
主题:真的是有点丧气的感觉,刚刚看到的新闻是 -- 完颜陈和尚

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家园 真的是有点丧气的感觉,刚刚看到的新闻是

Pentax 又被卖掉了。Hoya 把 Pentax 卖给 Ricoh 了。几年前我本来对宾德还是很有信心的,不然当初也不会买它的单反。可现在的形势似乎有点那个,套用某些翻译词句的话,就是:谨慎乐观。

Friday, 1 July 2011 09:21 GMT

Hoya has sold the Pentax camera division to Ricoh. The Pentax Imaging Systems Division will be spun-out as a new company and its shares transfered to Ricoh on October 1st. The deal will also include the Pentax camera manufacturing subsidiary in Vietnam. A public announcement from Hoya explains that Ricoh is looking to build a consumer cameras business and wanted Pentax's interchangeable lens camera technology, lens technology and sales channels. Its plans for the business specifically include the interchangeable lens camera market. Hoya will retain the other Pentax businesses, such as medical devices, that it gained in its 2007 takeover. Terms of the deal were not disclosed but Japanese business paper Nikkei Business Daily reports a price of about 10 billion yen ($124.2 million).

家园 大 胖 子 沙 发
家园 反正Hoya对PENTAX相机从来也不感兴趣;


Pentax Imaging Systems Division will be spun-out as a new company.

PENTAX变成Ricoh属下的一个公司后,Ricoh是100%的股东,Ricoh想要的就是PENTAX的相机 business。听起来应该是好事,但是也难预见将来是否会事与愿违。 我今天无缘无故地老是在琢磨:买的这么便宜!为什么没有中国公司把PENTAX买下来呢?有了中国的市场,PENTAX还愁不能坐大?

家园 我想中国的相关企业应该问过了,但人家不想让给你,可以



家园 大胖子,你发帖花的那些铢钱是哪里来的?


家园 那是你手气不好


家园 中国公司有志气,买下京瓷的相机部门。CONTAX品牌


BTW, 哈苏好像也换东家了

家园 当年的老大现在被别人像皮球一样踢。


家园 都是你的错,暂住,暂住。你怎么不用长驻商或赞助商。
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