
主题:【整理】西方报纸直言不讳:薄熙来倒台合乎美国利益! -- hwd99

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家园 【整理】西方报纸直言不讳:薄熙来倒台合乎美国利益!


来源: 姜大牙 于 2012-04-10 13:40:23[档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:505次

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但在《日本经济新闻》记者多部田俊辅看来,薄熙来迄今为止在中共官场两度失势,都是在美国的影子之下,薄熙来跟美国的 纠葛不是一般的纠葛,而是牵涉更深层的问题。多部田俊辅4月1日从重庆发出报导,题目是“中国薄熙来解职戏剧 / 这次实际上是第二次 / 两次都有美国的影子。”





“美国为什么不喜欢 薄熙来呢?除了仰融事件之外,薄熙来在辽宁期间对法轮功的镇压,以及在重庆期间对市民的煽动性运动,让美国方面感到‘薄熙来假如进入中国最领导层主管公安,将对民主化问题采取强硬路线,难免导致美中关系恶化’(美国IT产业公司一位主管语)。这位主管表示,美国方面如此向警惕薄熙来的共青团派和习近平副 主席示好,是希望有利于今后的对华交涉。”










家园 最终还是鼓吹多党化吧?美国人对中国人的幸福生活真的


谢谢。take China down

家园 英国每日电讯报报道海伍德死亡




[QUOTE]Neil Heywood 'feared for his safety' as strains grew around Bo Xilai, his powerful Chinese friend

New questions arise daily over the death of British businessman Neil Heywood since the surprise ousting of Politburo grandee Bo Xilai in Chongqing.



By Jason Lewis, Investigations Editor, Josie Ensor, and Malcolm Moore in Beijing

7:00PM BST 31 Mar 2012


The text message on the mobile phone screen was to the point: “Neil Heywood was killed”.

Sent anonymously in the middle of the night last February, it referred to the case of a British businessman found dead in a hotel room in the city of Chongqing, in South West China, three months earlier, apparently of natural causes.

Now the message to a Chinese investigative journalist from an unidentified number was suggesting he had been murdered.

The suspicion, another Chinese reporter revealed last week, was that Mr Heywood was a “Bai Shoutao” - literally a “white glove”, brokering a series of secretive business deals for a powerful Chinese politician not supposed to soil his hands with commerce.

On Saturday a startling new report surfaced that Mr Heywood had told friends in China that he feared for his safety after falling out with Gu Kailai, Mr Bo’s wife. Concerned that somebody in the family’s inner circle had betrayed them, she was said to have asked Mr Heywood to divorce his wife and swear an oath of loyalty, which he refused, according to the Wall Street Journal, the newspaper which broke the original story about Heywood’s death last week.

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Whatever the truth of the claims, they have put Mr Heywood at the centre of a political storm in China and led to suggestions that the late 41-year-old Harrow-educated businessman may have been a British spy.

Disquiet in Britain’s expat community in Beijing about the official version of events - that the abstemious Mr Heywood may have been drinking heavily before his death - led the Foreign Office to ask the Chinese to reopen the case.

Now The Sunday Telegraph has learned that the Foreign Secretary William Hague is being personally briefed on the affair and, in the US, the Vice President Joe Biden has intervened after calls for a Congressional hearing into the ensuing events.

Heywood arrived in China more than a decade ago after graduating in international relations from Warwick University. His only previous business experience had been in an unsuccessful venture with his father, attempting to produce a “blind date auction” television show. There were no takers.

His break came when Bo Xilai, mayor of the city of Dalian until 2000, hired him to teach his son English and he became close to the whole family - including Mr Bo’s wife, Gu Kailai, a lawyer who is believed to handle much of the family business. It is this connection that is now at the centre of the intrigue.

Mr Bo’s tenure in Dalian was marked by the city’s phenomenal transformation into a modern metropolis fuelled by huge economic growth.

Its success propelled Mr Bo to election to the Chinese politburo and a post as minister of commerce. Helped by his father’s connections as a close friend of both Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, his career glittered until he became Communist party secretary in Chongqing, a megacity of 30 million people, where economic growth easily outstripped the already blistering national average.

It was a validation of the idea that private enterprise, welded to strict party control, could produce miraculous results.

