
主题:[转载]牛顿的水桶1687-2011(一:绝对的转动) -- witten1

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家园 这句话好象不准确。


家园 你应当往后面几节看


家园 这个磁力是对所有物体都有作用吗?


家园 是的,对有自旋的物体

任何有自旋角动量的物体,Gravity Probe B 的水晶陀螺,月球,中子,都会受到磁引力的影响。

如果将中子视为有自旋的测试粒子(test particle),就是说忽略中子自身质量和自旋对引力场的贡献,那么它在背景引力场中的测地线运动在广义相对论的理论框架中是“不难”计算的。描述这种运动的方程叫Papapetrou-Dixon方程。原则上说,把与自旋和磁引力有关的项从方程中分离出来,你就可以看到二者是如何相互作用的。 Gravity Probe B 的陀螺运动应该就是这么算的。




家园 超导磁屏蔽



不过最后问题好像还是出在磁屏蔽系统。下面一段来自 Clifford Will 的 “Finally, results from Gravity Probe B”。

What ensued during the data analysis phase was worthy of a detective novel. The critical clue came from the calibration tests. Here, they took advantage of residual trapped magnetic flux on the gyroscope. (The designers used superconducting lead shielding to suppress stray fields before they cooled the niobium coated gyroscopes, but no shielding is ever perfect.) This flux adds a periodic modulation to the SQUID output, which the team used to figure out the phase and polhode angle of each rotor throughout the mission. This helped them to figure out that interactions between random patches of electrostatic potential fixed to the surface of each rotor, and similar patches on the inner surface of its spherical housing, were causing the extraneous torques. In principle, the rolling spacecraft should have suppressed these effects, but they were larger than expected. The patch interactions also accounted for the “jumps”: they occurred whenever a gyro’s slowly decreasing polhode period crossed an integer multiple of the spacecraft roll period. What looked like a jump of the spin direction was actually a spiraling path—known to navigators as a loxodrome. The team was able to account for all these effects in a parameterized model.

家园 不太明白如何超导磁屏蔽,但觉得磁场不是那么容易屏蔽的.

另外可以影响这个水晶球的因素太多了,设备附近的电线,空中的电磁信号,如果研究人员带个手机都有可能对其产生影响.即使他外面再套一层超导壳,电场和磁场还是会影响外层磁场的, 从而传导到那个水晶球上.

这个试验看着就是 mission impossible.因为它要求太精确了.

家园 看过新闻说到这几个水晶球。

看过新闻说到这几个水晶球, 俺感兴趣的是, 这东西怎么做出来的, 球面误差在40个原子以内? 在上世纪80年代做出来? 做这个球队技术已经超出了俺的知识范围。 呵呵。

家园 问个傻问题啊!


家园 整个地球看作一个水桶,呵呵
家园 送花成功。


家园 要是水分子不具备粘性,那么桶转动的时候,水面就是平的


家园 gr as "semi-Machian"

you would like this one


廣義相對論中的量子效應一一從幾何的觀點出發一一 - 中研院數學研究所

廣義相對論(GRI) 與(GRII) 是一

種半馬赫(semi-Machian) 的理論,

w3.math.sinica.edu.tw/math_media/.../23202.pdf - 转为简体网页 - Translate this page

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

廣義相對論中的量子效應. 一一從幾何的觀點出發一一. 吳志揚. 在這篇短文中, 我們將試著從微分幾何. 的觀點出發來探討廣義相對論中的量子效應。

家园 gr imperfect world?

I guess 愛因斯坦 would think sr as too perfect (no gravity?), a free particle plain wave, no interaction with 馬赫's world for ever?

then in a more realistic (reality,not sr) and impect world, there is no perfect global gauge

家园 太光滑


家园 riemann流形

Riemann几何是具有二次型度量的微分流形, an another perfect world assumption, but as a "gauge model" it is ok?

in that sense:

QFT: everybody is a smart man, no money to make;

conventional thermodynamic systems: everybody is a stupid man, no money to make;

in between, kind of where we are now:

"non sr macro qm": a lot of money to be made and lost between stupid neuron/离子 "heat" driven brain mass and "s-cat" based groups like wh, ws, sv, and tg?

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