
主题:【贴图】今晚的月亮又大又圆! -- raindrops

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家园 【贴图】今晚的月亮又大又圆!



(没有用三角架,所以 set iso3200,too much noise!)

家园 漂亮啊,那下面是你的车?
家园 躁 音 还 好 了

我 照 夜 景 用 400都 比 着 噪 音 大

家园 不是车,是城里的灯光!
家园 厉害,有点三维的效果


家园 del
家园 I calculated a little bit

I guess: it is OK to shoot the monn with ISO200, 1/60s, f5.6.

because the moon is very far, I took the picture at zoom-300mm.

I didn't think I could hold the camera w/o any shaking for 1/60s,

after hiking up to the hill and out of breathing.

so, I set the camera at f6.7, shutter 1/250s, then the iso must

be high, set it at 1600.

the higher iso, the more noise I get.

next time I will try to shoot earlier, when the sky is still bright,

and not to forget my tripod.

家园 the picture is downsized a lot, so the noise might be

also filtered with downsizing mask. when I saw the

original picture, it is very bad.

the current size is 720x480, about 1/3 x 1/3 = 1/9

of the original size.

家园 前不久的那次日全食我拍摄了全部过程,挺不错的。


家园 贴出来看看呀
家园 很抱歉,那是大半年前的事情了吧,照片都不知道那里去了。


家园 把你的照片伽玛变换了一下



家园 好美啊,浪漫也!
家园 感觉没有夜景好,不过还是美的!
家园 树叶上面好像有晨霜
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