Mr Bo’s micro-management extended to the songs that people sung and the television they watched. Under his rule, viewers were fed a diet of revolutionary dramas about the early years of the Communist party.

He played cannily both on nostalgia for the “good old days” before Chinese society was tainted by materialism, and on his image as an enemy of crime - even if some now claim that a campaign to destroy the mafia focused also on destroying his own business rivals.

While Mr Bo was rising though the Party ranks, Mr Heywood used his connection to bolster a consultancy business he started, helping British firms gain a foothold in China.

His firm, Heywood Boddington Associates, registered at his mother’s house in London, described itself as “a multi-discipline consultancy focusing on serving the interests of UK businesses in the People’s Republic of China”.

Set up in 2005, its website, shut down shortly before his death, quoted from The Art of War, the ancient Chinese book on military strategy that is also a favourite of Mr Bo’s. It says: “Know yourself. Know the other party. In a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.”

The firm warned: “China has endless powers to tantalise and amaze. But its ancient civilisation evolved almost entirely independently from the western world. With a business environment of legendary complexity, China’s ability to confound is no less formidable."

Part of Mr Heywood’s work involved undertaking due diligence on Chinese firms for Hakluyt, the Mayfair-based business intelligence firm set up by former MI6 officers. But despite suggestions of an involvement in espionage, the reality was different.

Western firms want to know all they can about those they are planning to do business with, especially when millions of pounds are at stake. Mr Heywood’s role, like others in the international information trade, was to compile dry reports on companies and individuals, searching out financial information and press reports to reassure investors.

Much of his own firm’s work appears to have involved promoting the manufacturers of children’s car seats and medical inhalers.

His business partner for five years Chris Boddington, now a director of PWC, the international consultancy firm, in China, last night refused to discuss his work with Heywood, issuing a terse “no comment”.

Heywood was highly successful. He lived in an expensive home in an affluent Beijing suburb near the former Olympic rowing park with his Chinese wife Lulu. Their young son and daughter attend the local branch of Dulwich College, one of Britain’s top schools, whose fees in China are up to 22,000 a year.

But last November this modern story of a Westerner making his fortune in China ended in tragedy.

After flying to Chongqing for a meeting, reportedly with Mr Bo or a member of his family, Mr Heywood, aged just 41, was found dead in his hotel room. A cursory medical examination suggested he had been drinking and had died of heart disease.

The Foreign Office gave consular help to his grieving family. With no foul play even hinted at, Heywood was swiftly cremated, apparently at his family’s request, and his sister flew to China to take his ashes back to Britain.

On February 5 everything changed when Chongqing’s police chief, Wang Lijun, walked into the US consulate in Chengdu, 200 miles away, and asked for protection. He allegedly told the Americans that his boss, Mr Bo, was behind Mr Heywood’s death and that his own life was now in danger after he had tried to investigate.

Mr Wang had been a key ally of Mr Bo in a war against organised crime and corruption which had seen around 2,000 detained, including government officials and police officers.

Now he apparently asked for asylum but, after wrangling between the consulate and Washington DC, was refused and forced to leave. His current whereabouts are unknown and C


Now he apparently asked for asylum but, after wrangling between the consulate and Washington DC, was refused and forced to leave. His current whereabouts are unknown and Chinese reports say he is on leave due to a “health concern”.

Meanwhile an “open letter to the whole world”, purportedly by Mr Wang, surfaced on the internet. The letter attacked Mr Bo as a “hypocrite” and “the greatest gangster in China” and accused him of corruption.

It was most likely fake. But a month later Mr Bo, who admitted he may have “trusted the wrong person” in Mr Wang, was sacked as Chongqing Communist Party Secretary and from his other posts in the city. He too has not been seen in public since.

The latest revelations add to the intrigue over what may be the most serious split in China’s secretive leadership for 20 years. Mr Bo had been a candidate to join China’s top ruling body, the Politburo’s standing committee. Could the Wang scandal and Mr Heywood’s death have offered his rivals an opening to sideline him?

The ripples spread far and wide. His spectacular fall from grace sparked rumours throughout China of a military coup - fuelled by the lack of information about what lay behind it. On Saturday the authorities arrested six people and closed 16 websites for spreading the speculation.

