
主题:Chinese input scim-1.0 in my linux-SUSE -- raindrops

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家园 Chinese input scim-1.0 in my linux-SUSE

can work with NETSCAPE, but not FIREFOX 1.0.1.


家园 给作者发信试试?


家园 a naive answer.

input chinese in some word processors,like gvim. And then paste them to firefox

家园 thanks for your suggestion,

that is actually what I am doing now. :))

I also found that scim would not emacs.

家园 好的,it would be better than no to try, anyway.
家园 Why not fcitx?

Works very well with firefox.

家园 thanx! I would try.

I have not got that much time to try everything. scim is pretty similar to the chinese input in MAC OSX.

家园 I don't like the Chinese input in Mac OSX

Fcitx is much better, similar to Ziguang in Windows. There is linux version of Ziguang, too. However, fcitx is open source so that I can install it in my iBook.

家园 if fcitx can run on both linux and mac-osx, i'll try it

on both.

I don't like the input on mac-osx either, but it came handy. it was OK before 10.4 (tiger). after upgrading to 10.4, the chinese input in mac seems to be buggy and broken. I install scim 1.0 directly from SUSE disc.

家园 Not sure if fcitx can be compiled in mac osx without modification

Usually some modifications are needed to compile linux programs in Mac OSX from source files due to some essential differences between the two systems. Some projects, such as fink and GNU Darwin, have done a lot of works, trying to cover these differences so that a user can compile linux programs in Mac OSX from source files without knowing much about UNIX programming. However, they never satisfy my requirements.

For a native Chinese input program similar to Ziguang in Mac OSX, you may check QIM:


This is a new program and free. It sounds a good software but I have not gotten time to try it.

家园 那个地址已经废弃了。


家园 Info from faq of SCIM project

please check the following info. It might help.


Why SCIM does not support cursor following in Gtk+2 based apps/Mozilla/Any other apps from mozilla.org?

This is an know issue: Gtk+2 does not send out the position information to input method if xim gtk im module is used. However, with the help of scim gtk im module, cursor following can be achieved in Gtk+2 based apps (except Mozilla, see below for details). Please follow instructions in configure page to set scim as the default gtk im module.

Unfortunately, due to lacking proper support of Gtk im module in Mozilla, no matter whether you use scim gtk immodule or not, it is just impossible to make any input method (or platform) to follow the cursor. Currently, you have to live with it. Or you can try this patch on your own risk: moto.debian.org.tw (in Chinese).

It is pretty stable now (as stated in that thread, it is already incorporated in Debian Mozilla package), so if you do not mind to recompile Mozilla/Firefox/Thunderbird, then you can enjoy OnTheSpot support in them.

家园 thanks for the info!
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