
主题:【原创】学英语 -- 履虎

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家园 【原创】学英语


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家园 嗯嗯


家园 一组Quora问答





Q: If every company that has offended China's feelings said no to the CPC's demands and were kicked out of doing business in China, would that not tank China's economy?


What happens in Hongkong is something like earhquake, China is on the rise and US wants to keep GREAT, so the conjuntion areas i.e. Hongkong , Taiwan, South Korea even Japan are experiencing tore-off. China is not USSR, as USSR was still part of western civilization and had no new creation of civilzation model, so deemed to fail and lose to US.

However, China is a totally new and different story. Chinese civilization is of higer class than western civilization as Chinese civilization has the same root with our Cosmos while western civilization is parasitic and has no root.

Now Chinese civilization is in the proces of Renaissance like Sun returning from the Tropic of Capricorn. Therefore, China is at the eve of the blossoming of Chinese culture. Then we can say that any foreign companies kicked out off doing business in China would not tank China's economy but hurt their own benifits.

Think what happens if you are kicked off and miss a 350km/hr Chinese high-speed train and its speed is still to be further increaed.

Q: Why did communism fail everywhere except in China?


Because the Chinese civilization povides the necessary soil for Communism. In the long river of Chinese histry, it is the second time for foreign culture to be purified and sublimated by Chinese culture then get a new and better life in China, the first time is Buddaism.

Chinese civilization is of higer class than western civilization as Chinese civilization has the same root with our Cosmos while western civilization is parasitic and has no root.

So now you understand why did communism fail everywhere except in China.

Q: What does I Ching mean?


I Ching tells you all about “Change”. I Ching is the root of our Cosmos and Chinese civilization.

The understanding of I Ching illustrated by Chinese civilization is based on

The understanding of TIME and SPACE from the very beginning


The accumulation of the understanding of human nature by the practice of billions of Chinese people from ancient time till now.

Q: Do you think the stakes are much higher for China and the U.S. than just a trade war?


Yes, it is actually the competition of civilization, which the US has losed already. The US dare not admit it and openly debate with China, so they fire Kiron Skinner instead.

家园 大佬, 能否搞点高清图或者配中文。


家园 好的 我改
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