Meanwhile in Washington the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs is demanding to know why such a senior Chinese official as Mr Wang was apparently turned away by US diplomats.

Vice President Joe Biden is among senior figures urging them not to hold public hearings, and officials are expected to refuse to answer questions on national security grounds.

Whatever the truth about Mr Bo and his family’s connections with Heywood, the allegations that the Briton may have been murdered are a shock to his family, who still believe his death was due to a heart attack.

His father and his paternal grandparents all died at an early age - and several friends in Britain say Mr Heywood “looked ill” in pictures taken before his death.

John Summers, Mr Heywood’s brother-in-law, said: : “As far as I’m aware the Foreign Office has not been in contact with any of Neil’s family about re-opening the case, it was their decision to do that as the family had accepted the verdict.

“He never mentioned any problems or worries. He had lived out there for quite a while and seemed happy.”

Mr Heywood’s 74-year-old mother Ann, who still lives in the Streatham family home where he grew up, said: “I loved Neil very much, a mother and son could hardly have been closer. We talked several times a week on the phone and if anything was worrying him he would tell me.

“It’s distressing having it all brought up again after four months. As far as I’m concerned it was, and still is, a closed case. The Foreign Office is looking into it again, but not at our request.

“It’s heartbreaking to even think there was foul play involved. He was very ambitious, had a lot of friends and business contacts and had a nice life in China.

“I went to China often to see him, I still do to see my daughter-in-law and grandchildren, and they were always very happy.

“I don’t know why these theories have surfaced now, I don’t know about any political motivation. As far as I’m concerned he died of a heart attack. It’s tragic, but nothing more.”

家园 翻译:海伍德家人对其死亡的看法



John Summers,他的妹夫说,据我所知,外交部没有联系Neil家人讨论重新判决该案。现在的决定就是那样,因为家人接受了这个结论。

海伍德74岁母亲 Ann说,“他从未提到什么问题或担心,他住在那儿有一段时间了,显得很快乐。”Ann还住在Streatham,海伍德成长的老家。







家园 重庆模式对“广东模式”,一个天上一个地下



作者: 希伯(燕.州.彩.莓) [201141:1477], 10:34:25 08/31/2012:

- 论剑谈棋 豪杰尽聚 - 华岳论坛 - http://washeng.net/


首先是经济发展减速,“鸟儿”病死饿死出逃的是很多,但鸟粪满笼,根本没见什么“高级鸟”换进来。国有就不提了,民营经济和引进外资也都乏力。据我所知,很多在东莞的外资加工企业纷纷到越南建厂。这个影响力等到两年后新厂形成规模生产能力,就会显现。 ...华岳论坛 - "http://washeng.net"

其次,是广东各种社会矛盾激化,治安恶化(东莞又是个好例子),恶性案件和群体事件层出不穷。“杀开一条血路”没有看到,倒是看到乌坎村的薛锦波暴死牢中。看看汪洋在卸任之际对乌坎村事件的处理,最多时动用到几千武警。围村,封路,诱捕,拘押,抢尸,禁媒,封网,等等等等,不一而足。前前后后折腾了整整三个月,最后不得不收回成命,再抛出一个村官当了替罪羊。问题是一个村官,不管他贪了多少钱,他能调动几千武警吗?他能让全国媒体噤声三个月吗?骗傻子呢?再看看薄熙来,初到重庆面对全市出租车司机闹事这个前任留下的“下马威”,亲自主持与司机代表的座谈会,电视直播,当场拍板,云淡风清,问题就解决了。不怕不识货,就怕货比货。比一比,真是一个天上一个地底。 ...华岳论坛 - "http://hua-yue.net"

最后,广东这几年寅吃卯粮,债留子孙。根据香港媒体报道,曾经“富可敌国”的东莞市,多镇已破产。全市近六成村收不抵支。樟木头镇年财政收入不足4.36亿,负债高达23亿,常平镇政府年收入不足10亿,负债22亿。石排镇年收3亿元,但负债高达31亿元。 ...华岳论坛 - "http://washeng.net"



家园 呵呵!西方媒体狗嘴里吐不出好东西!

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