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主题:特斯拉究竟是在做什么? -- 大山猫
好好的混合动力,广告词是进气栅格流体大灯... 还扯上雪铁龙了...
国内整个气氛都很够呛 从产研到消费
I am not surprised by his conclusion.
you can sense a slow formation of political consensus among business and political elites.
Shale gas exhaustion rate is very high (e.g., natural gas--you can not cut short the production given the below-the-ground pressure). I am afraid of a sudden fall in production rate less than 10 years down the road. Engineers in that industry can read the data and they understand that well.
I think even people in the energy industry can sense the urgency of new source of energy--America must cut its gas consumption. Given more than half of the gasoline consumption comes out of daily commuter's transportation need, the easiest way is to cut down the car consumption of gasoline.
In the future, maybe only airplane can still burn gasoline. All other industries will be forced to consume energy from electricity--this is the long term perspective as mentioned by Elon Musk several times in his interview.
- 违规禁,【补充】可申诉或道歉来解。偏要看
- 违规禁,【补充】可申诉或道歉来解。偏要看
- 违规禁,【补充】可申诉或道歉来解。偏要看
各行各业的人起早贪黑,创新挖潜,专利PK, 到最后却是眼看着经济果实,自己的血汗不可控制的大量流向能源业,从中东的王爷到西方石油公司,真是打落牙齿和血吞。因为石油对现代世界是从工业到生活的各个角落都渗透过了,人的原始欲望,对生活水平的提高,无一不是通过增加对石油的使用去实现的。
Cheney is small potato. There are masterminds behind him. Those NewCons have their foreign policies based on a critical assumption: peak oil theory.
Please google "peak oil". It has been out since late 1990s and early 2000s, based on solid mathematical modeling and engineering data (FYi, all PetroChina's wells have peaked in production--so China's domestic oil production has a time bomb ticking already). They sense a global peaking in oil production AND THEY ARE AFRAID OF 文明扩充停下脚步. The Iraq War has a sole purpose to ensure that AT LEAST American 文明扩充 will not 停下脚步 just because of oil constraint. As to the inevitable contraction in Europe/Asia/Africa, American NewCons clearly do not care at all.
The peak oil assumption totally missed out two issues, 1)the shale gas tech., which was pioneered by Mitchell; 2)Iraq is so costly/difficult to control (a lesson after 2003)
American elites totally ignored their European allies' interests, and believe that control of choke points, such as Afganistan, could contain a weak Russia and a formerly weak China. In the end, the 2000s Bush gov. alienated almost everybody in the world, except China (a cheap ally out of economic agreement--China buys U.S. treasury notes).
You have to admit that NewCons have one thing right: there is PEAK OIL for CONVENTIONAL OIL FIELDS, and there WILL be an inevitable PEAK MOMENT FOR shale oil (oilsands in Canada too) TOO.
America shall not rest its security on an temporary bandit solution--shale oil. It should expand the boundary of energy source for its LONG TERM GROWTH AND PROSPERITY, therefore, another group of elites kicked out NewCons from the Bush adminstration and their main message: to re-focus America's efforts on new sources of energy or at least replacement technology to REDUCE DEPENDENCY ON OIL (both FOREIGN and domestic). Currently, America's daily oil consumption is around 16-18 million barrels, half of which is related to the use of car by average Joes.
That's why Tesla must succeed. China is also investing in EV tech (China's daily oil consumption is already 8m barrels and it is still growing fast since China has overtaken America as THE LARGEST CAR PRODUCER IN THE WORLD), but its political effort is often self-contradictory (central gov. vs. local gov.; fights among different industries, eg., oil vs. electric generators). So China and America could start around the same time (2008-2009), but America could finally win out given its superior political and financial infrastructures.
If the world still grow under the current model, we will need 100m barrels of oil every DAY just to maintain our current way of life. Human beings will hit the wall sooner or later and THE WHOLE WORLD NEED A BRUTAL WAR TO DRAMATICALLY SHRINKING THE POPULATION(thus oil consumption) TO meet THE CURRENT RESOURCE CONSTRAINT, if there is no tech. breakthrough.