

And if you never come back

And the day was all that we had

And if I wouldn't be tomorrow with you

In my eyes it won't matter

Because now I know what it's like to be loved

What a beautiful thing, to feel your love within

Like a child outside in the sunshine on the first day of spring

Just to know this is true

There is someone like you

Who can make me believe

There is nothing I can't do

家园 啊,雪个你喜欢么?这个是我做的。


ftp://[email protected]:2100/tbl(kk).mpg  密码:test

我最先做的to be loved MV是用一个老动画片雪孩子做的,也给你瞧瞧,喜不喜欢。


关键词(Tags): #雪孩子#金刚#张靓颖
家园 倒!却原来是MM你做的


家园 我给个另一个雪孩子版的链接吧。


ftp://[email protected]:2100/tobeloved.mpg  密码:test


其实我也比较喜欢雪孩子,刚学着做的第一个MV是用千与千寻做的另一首中文歌《光芒》,可给妈妈看了她觉得希望用中国的动画片,所以做to be loved我就找了雪孩子。看上去效果还不错。

关键词(Tags): #雪孩子
家园 你的这些ftp我都搞不定,惭愧。。。
家园 试试看这个链接:

[URL]ftp://test:[email protected]:2100/tobeloved.mpg[/URL]

[URL]ftp://test:[email protected]:2100/tbl(kk).mpg[/URL]


家园 效果很好,赞一个!




家园 谢谢,文件可真大呀,下载速度也很慢呢
家园 谢谢啦,希望你也喜欢。


家园 不好意思,这两个都是没压缩的。


家园 加一首中文歌《逆时针》,用《完美风暴》做的

[URL]ftp://test:[email protected]:2100/nsz.wmv[/URL]


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