
主题:各位做爸爸妈妈的要注意了 -- 有乐子没药吃

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家园 各位做爸爸妈妈的要注意了


Parents Cleared of Child Abuse in Photo Flap

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

RALEIGH, N.C. ― Parents who were charged with child abuse last August have been exonerated and reunited with their children.

Charbel Hamaty was charged with sexually assaulting his newborn son, and Teresa Hamaty was arrested for taking sexually explicit pictures.

The couple describe the ordeal as a "nightmare" that started over a roll of film that Charbel Hamaty dropped off at a north Raleigh Eckerd drugstore.

The photo that raised alarms shows a naked Kristoff, now 16 months old, getting a kiss from his father on the belly button, Teresa Hamaty said.

When the photos were shown to the police, the couple was arrested, and Kristoff was put in protective custody, while his half-sister, Victoria, was handed over to her birth father.

Teresa Hamaty was released on bond, but wasn't allowed contact with her children for months.

Charbel Hamaty spent six months in prison before the charges were dropped because of a report submitted by an expert saying there was no criminal intent in the photos.

The couple said they are happy to be reunited with their children and to leave their legal troubles behind them.

家园 这里是中文版本




  在警方看来,录像的这幕包含性猥亵内容。于是法庭以性猥亵重罪起诉了沙尔贝勒,同时他的儿子和女儿也被带走由政府监护。 沙尔贝勒因此在监狱了度过了半年,他说:“那简直是场噩梦。” 与此同时,特雷莎在经过数月的诉讼上告后,终于把孩子要回来。

  特雷莎说:“我觉得他们这次抓错人了,警察太武断。他们看了一眼录像就来抓人。”在过去的一年里,有很多亲戚朋友为沙尔贝勒一家出庭作证,指责警察反应过激,他们还主动筹集了14万美元帮助沙尔贝勒一家打官司。沙尔贝勒说:“得到这么多人的支持, 我明白我要更加坚强,告诉人们事实真相。”



家园 这个有点过,想起来那个刮痧。
家园 不得不感慨,资本主义真是水深火热。。。。
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