
主题:【纪事】停电在纽约 Fm Reuters -- 杨不过

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家园 【纪事】停电在纽约 Fm Reuters



New Yorkers on foot and in automobiles take to the streets after power outages were reported in the metropolitan area, as well as in Detroit, Toronto and Ottawa, August 14, 2003. Anxious New Yorkers struggled with the massive power outage on Thursday that stranded rush-hour commuters, left thousands stuck underground in the subway system and evoked powerful memories of the Sept. 11 attacks.



People fill the street in Herald Square in New York August 14, 2003 after a blackout hit the city. U.S. power regulators said a massive power outage that hit New York City and other cities in the eastern United States and Canada was not caused by a terror attack. The outage was caused by an outage at a Manhattan power plant which destabilized the power grid as far as Canada, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) spokesman Bryan Lee said. REUTERS/Peter Morgan

家园 这可是头版新闻
家园 除了昨晚月亮巨圆巨亮以外一切真是糟透了,直觉认为是恐怖活动造成
家园 你不是记者吧?

今天上班的路上,听了新闻。一位NEW YORK女士说:停电,让许多平时不说话的人,有了在一起面对困难的机会。


家园 俺是彻头彻尾,地地道道的老中。新闻,原汁原味的好。俺很正经地说。
家园 呵呵,吓唬一下BUSH吧,正在进行什么谈判呀,以色列还是KOREA?
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